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Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

Favorite past time of muslims rulers, break temples and construct mosques on top of them, I guesss thats what they have learnt in their studies. (latest is Bamiyan buddha statue)
Its time to reverse that now throughout India not just with Babri masjid.

Please refrain from religious fanatism. Not good for anyone.
Impartial ? indeed

Yeah, IMPARTIAL, all uppercase. Read this:

Gist of findings by the Hon SU Khan:

5. That for a very long time till the construction of the mosque it was treated/believed by
Hindus that some where in a very large area of which premises in dispute is a very small part birth
place of Lord Ram was situated, however, the belief did not relate to any specified small area
within that bigger area specifically the premises in dispute.
6. That after some time of construction of the mosque Hindus started identifying the premises
in dispute as exact birth place of Lord Ram or a place wherein exact birth place was situated.
7. That much before 1855 Ram Chabutra and Seeta Rasoi had come into existence and
Hindus were worshipping in the same. It was very very unique and absolutely unprecedented
situation that in side the boundary wall and compound of the mosque Hindu religious places were
there which were actually being worshipped along with offerings of Namaz by Muslims in the
8. That in view of the above gist of the finding at serial no.7 both the parties Muslims as well
as Hindus are held to be in joint possession of the entire premises in dispute.
9. That even though for the sake of convenience both the parties i.e. Muslims and Hindus
were using and occupying different portions of the premises in dispute still it did not amount to
formal partition and both continued to be in joint possession of the entire premises in dispute.
10. That both the parties have failed to prove commencement of their title hence by virtue of
Section 110 Evidence Act both are held to be joint title holders on the basis of joint possession.

Now where are those bigoted Pakistani posters who were spreading rumours earlier stating that the judgement is 2-1 and that the Muslim was the dissenting one? Very typical conspiracy theories! What more can one expect?
If someone did this to your house or your place of worship, would you rejoice? Or is your standard for muslim indians such that you require them to "rejoice" in the injustice being handed out to them, while you expect nothing but unfair dividends to accrue to the perpetrators of this crime.

I will rejoice actually if I had stolen some land from the rightful owner , destroyed his home and built a new one for me there and then the court gives 1/3 of his land to me.

I understand, but My curiousity is that its actually the first time I am hearing any thing about them being related to the Babri dispute. Does any one have any ideas on how did they get involved in it.

Actually I am also hearing for the first time Jains are also party to the dispute. lol
Originally Posted by democracyspeaks
Favorite past time of muslims rulers, break temples and construct mosques on top of them, I guesss thats what they have learnt in their studies. (latest is Bamiyan buddha statue)
Its time to reverse that now throughout India not just with Babri masjid.

dont agree with the above comment
Highlighting some important parts
Originally Posted by Anonymous_Clown

5. That for a very long time till the construction of the mosque it was treated/believed by
Hindus that some where in a very large area of which premises in dispute is a very small part birth

place of Lord Ram was situated, however, the belief did not relate to any specified small area
within that bigger area specifically the premises in dispute.
6. That after some time of construction of the mosque Hindus started identifying the premises
in dispute as exact birth place of Lord Ram or a place wherein exact birth place was situated.
7. That much before 1855 Ram Chabutra and Seeta Rasoi had come into existence and
Hindus were worshipping in the same. It was very very unique and absolutely unprecedented
situation that in side the boundary wall and compound of the mosque Hindu religious places were
there which were actually being worshipped along with offerings of Namaz by Muslims in the

8. That in view of the above gist of the finding at serial no.7 both the parties Muslims as well
as Hindus are held to be in joint possession of the entire premises in dispute.

9. That even though for the sake of convenience both the parties i.e. Muslims and Hindus
were using and occupying different portions of the premises in dispute still it did not amount to
formal partition and both continued to be in joint possession of the entire premises in dispute.
10. That both the parties have failed to prove commencement of their title hence by virtue of
Section 110 Evidence Act both are held to be joint title holders on the basis of joint possession.

A balanced verdict
Ayodhya verdict: Allahabad High Court says divide land in 3 ways

Lucknow: Sixty years after it first went to court, the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court has pronounced verdict on the Ayodhya title suit.

Senior advocate and BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad emerged from court today to say that the three-judge bench had ruled in a majority judgement 2:1, that one-third part of the disputed land should be given to the Sunni Waqf Board, one-third to the Nirmohi Akhara and one-third to the party for 'Ram Lalla'. Prasad represents one of the litigants.
read more at :
[url=http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/ayodhya-verdict-allahabad-high-court-says-divide-land-in-3-ways-56063]Ayodhya verdict: Allahabad High Court says divide land in 3 ways[/URL]

a perfectly amicable judgement has been passed.....
a masjid for the muslims brothers......
ram mandir for the hindu brothers....
i sincerely hope that politccal babus appreciate the need for harmony in the country and try not to for politisize this verdict....
again i am proud to be born in DEMOCRATIC INDIA.....

Originally Posted by democracyspeaks
Favorite past time of muslims rulers, break temples and construct mosques on top of them, I guesss thats what they have learnt in their studies. (latest is Bamiyan buddha statue)Its time to reverse that now throughout India not just with Babri masjid.

So you wana compare yourself with the Taliban?
BALANCED VERDICT????? hindus claim it is balanced verdict??


the disputed land went to hindus to build their mandir! end of story!
To the benefit of all members of PDF ..let me put whole episode in simple term...

- There are three parties put claim to the disputed land Ram Lala, Sunni Wakf board and Nirmohi Akahara
- There were tons of evidences submitted by all of the above listed parties
- More than thousand people appeared in court
- Archeological evidences were used
- You may be able to get copy of 10k+ pages verdict (including claims, evidences, courts verdict) from web site.

- All three judges accepted based on evidences produced that the main land belongs to Lord Ram
- Claims of Sunni Wakf board and Nirmohi Akahara were also proved and will have to share the land.
- Finally the land will be distributed in three parts ... how? to be confirmed
- Status quo will be maintained for next three months.
- All parties can challenge this verdict in supreme court with in three months.

Public opinion:
Every one including supreme bodies of Muslim, Hindus welcome the result and wants to burry this episode immediately so that no one can take political advantage of current situation.

Indeed very mature comments from citizen of India and religious bodies. We must welcome this. I expect all Pakistani friends to welcome this verdict also.

Ayodhya verdict: Allahabad High Court says divide land in 3 ways

Lucknow: Sixty years after it first went to court, the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court has pronounced verdict on the Ayodhya title suit.

Senior advocate and BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad emerged from court today to say that the three-judge bench had ruled in a majority judgement 2:1, that one-third part of the disputed land should be given to the Sunni Waqf Board, one-third to the Nirmohi Akhara and one-third to the party for 'Ram Lalla'. Prasad represents one of the litigants.
read more at :
[url=http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/ayodhya-verdict-allahabad-high-court-says-divide-land-in-3-ways-56063]Ayodhya verdict: Allahabad High Court says divide land in 3 ways[/URL]

a perfectly amicable judgement has been passed.....
a masjid for the muslims brothers......
ram mandir for the hindu brothers....
i sincerely hope that politccal babus appreciate the need for harmony in the country and try not to for politisize this verdict....
again i am proud to be born in DEMOCRATIC INDIA.....


if i'm not wrong u guys had 3 judges ... 1 muslim among them .. so the ruling went 2:1 ....... :pop:
BALANCED VERDICT????? hindus claim it is balanced verdict??


the disputed land went to hindus! end of story!

Read the judgement summary posted a few posts above, you bigot. It is established that all parties had a justified right to the land title. hence the land is divided into three parts. This is not Pakistan. Judgements are on the basis of merit, not religion.
To all Pakistani members:

Guys no need to poke our noses in such issues, this is purely related to Indian Muslims and since they are so happy in their country, we don't need to get worried.

Let them deal with it!
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