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Attack on Hamid Mir: Geo TV declares war on ISI

We have to give time for due process, whether we personally find it hopeless or not.

That may be a very good approach to deal with the issue.

I don't think so but lets wait :pop:
Banning geo news is not solution.. 5 million Fine is enough for irresponsible reporting.
They make more then that in 2 hours ... and yes Banning them is the solution , it will serve as example to those who think that Media has the right to say whatever they want . IF you did a Crime then you shall be punished simple as that .
They make more then that in 2 hours ... and yes Banning them is the solution , it will serve as example to those who think that Media has the right to say whatever they want . IF you did a Crime then you shall be punished simple as that .
We need liberal/secular people in media.. Otherwise nobody will speak against Taliban... Ban is not in the interest of Pakistan..
While i agree that fine geo and give punishment to editorial team..
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We need liberal/secular people in media.. Otherwise nobody will speak against Taliban... Ban is not in the interest of Pakistan..
While i agree that fine geo and give punishment to editorial team..
Speaking against Taliban is no excuse.. Pakistan has more then 20 Channels all speak against Taliban .. you need to make an example out of powerful people so others know that they will be put under the blade if they break the law .

They are not under the wrath of public because the spoke against Taliban they are because they spoke against the people fighting against Taliban .

If you dont punish the culprit then others will not follow the law as well .
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We need liberal/secular people in media.. Otherwise nobody will speak against Taliban... Ban is not in the interest of Pakistan..
While i agree that fine geo and give punishment to editorial team..

They're many liberals who speaks against Taliban but none of them insulted PA/ISI. They need to be punished so the others will not follow them.
I don't believe if ISI targets a traitor like him and he could survive ... So it's definetly not them as they are the best in the world ... They don't miss their targets ...........
They were asked to miss their target on purpose. They didn't want Hamid Mir to become a martyr.

But hey, did the ISI do it? Or was it just a personal feud over finances or a property dispute??
Quite the Contrary, Most dont like me because I openly say things which people would or I should say" Put it delicately" I don't. What's in my mind I say it.

Hardly, your usage of personal attacks to skirt around issues contributes little, if anything, to reasoned discussion.

This is tribal area of Bajaur, which was once hot bed of Khawarij and Pak army recovered it back for the nation and people. Here, a massive demonstration was held against geo and Hamid Mir. A solid slap on the face of Geo. May Allah bless all those Pakistanis who are making a stand against these snakes. We stand with Pak army and ISI. NO compromise here.

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