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It is, but 1400 years is a long time.

In all those centuries people didn`t even know about Iran`s pre-Islamic history. The common man could not read nor write and all historical sites were under tens of meters of mud waiting to be re-discovered by foreigners from far away lands in the 20th century. After the 1920's, for the first time in 14 centuries, people finally began waking up. For the first time they could read about the truth and their past. Millions of Iranians today have woken up. Millions more will wake up before me and you die. But it will take centuries before the process is complete. It took 14 centuries for us to almost lose it all. It won't be fixed overnight.

I know for sure that in 2-3 centuries Iran will be a very different place from what it is now. The common man in a developing country doesn't have the same luxuries we do and they usually don't grow intellectually during their life time. With each new generation though things will look better and better. unfortunately we won't be alive to see it.

And for the naysayers, please read about Iranian society during the Qajar dynasty (1800's) and see how far we've grown as a society and people. Even under this theocracy we're head and shoulders above that time period. Heck, even compared to the generation that lived during the Pahlavi reign (my parent's generation) we're much more advanced intellectually.

That is sad to hear bro. You seemed to be more positive of change earlier.

I do not think we Parsis will live that long as a community. Definitely not in India.

Granted there are many Zoroastrians even today in Iran. And the faith will survive.

But all the ancient texts and atash padshahs are here in India with us.

Those will have to be handed over before there is no one left to take care of them.

For that a bare minimum of a secular Iran would need to be in place.

Otherwise your Persian mullas will probably destroy what the Arabs could not.

The other alternative (being considered seriously in the community today as our number dwindle in India) is to shift 2 of the 5 atash padshahs to LA.

But that is understandably not going down well with most of us.
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I Am Albanian , British Citizen and Live Dubai.

I like get by Car Back to Albania forwarding to Iran - Turkey -Greece...

Can any Iran help me with some info about haw to go from Dubai to Iran by Ferry and what i need ...I love see Iran ,i hev there one of my friends Playing footy with Sepahan Xhevair Sukaj Albanian.

I need to know from maybe some all ready done this way from Dubai to Iran or Iran to Dubai.

Thanks to all.
love see Iran ,i hev there one of my friends Playing footy with Sepahan Xhevair Sukaj Albanian.

Sukaj is a good player :D I haven't been watching Iran league this year but last year he done very well. Played in Asian Champions League as well.

Can any Iran help me with some info about haw to go from Dubai to Iran by Ferry and what i need

You will need visa to come to Iran. Go to Iranian consulate in Dubai. You can catch a ferry from Dubai to Iran from Port Rashid.
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@shahin jan,

What can you tell me about Kish Island? I will be in Dubai next month...is Kish easily accessible by ferry? What is there to do on the island?
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@shahin jan,

What can you tell me about Kish Island? I will be in Dubai next month...is Kish easily accessible by ferry? What is there to do on the island?

Kish is a great place for Iranians living on the mainland, but it doesn't have much to offer to foreigners. You still have to deal with Islamic law, Iranian police, restrictions on dress and alcohol etc... If you have a female relative or friend then you can't go to the beach together if you both want to wear your swim suits (women can wear their bikini if they go to a female only beach). In the mixed area only men can wear their swim trunks and women can't.

For Iranians it's a quiet place to relax away from the mainland traffic, pollution etc... Generally the atmosphere is more relaxed and the place is more developed. But again, for foreigners there isn't much there thanks to all the Islamic laws.

I wouldn't waste my money if I were you. Foreigners usually go there while they're waiting for their UAE visas. Sometimes their visas expire so they go to Kish b/c everybody can enter without a visa and they just wait there till they can go back to UAE.

Don't get me wrong, it's a super nice place, but what's the point when you can't enjoy anything b/c of the Islamic laws? Afterall it's an island so you can't even sight see that much. The Islamic laws totally defeat the whole purpose and idea of the place.
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how do you get to marry a religious shia iranian girl?do they marry non iranians?

I saw a website.iranian govt.it was something official papers or something.you need registration if you are non iranian or something.
technically you only need to be a Muslim, there is no need to be Iranian but there are some problem to be answered first .
1 - the children won't get Iranian citizenship if the father is not Iranian so you need to do some paperwork at foreign ministry if I'm not wrong. (if the father is illegal immigrant then your children even can have problem enrolling in schools.)

2-if she is to religious she may ask you to become a shia (well i knew a guy who asked the girl to become a shia at the end of the negotiations ad the father of the bride throw him literary out of the house. if you ask me it served him right)

but well if she is not that much religious she may marry a heathen if she like him

why iran is threat for usa?
who said that , these are just elections nonsense to attract votes .
I would like to know how most iranian view Germans and Italians. And how you three personally view them.
Bro , honestly , we view those countries as the most friendly nations among EU countries .

if you want to see how we view them , why don't you visit Iran ? just buy the tickets and you'll be my guest here :D

we have the most positive views about those two countries .
Bro , honestly , we view those countries as the most friendly nations among EU countries .

if you want to see how we view them , why don't you visit Iran ? just buy the tickets and you'll be my guest here :D

we have the most positive views about those two countries .
This is why I love Iranians ^_^. Even when you just meet them they offer to show you around town and buy you a cup of tea.
Personally I have the same positive view of Iran, unclouded by what I see on T.V. I have never met a friendlier bunch.
This is why I love Iranians ^_^. Even when you just meet them they offer to show you around town and buy you a cup of tea.
Personally I have the same positive view of Iran, unclouded by what I see on T.V. I have never met a friendlier bunch.
Thats very kind of you . Same here . Don't let the Mainstream media cloud your judgement bro

Thanks for being understanding
For the Iranian members of this forum especially @Serpentine @haman10 and @SOHEIL
I would like to know how most iranian view Germans and Italians. And how you three personally view them.
Lived in Germany for 4 years and Canada 12 now and England 4, I can say Germans are one of the best and I believe the public view them the same. From my point of view, honest, up to the point, hard working, understanding and reliable friends when you befriend them. From Iranian point of view, Germany is acquainted with quality and high standard. Also among the youth as high cultured and helpful. Goethe Institute has a lot in shaping that view with it s affordable and high quality German courses. Germany even in hard times never rejected Iranians for student Visas and those really thinking of changing their lives and want to experience the culture and the ingenuity and high education looked at it as an affordable place to study where DAAD would give you good chances of having a good educational time in the beautiful country. Free education (now 500 EUR per semester) and German embassies and cultural center keen interest in youth shaped a large portion of the society influential people on the way they look at Germany.
Worthy to say most of the MOD good employees who knew what they where doing had studied in Germany sent both at the Shah's era and Khomeini era. Germany also build the Parchin test QC test center and what people remember from any German contribution in Iran is the high quality of the workmanship and generosity associated with it.

All in all Iranians are loyal people and don't forget kindness, and all those I know and have experienced Germany always remain loyal to it and want to find opportunities to give back favor by industrial and commercial ties which is exactly the goal of German generosity towards other cultures.

Italy, are more known to be romantics and good freedom fighters whom would not tell a word to enemy if their hands are tied :) . Sloppy engineering and considered very much like Iranians from cultural aspects.
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what do iranians think about libya and gaddafi?
i read on wikipedia that gaddafi was 1 of the few arabs that stood by iran in iran-iraq war
but i had a chat with this one irani,he said that gaddafi sold old and obsolete missiles to iran during the war.
so kind of confused here
Lybia sold 8 Scuds to Iran which Martyr Tehrani Moghaddam was the man who received it. Tehrani Moghaddamsaved two of them for reverse engineering and managed to do that. Other than that the Lybian help was not significant but crucial! (mines, scuds and SAM and some eequipment ata high price). Also Ghaddafi was not liked as he was blamed for the death of Mousa Al Sadr a prominent Lebanese Shia figure but despite that his helps were crucial. Just after the war he supported Iran and asked Arab league to support Iran Against Saddam.
He also provided Iran with SAM batteries and naval mines and other equipment that Iran couldn't get elsewhere at the time. He hated Saddam and had a correct view on him despite his madness in my opinion. Hafez Assad also provided crucial help but Ghadafi was first to back Iran and later pressure Iran to end the war.

Anyway, what your friend says is not accurate. The tools he provided like the Scud and the naval mines were crucial in the time frame of the war and each helped to open a new episode in Iran-Iraq war which without it it might have been a different outcome. Of course he benefited a lot from it as well. His old equipment (which is a wrong phrase to use for a Scud or a mine) was sold at a high price + oil.
what do iranians think about libya and gaddafi?
i read on wikipedia that gaddafi was 1 of the few arabs that stood by iran in iran-iraq war
but i had a chat with this one irani,he said that gaddafi sold old and obsolete missiles to iran during the war.
so kind of confused here
Qazafi was a good guy [anti Imperialism] and that's why NATO / Saudiwahhabi alliance bombed him...

During Iran - Iraq (saddam) war he helped Iran while rabid American Saudis were helping lunatic saddam. Though his help was limited to some Russian rockets.




Some evidences say Imam Mosa Sadr became martyred when he had a meeting with qazafi in Libya.
@SALMAN AL-FARSI @Malik Alashter

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i have heard stuff about gaddafi here in pakistan that he did not believe in sectarian violence.

he once said that he was not sunni nor was he shia, he was just a muslim.

his position as "imam of all muslim" was not to grab power but to unite muslims.

the western governments appointed the saudi kings as leaders of muslims but here is muammar gaddafi showing king abdullah his place...

(( Saudi King Abdullah vs Gaddafi (with English subtitles) - YouTube )) - first encounter

(( Colonel Gaddafi owns Saudi King Abdullah! - YouTube )) - second encounter

i remember once reading a advise from him to muslims going for hajj... went something like "go through the hajj knowing that land as a place that produced islam and not a place that is called saudia."

here is a recent thread by a pakistani member ( Libya With Gaddafi ) that has a easy-to-understand vid about the comfortable life that gaddafi's revolution brought to libya post-1969, a country that before that ( under nato puppet king idris ) was the poorest in the world.

and he was a true internationalist leader, a world leader, thinking up solutions for various issues including kashmir and korea and supporting liberation/socialist movements all over the world... a small indication of that can be found in this speech made by him in the uno general assembly in 2009 ( Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations. September 23, 2009 (Full) - YouTube )... can any western leader make such a speech?? :)

and this "arab league" speech of him from 2008 ( Gaddafi speech:'America hanged Saddam and we might be next! (with English) - YouTube ) where he mentions not only palestine issue but also calls for friendship of gcc with iran... some other reality-checks in the speech.
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