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Ask your question about Iran

1. Are you in Iran?
2. How is the economic situation in Iran currently? E.g. Inflation, Unemployment and so on
3. How is healthcare in Iran for the average person?
4. How is access to electricity in Iran?
5. Where do you see Iran in 5-10 years time?
6. How do Iranians treat foreigners for all races?
7. Who do you think will win the next Iranian elections?

1) Ya !
2) not good , not bad :coffee:
3) Good , better than most of the countries
4) 99.9999999... % :moil:
5) a space power , better economy , ... , better life :pop:
6) nice :what: (what the hell is this question ???)
7) iranian people :coffee:
you mean hijab ? :coffee:

Yes u can take that one for example
I mean i have heard that i Iran if a woman has some affair with some other guy even if she is a widow then there r punishments like people through stones at her untill she dies n all but man aren't punished much...
Plus the they need to be fully covered up i mean even ankles should not be visible

I m a bit confused here as to whether its Iran or Saudi or both???:undecided:
There are similar threads about most countries in this forum,so I made one about Iran.
Ask your questions and I try to answer them as best as I can.Also I ask other Iranians members to help.:)

Why you Iranians look down upon Pakistanis?
Why there is so much racism against hazaras of Afghanistan in Iran?
Pakistani beggars in iran , Harms our view about Pakistan :undecided:

Why pakistanis need to go to iran for begging.....any one who have been to iran would tell you that there is large scale unemployment, inflation and negativity among youth in iran.......believe me our pakistan is still 100 times better than u.....iraq-iran war and mullahs have destroyed ur country
I know its not important.

I still believe you! :cheers:

Soheil I always wanted to ask. Are you a practicing Muslim?

What about PGK?

thanks again :wub:

Me ! Ya :whistle: ! but it doesn't mean i am a Hard core person :drag:

i am living like an american (& better) but no alcohol , no Cigarette , no unnormal $ex , ... :angel:

& about PGK ! he is Zoroastrian !

you can ask himself about other things :partay:
can anybody plz elaborate how Iran is different from Wahabisim ???

I thought Wahabi was all about Islamic Sharia law, hijab, death punishment for small crimes, etc...:undecided:
Why pakistanis need to go to iran for begging.....any one who have been to iran would tell you that there is large scale unemployment, inflation and negativity among youth in iran.......believe me our pakistan is still 100 times better than u.....iraq-iran war and mullahs have destroyed ur country

Are you really saying Pakistan outperforms Iran economically? LOL

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