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Ask your question about Iran

Iran is India's next door neighbour, but Indians know so little about Iran and vis a vis. Why is that

Because we have Pakistan in the middle.

We land up looking at them as Muslim first. Because that's how it is in our part of the world.

And they look at us as Hindu. And are torn between ancient ties to India and their more recent links to the Muslim world.

A world where Pakistan comes lumped with it. Whatever their real feelings be on the Sunni-Shia divide.
What do iranians think of the palestine problem ? as a muslim-jew problem or as a arab-israeli problem ?
we mostly see it as Israeli-Muslim problem.though many here accuse Iran of using Palestine as an excuse or that it secretly has relations with Israel and U.S to expand its hegemony in Arab world.I think that's not fair if you ask a neutral guy.
What do u thnk about America as a country ..... If america further doesn't meddle in affairs of your country and tries to be friendly towards you what will be your view on that ......Will u cooperate with america on Afghanistan if things cool down ..... What do u think is more important Concept of Ummah or development of your country....the last question is not for trolling ...yeah one more..... would u place the question of palestine and israel above development of your country .... will ever there be peace between u and the arabs....
Most of Iranians don't have any problems with U.S as a country and see it as a great nation,the problem is its government.Of course,if they don't meddle in our affairs,don't demonize us,we will have good relations with them.Iran's leader himself has declared many times if U.S stops bullying Iran,we would have normal relations with them.Some people may say that it's Iran who is hostile to U.S,but this is not right.Yes we may challenge some of their interests in region,but it's U.S that chooses to be our enemy.I can explain further about that,but I think here is not a good place,we can discuss it in a new thread.

What do you think about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

What do you know about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

Do you still call us Atashparast or Moxrapasht or Gabr?

Can you living in Iran freely write about this or are your cyber waves monitored?

By "you" I mean you as a people.

Hell no!Iranians from every religious view respect Zoroastrians very very much since they see them tied to their ancient history.Most of Iranians,even those very religious Muslims,see Zoroastrian as a monotheistic religion.No one has ever call them fire worshipers.that's what Arabs,and extremist Muslims call them,but you can ignore them since their opinion regarding this doesn't actually matter.I know some Zoroastrians,they are very very nice people.Though there may be some ultra nationalists among them who have some problems with Islam,but their number is very low,almost all of them respect Muslims,Christians and other beliefs,and Muslims also respect them very much.You can't find any Iranians fighting with each other over religion,even if there are disagreements.

do you have libral politcal party in iran and if no is there is a law forbid that ?
we don't have an absolute liberal party in Iran.At the beginning of revolution,there were many of them,but Khomeini opposed them because there was some negative and pessimistic view toward them those days which was a present from Shah's era.Reformists in Iran have semi-liberal views,while agreeing with rules of Islam,they want to improve democracy,human rights and freedom of speech more and more in Iran.It actually happened during Khatami's era,but he did make some mistakes that ruined most his good work.In next election,most probably,a semi-liberal reformist will be elected,they can cool down tensions both domestically and internationally.

What does Iran thinks about Kashmir
I explained in my former post,Iran is neutral on Kashmir issue.While some members,both from Indian and Pakistani side,accuse Iran for acting in favor of the other side,Iran actually has done nothing special in favor of one side since it needs good relations with both Pakistan and India.

Why many Iranians here have recved double thanks than posts??

Maybe because their posts mak sense more than others??:D
That's a hard question,you should ask the ones thanking our posts.:P

Would you send your jets to help Pakistan again against us as you have done in the past?

What is the mindset of the people with regard to India and Indians politically now?
That's not anything I can decide about.
I don't think so.During Shah's time,Iran didn't have a complete independent foreign policy and most of the times,it was heavily influenced by U.S.If you see Iran helped Pakistan in 1971 war,that was because U.S had asked it to do so.I think if a conflict starts today,Iran will stay neutral,because,as I mentioned,Iran needs both India and Pakistan as its friends,especially during this times that western countries put pressure on us.
یک جاسوس انگلیسی می گفت : " وقتی می شه که اطلاعات رو از روزنامه ها و اخبار به دست آورد ، چرا باید کار پیچیده ی اطلاعاتی کرد !؟ "

خواهشا هیچ اطلاعات درست و حسابی به کسی ندین ....

کلا من به منشا همین فروم هم مشکوکم ... چطور می شه که اینها برای بیش از ده کشور فروم درست کردند !؟
What do most Iranians think of the Shah? And how does that compare to the current Iranian leadership?
Are normal Iranians also hard core radical muslims or its just the regime?
i think Iranians have great faith in the Govt. n Supreme leader but do the feel that there r some unfair laws n rules for oppression of woman in Iran???
Since Iran is an muslim majority nation n most of its rules n regulations r inspired by muslim practices so do muslim laws r applicable on minorities as well???

N what kind of minorities does Iran have???
1. Are you in Iran?
2. How is the economic situation in Iran currently? E.g. Inflation, Unemployment and so on
3. How is healthcare in Iran for the average person?
4. How is access to electricity in Iran?
5. Where do you see Iran in 5-10 years time?
6. How do Iranians treat foreigners for all races?
7. Who do you think will win the next Iranian elections?
Are normal Iranians also hard core radical muslims or its just the regime?

Hard core radical muslims !!!

WTH is this ??? we are not wahhabi or salafi .

do you know anything about khamenei ? (not propaganda)

salafis & wahabis are damn !

they say : space technology is Haram :lol: !!!

so ... :meeting:

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