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Ask your question about Iran

Were is medes? And Why is Iran scraficing it's nation for Arabs?

If you mean medes as the empire,they were Iranian people who settled in western parts of Iran and their capital was Hegmatana,which today is the city of Hamedan.later,they ruled the greater Iran and established first major Iranian empire.Today's Azerbaijan's region of Iran was known as lesser Medes and western parts,including Kurdistan area,Hegmatana,Qazvin and Tehran provinces was called greater Medes.

About your second question,I think people have different opinion about that.I don't agree with you,Iran is not sacrificing itself for Arabs.Though I agree that Arab world is a mess and dealing with them is very hard,but they are a very important part of ME and we should learn how to deal with them very well,so both sides to have the benefits.They usually back stab you,.Not all of them of course,I have respects for many of them,I'm talking about those of them who have some nationalistic desires and those who use sectarian differences as an excuse to fight with us.
What do the Iranians think about India in general.What impression do they have in their mind about India?

I remember,I had asked the same question to the skipper of a ship of the Irano Hind Shipping Co. when I had boarded the ship while visiting..the discussion led from evening snacks to dinner..good times.
What do iranians think of the palestine problem ? as a muslim-jew problem or as a arab-israeli problem ?
What do u thnk about America as a country ..... If america further doesn't meddle in affairs of your country and tries to be friendly towards you what will be your view on that ......Will u cooperate with america on Afghanistan if things cool down ..... What do u think is more important Concept of Ummah or development of your country....the last question is not for trolling ...yeah one more..... would u place the question of palestine and israel above development of your country .... will ever there be peace between u and the arabs....
What do you think about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

What do you know about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

Do you still call us Atashparast or Moxrapasht or Gabr?

Can you living in Iran freely write about this or are your cyber waves monitored?

By "you" I mean you as a people.
do you have libral politcal party in iran and if no is there is a law forbid that ?
Would you send your jets to help Pakistan again against us as you have done in the past?

What is the mindset of the people with regard to India and Indians politically now?
What do the Iranians think about India in general.What impression do they have in their mind about India?

I remember,I had asked the same question to the skipper of a ship of the Irano Hind Shipping Co. when I had boarded the ship while visiting..the discussion led from evening snacks to dinner..good times.

Most of Iranians don't have anything negative about India and its people.Indian culture is well-known in here,you can see many people watching Indian movies (especially women),practicing Yoga and etc.our culture are close to each other,and in fact,you can see many Iranian elements in India.From influence on language,to people,historical sites and architecture.Especially Taj Mahal is very well known since Shah Jahan built it for his Iranian empress.They travel to India for vacation.also among other countries,Iran wishes the most that Pakistan-India conflict ends peacefully and that serves our interests the most.Iran has tried to stay neutral on Pakistan-India issue since it has good relations with both countries and both of them have the same value to us.
Era why were you banned? You are usually so balanced in your views.
I don't really like to talk about it,but most Mods here act very one-sided.When other members insult Iranians or their beliefs,they barely get banned,but if an Iranian insults back,he quickly gets banned.I didn't insult anyone though,I think it was a misunderstanding.
I liked the way iranians treated british sailors.
Poor sailors, they were thought to hate iranians confused by the fact that iranians treating them good.

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