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Ashraf Ghani's Bodyguard Assassinated

His first name qiam is very rarely used by pashtuns, his surname maqsoodi points to farsi. Ull never see a pashtun with that surname.
There are many differences between Pakistani Pashtuns,those who are living in areas bordering Pakistan and those who are living in Tajik majority areas.
The thing with these Afghanistanis is that they make every afghanistani as pashtun. That is not true, pashtuns are only around 40℅. This guy name shows clearly he is not pashtun, then why the afghan govt propaganda of calling every dead as brave pashtun? Everyone knows taliban are pashtuns.

Pashtuns are at least 50% of Afghan population. You'll find Pashtuns everywhere in Afghanistan. I am myself from the north of Afghanistan. A proper census has never taken place in Afghanistan so can't give exact numbers. In the elections Ashraf Ghani got 50% of the votes. Now ignore the facts the election was rigged. Mostly Pashtuns would have voted for him and you have to remember that large pashtuns areas are under Taliban control so they couldn't vote and Pashtun women also don't vote as Pashtuns are the most concervative people. Imagine if all Pashtuns could vote, men and women. The number will be even higher.
BTW that bodygaurd is Pashtun. Pashtuns can have such surnames. Heard of singer Mahjabeen Qizilbash? Qizilbash is a turkish tribe so why does a Pashtin have such a surname? There are many Pashtuns who are assimilated Pashtuns and their ancestors are from somewhere else. There are many urban Pashtuns who have such surnames.
I believe it's wake up call for ghani that either make peace with the Taliban or you are next in line.
Pashtuns are at least 50% of Afghan population. You'll find Pashtuns everywhere in Afghanistan. I am myself from the north of Afghanistan. A proper census has never taken place in Afghanistan so can't give exact numbers. In the elections Ashraf Ghani got 50% of the votes. Now ignore the facts the election was rigged. Mostly Pashtuns would have voted for him and you have to remember that large pashtuns areas are under Taliban control so they couldn't vote and Pashtun women also don't vote as Pashtuns are the most concervative people. Imagine if all Pashtuns could vote, men and women. The number will be even higher.
BTW that bodygaurd is Pashtun. Pashtuns can have such surnames. Heard of singer Mahjabeen Qizilbash? Qizilbash is a turkish tribe so why does a Pashtin have such a surname? There are many Pashtuns who are assimilated Pashtuns and their ancestors are from somewhere else. There are many urban Pashtuns who have such surnames.

Qazalbash are not pashtun, who told u they are pashtuns? Yes there are mix pashtuns but they are really not considered pashtuns. This goes for northern Afghanistan and ppl of kabul. Just speaking pashto does not make one pashtun. Even the pure syed, descendants of the Prophet SAW living in pashtuns are not considered pashtuns.
Qazalbash are not pashtun, who told u they are pashtuns? Yes there are mix pashtuns but they are really not considered pashtuns. This goes for northern Afghanistan and ppl of kabul. Just speaking pashto does not make one pashtun. Even the pure syed, descendants of the Prophet SAW living in pashtuns are not considered pashtuns.

That's what I said that Qizilbash are a Turkish surname and some Pashtuns have such surnames which show their foreign origin. Even the surname "Khan" is non Pashtun and has Mongol origins but alot of Pashtuns use it.

Lol, not everyone in northern Afghanistan is mixed. As a Pashtun you should know that Pashtuns stick to their own tribe so intermarriages with outsiders are rare. The only Pashtuns who have lost their language and can't be considered Pashtuns are some Herati and Kabuli Pashtuns who have adopted Farsi even though they are Pashtuns by origin. Similar to Niazis of Punjab like Imran Khan.

If you belong to one of the Pashtun tribe and Pashto is your first language, then you are Pashtun regardless of where you live. Pashtuns are recognized by their tribe, not geographical location.

Most of thise Syeds are actually fake who pretend to be the descendents of the prophet SAW to get special status. Some of these Syeds are Pashtuns and some are non Pashtun. They are mostly oppurtunists who want to get higher status due to their ao called lineage. It's a common fraud in the muslim world.
That's what I said that Qizilbash are a Turkish surname and some Pashtuns have such surnames which show their foreign origin. Even the surname "Khan" is non Pashtun and has Mongol origins but alot of Pashtuns use it.

Lol, not everyone in northern Afghanistan is mixed. As a Pashtun you should know that Pashtuns stick to their own tribe so intermarriages with outsiders are rare. The only Pashtuns who have lost their language and can't be considered Pashtuns are some Herati and Kabuli Pashtuns who have adopted Farsi even though they are Pashtuns by origin. Similar to Niazis of Punjab like Imran Khan.

If you belong to one of the Pashtun tribe and Pashto is your first language, then you are Pashtun regardless of where you live. Pashtuns are recognized by their tribe, not geographical location.

Most of thise Syeds are actually fake who pretend to be the descendents of the prophet SAW to get special status. Some of these Syeds are Pashtuns and some are non Pashtun. They are mostly oppurtunists who want to get higher status due to their ao called lineage. It's a common fraud in the muslim world.

Yes people use qazalbash but they are never considered pashtuns, though they speak pashto. Most of qazalbash in Peshawar are cakled shehri. I agree pashtuns are based on tribe, so most of surnames show tribe and there are many who speak pashto bit are not considered pashtun. Yes i never said all northern Afghanistan are non pashtun, there are alot of pashtuns spread across Afghanistan. But surname does give an idea, if ur oashtun ull also be able to differentiate between farsi names and pashto ones.
Syeds are mostly fake, that is why is said "genuine" syeds are non pashtuns, in my post. There are genuine syeds though, we also have descendants of arabs that settled here.
What I have heard he honey trapped and then killed. Previously he went to meet the lady in kabul but the last time the lady called him away from Kabul and they killed him. That is the gossip.
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Yes people use qazalbash but they are never considered pashtuns, though they speak pashto. Most of qazalbash in Peshawar are cakled shehri. I agree pashtuns are based on tribe, so most of surnames show tribe and there are many who speak pashto bit are not considered pashtun. Yes i never said all northern Afghanistan are non pashtun, there are alot of pashtuns spread across Afghanistan. But surname does give an idea, if ur oashtun ull also be able to differentiate between farsi names and pashto ones.
Syeds are mostly fake, that is why is said "genuine" syeds are non pashtuns, in my post. There are genuine syeds though, we also have descendants of arabs that settled here.

That's what I said that Qizilbash are a Turkish surname and some Pashtuns have such surnames which show their foreign origin. Even the surname "Khan" is non Pashtun and has Mongol origins but alot of Pashtuns use it.

Lol, not everyone in northern Afghanistan is mixed. As a Pashtun you should know that Pashtuns stick to their own tribe so intermarriages with outsiders are rare. The only Pashtuns who have lost their language and can't be considered Pashtuns are some Herati and Kabuli Pashtuns who have adopted Farsi even though they are Pashtuns by origin. Similar to Niazis of Punjab like Imran Khan.

If you belong to one of the Pashtun tribe and Pashto is your first language, then you are Pashtun regardless of where you live. Pashtuns are recognized by their tribe, not geographical location.

Most of thise Syeds are actually fake who pretend to be the descendents of the prophet SAW to get special status. Some of these Syeds are Pashtuns and some are non Pashtun. They are mostly oppurtunists who want to get higher status due to their ao called lineage. It's a common fraud in the muslim world.

I agree with you. One is Pakhtun or Pashtun by tribe, and that is the paternal side. Although, the maternal side has relevance. Dear brother, which Pashtun tribe are you from?
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I agree with you. One is Pakhtun or Pashtun by tribe, and that is the paternal side. Although, the maternal side has relevance. Dear brother, which Pashtun tribe are you from?

In modern times materialism has taken over n ppl dnt really care about origins and ethnicity but in past, real pashtuns were those who were pashtuns from both father and mother side. A pashtun from father side was acceptable but if father was not pashtun, they r not considered pashtuns even today. I myself belong to yousafzai tribe, the largest pashtun tribe. Originally migrated to current day dir swat malakand from kabul in late 15th century.
In modern times materialism has taken over n ppl dnt really care about origins and ethnicity but in past, real pashtuns were those who were pashtuns from both father and mother side. A pashtun from father side was acceptable but if father was not pashtun, they r not considered pashtuns even today. I myself belong to yousafzai tribe, the largest pashtun tribe. Originally migrated to current day dir swat malakand from kabul in late 15th century.

Yousafzai tribe. Ma-sha Allah.

Thank you.

There are many differences between Pakistani Pashtuns,those who are living in areas bordering Pakistan and those who are living in Tajik majority areas.

His first name qiam is very rarely used by pashtuns, his surname maqsoodi points to farsi. Ull never see a pashtun with that surname.

Qiam or Qiyam is Arabic.
Maqsoodi is from Arabic maqsood.
However, some Afghans do use the Maqsoodi form of name. It seems the Dari speakers.

However, some Pashtuns use the name "Gul", which is Persian.
That's what I said that Qizilbash are a Turkish surname and some Pashtuns have such surnames which show their foreign origin. Even the surname "Khan" is non Pashtun and has Mongol origins but alot of Pashtuns use it.

Lol, not everyone in northern Afghanistan is mixed. As a Pashtun you should know that Pashtuns stick to their own tribe so intermarriages with outsiders are rare. The only Pashtuns who have lost their language and can't be considered Pashtuns are some Herati and Kabuli Pashtuns who have adopted Farsi even though they are Pashtuns by origin. Similar to Niazis of Punjab like Imran Khan.

If you belong to one of the Pashtun tribe and Pashto is your first language, then you are Pashtun regardless of where you live. Pashtuns are recognized by their tribe, not geographical location.

Most of thise Syeds are actually fake who pretend to be the descendents of the prophet SAW to get special status. Some of these Syeds are Pashtuns and some are non Pashtun. They are mostly oppurtunists who want to get higher status due to their ao called lineage. It's a common fraud in the muslim world.

I am not sure to what extent this is true but I will relate to you of my experiences in Kandahar and Uruzgan province when I was a young child, heavily dominated Pashtun areas...

In Kandahar when we would go to the Hospital close to town, the hospital was owned by a farsizaban, and we would play with their children, many of the staff their spoke Farsi between one another, the children of the hospital owner did not know a word of Pashto. The staff in that particular hospital as I recall would only speak Pashto with patients who first began speaking Pashto with them.

And this was also true in Uruzgan, except that the children with whom I played with I spoke Pashto with as there were village children, but the hospital staff whenever I would go with my father to bring my mother home would communicate in Farsi.

I assume this was because in Taliban times many doctors were from Kabul, and the Taliban had doctors and their families travel to different provinces in order to make do with lack of the hospital staff.

Later in Kandahar when my mother started her own Clinic, many of her patients were Farsi speakers. This however is from my experience, so I am only sharing my experiences...

Part of my family who were Tajik settled down in Kandahar and married local Pashtun women, the ones who remained in Kandahar now only speak Pashto whereas the ones who decided to move back to Kabul speak Farsi. I have also heard of similar stories of Pashtuns marrying Hazaras in south of Afghanistan, not sure if you are familiar.
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