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Are Bangladeshis and people of West Bengal the same race?

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No, Bangladeshis are descendants of Arabs, Turks etc.....at least that's what they claim...

Anyway, do you know why you have a Chowdhury as your last name??.....
Of course there will be some Afghan and Turkic blood in some people in Bangladesh. You don't get ruled for 6/7 centuries without receiving some admixture. Chowdhury is not my name. I chose my username after someone.

Come on, were all Muslims low caste converts? Surely, there would have been some converts from the higher castes as well.
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What difference does it make if you are a low caste convert or higher caste convert, you're a Muslim now, and Muslims don't have castes......they have sects though.....
Anyway, caste system is abolished in India long ago.....so, whichever way you think, it doesn't matter now.......
Still if you suffer from identity crisis.....you should stick to the fact that you're a Bangladeshi....
I don't know but maybe I am trying to somehow justify ending our relationship with West Bengal once and for all.
Ending relationship now?.....LOL......the relationship between the two Banglas ended during partition.....
So, stick to the fact that you're a Bangladeshi and be proud of your country........and yes, most of the Muslims of the subcontinent are converts(from higher or lower castes.....doesn't matter).
I want Bangladesh to build a fence around the country so no one can violate our borders. I want us to move ahead into the future and remove any lingering hopes annexing WB at some point. We have decided to cultivate our own identity as Bangladeshis and we should therefore ensure every Bangladeshi remains within the confines of the country. There should be no interaction on the borders. Any Bangladeshis that have gone to West Bengal and other Indian states in recent years, forfeit their right to ever return. This of course does not include any that go to the West or the Middle East, just ones that leave for India to move there permanently. These ones should not have any right of return. We exist in a very precarious part of the world with Northeast India and Burma as neighbours. We should have a right to kill them if they try to come into our country.
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Even though I have an interest in genealogy we shouldn't fuss about genes and if we have 'Hindu blood' or 'Muslim blood'. Thas was the sole reason we became Muslim, to end the barbaric caste system, a system which brought inequality and hardship. And who cares about West Bengal? They are irrelevant. I'm sure they think the same.
Of course there will be some Afghan and Turkic blood in some people in Bangladesh. You don't get ruled for 6/7 centuries without receiving some admixture. Chowdhury is not my name. I chose my username after someone.

Come on, were all Muslims low caste converts? Surely, there would have been some converts from the higher castes as well.

well majority pakistanis are high caste converts. in india its mixture.
Of course there will be some Afghan and Turkic blood in some people in Bangladesh. You don't get ruled for 6/7 centuries without receiving some admixture. Chowdhury is not my name. I chose my username after someone.

Come on, were all Muslims low caste converts? Surely, there would have been some converts from the higher castes as well.

and why are you so insecure about caste system. Buddhist higher caste to lower caste hindus everyone converted
Most of East Bengal were Buddhist first then Hindu this is what I've read in the book 'The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier.
I don't know but maybe I am trying to somehow justify ending our relationship with West Bengal once and for all.

Dude, whether you are trying for justification or not, it doesn't matter. You have nothing to do with India and India don't even allow you w/o Passport. Who cares whether you are original or converted.
Even though I have an interest in genealogy we shouldn't fuss about genes and if we have 'Hindu blood' or 'Muslim blood'. Thas was the sole reason we became Muslim, to end the barbaric caste system, a system which brought inequality and hardship. And who cares about West Bengal? They are irrelevant. I'm sure they think the same.

Islam is fine but I think we should tone it down. From what I've gathered, societies that are too religious tend to be economically and intellectually less developed (unless they've struck lucky with natural resources, in which case they can still be affluent). We should close Madarasas so all kids receive a proper education from qualified educators, not mullahs. All Arabic lessons should be at the mosque after school or over the weekend. Madras do nothing but brainwash impressionable kids and set them for a life of backward thinking.

We should build an impenetrable border around our country so no one can enter/leave illegally. All travel and trade must be through official channels (air or sea) in and out of the country. We must be prepared to shoot-on-sight, particularly anyone trying to enter from Northeast India and Burma. .

Bangladesh is making strong progress. Let's show these West Bengalis up. They think we will forever remain backward without them.
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as hammerfist and iambengali outlived their usefulness in churning utter bs, another of same verity "Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury" popped up. I would request to check mod to do IP check on this new recruit.
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