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Don't listen to Farsi nonsense. Saw that other thread where you tagged me and I saw their nonsense. As you might know I never write in that section (madhouse) so I will reply here. Both of those users are anti-Arabs obsessed with Arabs. One turned out to be a Lur/Bakthiari (Farsi nomads) of all people, lol.

Sumerians were native to the Arab Near East. They either originated in Northern Mesopotamia (Samarra culture) or Eastern Arabia (Eastern Arabian littoral region that was part of the Arabian bifacial culture).

Sumer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Later Sumerians (approximately 4500 years ago) were totally absorbed by Semitic Akkadians who came from the Arabian Peninsula and Southern Levant originally and later Amorites and others which created the Sumer-Akkadian culture.

All is covered in this thread I made that has several references.

Arab, Semitic & Hamitic Empires and Ancient Kingdoms

We Arabs, non-Arabs, Semites and non-Semites native to the Arab Near East and Arab world are native peoples and closely related regardless of linguistic relations. All Arabs are closely related in the wider picture.

On the other hand Farsis have nothing (absolutely nothing) to do with Indo-European peoples in Europe for instance which they claim a connection to. In fact Arabs in North Africa, Levant, Near East, Hijaz have more genetic affinity to Southern Europe than Iranians. Much more. You can read genetic studies about that. In terms of history and geography it makes sense too. That connection between the Arab world and neighboring Southern Europe mostly happened due to the Neolithic migrations that spread farming into Balkans and later the remaining Europe. Later Phoenicians spread ME genes and then Arabs/Berbers in places like the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), Sicily, Crete, Southern Italy, Cyprus etc.

Back to the Sumerians. The Sumerians considered nearby Dilmun in Eastern Arabia to be holy land and their place of origin which is also written in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also the people that can claim the most ancestral ties to the ancient Sumerians are the Marsh Arabs who live in the marshes of Southern Iraq. Many of their cultural practices are similar to those described among the Sumerians.

Their genetics have been tested and they cluster most with people from the nearby Arabian Peninsula thus supporting the theory of them originating from nearby Eastern Arabia or at least the immediate region.

You can read the genetic study in detail here below.

BMC Evolutionary Biology | Full text | In search of the genetic footprints of Sumerians: a survey of Y-chromosome and mtDNA variation in the Marsh Arabs of Iraq.

Farsis have no ties to any Semitic or non-Semitic civilization native to the Arab Near East/Arabian Peninsula/Arab world. The only region of Iran that has any historical and genetic ties to us is Southwestern Iran which for most of its history belonged to the Mesopotamian cultural sphere and which today is inhabited by 1.5 million Iranian Arabs. A Farsi from Zahedan, Tehran, Shiraz, Esfehan, Qom or Mashhad has little do with that if anything.

Which DNA confirms.


Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haplogroup J-P209 is the most dominant haplogroup in the Arab Near East (especially) and Arab world and it originates on the Arabian Peninsula like most haplogroups found in the MENA region. This is also logical as the Arabian Peninsula is the longest inhabited place in the region. In fact only Africa has been inhabited longer by humans.

You can see this illustrated here below:

Foreigners, in this case Farsis, should not really teach us about our history and should stick to claiming kinship with Germans. :lol: Also Farsi, despite being full of Arabic/Semitic words and using Semitic languages and alphabets since like forever (Phoenician alphabet, Aramaic to current Perso-Arabic) was never considered an Semitic let alone an Afro-Asiatic language by any serious linguists. Besides the only reason why Farsis speak an Indo-Iranian language is because of migrations of dominating nomads from Andronovo who imposed their language on the local populations. They were always in the minority though and those nomads of Andronovo were neither Europeans. The native Elamites for instance spoke an language isolate and had 1000 times more in common with NEARBY civilizations in the Arab world whether Sumer (Southern Iraq and Kuwait), Dilmun (Eastern Arabia), Magan (Oman) etc.

Andronovo culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I rest my case but the problem is that there are too many uneducated trolls here that want their barking to be heard and who are obsessed with Arabs and our native civilizations.

As you saw yourself one of those Farsi trolls is claiming that Prophet Ibrahim (as) was an Farsi (lol) and that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was that too. Next claim will be that King Sargon the Great was from Qom or Mashhad originally which did not even exist back then. Or Queen of Sheba. The list is endless.:lol:


@mods there is no trolling in this post at all but factual facts that anyone can google. Read the post yourselves.
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Arabs. we are experts in killing ourselves.
Asad is just one exemple of such old time dictator kind that has no respect for lives and freedom.
sadly there is no such alternative now in Syria, that's why nobody wants real action there.
I didn't mean such thing, I was angry at their posts.
Are you an Arab?

Turks are fighting IS and it is good . but i don't think they can /want to do more than this .
I don't know.
I didn't know that this thread existed lol. I normally don't venture out of the Middle East and North Africa forum :lol:

This thread will be a failure though because Arabs never argue about anything since they're rarely passionate about any subjects ;):D


We better hope they don't find us out :ph34r:

Brother, Arabs are one of the most passionate people on the planet and are eager to discuss anything. The thousands of coffee shops across the Arab world from Casablanca to Muscat are a witness of this each single day. Just look at many Arab forums. From military forums to the most obscure forums. Booming with life. Just like the Arab streets. Not even wars or conflicts can stop us.


Please ignore the complete and utter nonsense this 2800 Arab-obsessed Farsi clown is writing. He has HUGE inferiority complexes and cannot accept that what is now Arabs descend from the most ancient civilizations on the planet that are NATIVE to the Arab world and that we are a mixture of indigenous peoples, mostly Semitic peoples.

Semites originate from Arabia. This is their homeland!

The Arabian peninsula has long been accepted as the original Urheimat of the Semitic languages by a majority of scholars.[24][25][26][27]

  1. Gray, Louis Herbert (2006) Introduction to Semitic Comparative Linguistics
  2. Jump up^ Courtenay, James John (2009) The Language of Palestine and Adjacent Regions
  3. Jump up^ Kienast, Burkhart. (2001). Historische semitische Sprachwissenschaft.
  4. Jump up^ Bromiley, Geoffrey W. (1995) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
The Arabian Peninsula has some of the oldest civilizations on the planet and a glorious ancient history. Only Eastern and Southern Africa has been inhabited longer by people! Iran was a wasteland when people lived in Arabia!

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See post 47 in this thread, Salman.

@Full Moon I have no access to that crappy Mullah infested section. You should counter the lunatic whenever he posts nonsense. You did well @SALMAN AL-FARSI but you should have been much more harsh and precise and told him that he is writing absolute nonsense that has nothing to do with history unlike common known facts and what I wrote in post 47.

Arabs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@2800 you Arab-obessed Farsi lunatic. You will never be able to change history no matter how much you bark and how much historical lies and nonsense you write.

Also Mesopotamia was and is fully Semitic and Arab land. Nothing to do with Farsis or Iran! Do you understand this? Elamites had nothing to do with Farsis either. They were not an Iranian peoples!

The cradle of civilization is the Arab world and in the Arab world (especially Arab/Semitic Near East) the oldest civilizations and towns are found. The whole world knows this!

Stop writing nonsense about the 450 million Arabs 24/7 or you will be asking for trouble. You are warned.

Well he don't want to understand when I response to him

He said a lot of nonsense about arabs came from Somalia and Yemen from 1600 years ago

Also I explained to him that the arabs at first were not pagan it was brought by this man
عمرو بن لحي - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Besides people of Yemen and Mecca and medina,khaybar,were not nomads arabs also have two major kingdoms ghassanids and lakhmids and the kingdom of meysan and kingdom of hamyir

Also arabs have four prophets be the prophet muhammad(PBUH)

@Saif al-Arab are you banned from iranian chill thread??
Well he don't want to understand when I response to him

He said a lot of nonsense about arabs came from Somalia and Yemen from 1600 years ago

Also I explained to him that the arabs at first were not pagan it was brought by this man
عمرو بن لحي - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Besides people of Yemen and Mecca and medina,khaybar,were not nomads arabs also have two major kingdoms ghassanids and lakhmids and the kingdom of meysan and kingdom of hamyir

Also arabs have four prophets be the prophet muhammad(PBUH)

Somalia.:rofl::crazy: Why not Afghanistan too? Or Papua New Guinea?:rofl:

Actually some Arab tribes live in Somalia but they have intermarried with locals for over 1300 years now so only a very tiny minority can pass as Arabs judging by look. Also Semites from Southern Arabia migrated to Horn of Africa 3500 years ago and spread Semitic languages and intermarried with Hamitic speaking locals and gave rise to the most prominent civilizations of the Horn of Africa.

The troll is a lost cause. If you got the time brother please read my post 47 in this thread.

He does not understand that Arabs are indigenous people to what is today the Arab world (MENA region) and their ancestors consist of various Semitic and language-isolate peoples who once roamed in the Arab world and created the oldest civilizations on the planet. It's this simple which linguistics (Afro-Asiatic, mostly Semitic languages), history and genetics also confirm.

Arabs 3000 years ago when they were first described in written records (same time as Persians appeared and Jews appeared a bit before both) by their fellow Semitic Assyrian neighbors lived in what is today Northern Arabia, Eastern Syria and Western Iraq. More or less the region of the Syrian desert. They probably came from the Arabian Peninsula or Southern Levant originally like all Semitic peoples originally. They themselves were a mixture of various Semitic/Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) and language-isolate + some Indo-European speaking peoples.

Arabs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What matters here is that the people we identify as Arabs today (from Morocco to Oman) are native peoples to the Arab world/MENA and are a mixture of various INDIGENOUS Semitic, Hamitic and language-isolate peoples. History, genetics, linguistics and geography confirm all this.


Regarding the Arabian Peninsula and it's peoples then it is the longest inhabited area on the planet outside of Eastern Africa and Southern Africa.

Science has proven this already. See this below.

Genetic Research « TranspacificProject.com

The Arabian Peninsula was inhabited by humans for 1000's of years when no humans lived in what is today Iran.

See these two articles as well @SALMAN AL-FARSI

Green desert: lush grasslands of Arabia helped early man make leap out of Africa | The National

Out of Arabia, the early journey of humanity | The National

This article is great too, concerns Iraq too.

Cooling a planet with Revegetation

This @2800 troll is obsessed with Arabs and his types are exactly why some Arabs do not like Iranians. He wants Arabs to like Iran and Persians but this behavior is not helping his cause!
Well he don't want to understand when I response to him

He said a lot of nonsense about arabs came from Somalia and Yemen from 1600 years ago

Also I explained to him that the arabs at first were not pagan it was brought by this man
عمرو بن لحي - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Besides people of Yemen and Mecca and medina,khaybar,were not nomads arabs also have two major kingdoms ghassanids and lakhmids and the kingdom of meysan and kingdom of hamyir

Also arabs have four prophets be the prophet muhammad(PBUH)
Even accourding to this link arab people lived in south of Arabian peninsula and they have no connection with accint Egyptian, Syriac and Iraqi people.
Thamud,ʿ Ād, and Saba are 3 arab civilizations that have lived in south of Saudia. (Yemen)

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the settled communities developed into distinctive civilizations. Sources for these civilizations are not extensive, and are limited to archaeological evidence, accounts written outside of Arabia and Arab oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars. Among the most prominent civilizations were the Thamud which arose around 3000 BCE and lasted to about 300 CE and Dilmun which arose around the end of the fourth millennium and lasted to about 600 CE. Additionally, from the beginning of the first millennium BCE, Southern Arabia was the home to a number of kingdoms such as the Sabaeans and the coastal areas of Eastern Arabia were controlled by the Iranian Parthians and Sassanians from 300 BCE.



@Saif al-Arab are you banned from iranian chill thread??

I was banned by some moderator (I suspect @Irfan Baloch ) from the Iranian section although I have never written on that section and before on my previous user less than 10 times and I never trolled. I never told the moderators to unban me as I never write in that section anyway so I do not care. When I am not logged on I can see what the lunatic is writting hence why I commented on it here.

I would have schooled him and countered all his nonsense if I was not. I saw that you have tagged me many times but I cannot reply!

Even accourding to this link arab people lived in south of Arabian peninsula and they have no connection with with accint Egyptian and Syriac and Iraqis people.
Thamud,ʿĀd, and Saba are 3 arab civilizations that have lived in south of Saudia. (Yemen)

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the settled communities developed into distinctive civilizations. Sources for these civilizations are not extensive, and are limited to archaeological evidence, accounts written outside of Arabia and Arab oral traditions later recorded by Islamic scholars. Among the most prominent civilizations were the Thamud which arose around 3000 BCE and lasted to about 300 CE and Dilmun which arose around the end of the fourth millennium and lasted to about 600 CE. Additionally, from the beginning of the first millennium BCE, Southern Arabia was the home to a number of kingdoms such as the Sabaeans and the coastal areas of Eastern Arabia were controlled by the Iranian Parthians and Sassanians from 300 BCE.




Stop writing nonsense and read my factual reply to @SALMAN AL-FARSI

Somalia.:rofl::crazy: Why not Afghanistan too? Or Papua New Guinea?:rofl:

Actually some Arab tribes live in Somalia but they have intermarried with locals for over 1300 years now so only a very tiny minority can pass as Arabs judging by look. Also Semites from Southern Arabia migrated to Horn of Africa 3500 years ago and spread Semitic languages and intermarried with Hamitic speaking locals and gave rise to the most prominent civilizations of the Horn of Africa.

The troll is a lost cause. If you got the time brother please read my post 47 in this thread.

He does not understand that Arabs are indigenous people to what is today the Arab world (MENA region) and their ancestors consist of various Semitic and language-isolate peoples who once roamed in the Arab world and created the oldest civilizations on the planet. It's this simple which linguistics (Afro-Asiatic, mostly Semitic languages), history and genetics also confirm.

Arabs 3000 years ago when they were first described in written records (same time as Persians appeared and Jews appeared a bit before both) by their fellow Semitic Assyrian neighbors lived in what is today Northern Arabia, Eastern Syria and Western Iraq. More or less the region of the Syrian desert. They probably came from the Arabian Peninsula or Southern Levant originally like all Semitic peoples originally. They themselves were a mixture of various Semitic/Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) and language-isolate + some Indo-European speaking peoples.

Arabs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What matters here is that the people we identify as Arabs today (from Morocco to Oman) are native peoples to the Arab world/MENA and are a mixture of various INDIGENOUS Semitic, Hamitic and language-isolate peoples. History, genetics, linguistics and geography confirm all this.


Regarding the Arabian Peninsula and it's peoples then it is the longest inhabited area on the planet outside of Eastern Africa and Southern Africa.

Science has proven this already. See this below.

Genetic Research « TranspacificProject.com

The Arabian Peninsula was inhabited by humans for 1000's of years when no humans lived in what is today Iran.

See these two articles as well @SALMAN AL-FARSI

Green desert: lush grasslands of Arabia helped early man make leap out of Africa | The National

Out of Arabia, the early journey of humanity | The National

This article is great too, concerns Iraq too.

Cooling a planet with Revegetation

This @2800 troll is obsessed with Arabs and his types are exactly why some Arabs do not like Iranians. He wants Arabs to like Iran and Persians but this behavior is not helping his cause!

You seriously need to slow down on your hatred and nonsense. You are just giving Iranians and Iran a very bad name among people and especially Arabs.

Also it is very clear that you have no clue about the history of the Near East and Arab world. Arabs just like Persians are only 3000 years old people. Those civilization on the Arabian Peninsula, neighboring Mesopotamia, neighboring Levant and neighboring Egypt were inhabited by fellow Semitic and Hamitic speaking peoples. They did not even speak Arabic just like Elamites did not speak Persian.

Semitic people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the ancient civilizations and peoples who lived in the Arab world are Semites and Hamitic people. Their connection were are like that of Persians and Lur. You are really ignorant and do not know anything about history it seems!

Large parts of Southern Arabia did not even speak Arabic when Prophet Muhammad (saws) died! They spoke Southern Semitic languages. Some do to this day.

South Semitic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are called "Modern Southern Arabian" languages.

Do not discuss with us and waste our time about OUR HISTORY! Stick to your Somalia nonsense and claiming ancient Semitic civilizations in Iraq as "Iranian" when that did not even exist back then!

@Gasoline @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Ahmed Jo @Full Moon
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The thousands of coffee shops across the Arab world from Casablanca to Muscat are a witness of this each single day
I know bro I was kidding :lol:
But on the subject of coffee shops, did you guys know that 'Turkish coffee' is originally from Yemen? It should be called Yemeni coffee, no? In Egypt and Syria many people call it respectively Egyptian and Syrian coffee, same goes for Greece, Armenia, Bosnia, and some other countries. In Jordan it's simply 'boiled coffee' or Turkish coffee is fine too. I wonder what they call it in Yemen. This is what I deem an interesting topic lol. In any case, it's a drink that should be enjoyed by everyone.
I know bro I was kidding :lol:
But on the subject of coffee shops, did you guys know that 'Turkish coffee' is originally from Yemen? It should be called Yemeni coffee, no? In Egypt and Syria many people call it respectively Egyptian and Syrian coffee, same goes for Greece, Armenia, Bosnia, and some other countries. In Jordan it's simply 'boiled coffee' or Turkish coffee is fine too. I wonder what they call it in Yemen. This is what I deem an interesting topic lol. In any case, it's a drink that should be enjoyed by everyone.

Coffee was invented by Arabs in Yemen. In sufi monasteries to be precise. The coffee plant is native to the Horn of Africa and the Southern Arabian Peninsula just like khat is.

History of coffee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century, in Yemen's Sufi monasteries.[1]

So, yes it's Arabic coffee originally everywhere in the world. Coffee Arabica.

Just like tea is an Chinese drink originally but now various peoples have made their own specific tea, including Arabic tea etc.

The best and most authentic coffee is found in the highlands of Ethiopia, Yemen and KSA.

Coffee plays an important social role in Arabia and for instance is always given to guests as a sign of generosity. It's the same case in Jordan.:)

There is nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning. Majestic drink!
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@Saif al-Arab @2800 mods have better things to do, so do yourselves a favor and put each other in ignore list.


Please prevent the serial double user and former permanently banned user (with several of his former users) from trolling this section and writing nonsense here like seen on this page.

No Arab users want him here. He is banned from the ME section for a reason. Now he is trolling elsewhere (see user history).



Wilayat al-Faqih Kawli, stop tagging me in your Mullah infested section. I have no access to that mental asylum.

Your Iran is 1000 times more polluted and toxic than any country in the Arab world let alone KSA which is one of the most natural countries on the planet with free nature almost anywhere you look and low density of people.

Environmental issues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your own sources:

Ahvaz to Tehran: Horrible Air Pollution, No Solution | News About Iran

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@Saif al-Arab

I can't post in Operation Saudi Storm thread about Yemen, are you having same problem? I think a mod banned all Arabs since some Saudi's in the beginning were bashing Iran hard it was intense. :D

For some reason I got banned along with them even though I was posting unbiased updates. :lol:

We are quite a few users with that same problem. Been like that for months. It's ridiculous but I don't care hence I have not contacted any admins to change it.

I am occasionally using the other thread on Yemen but there is no need for that as people already update the most important events in that other Yemen thread.
A few words.

450 million people, a landmass almost the size of Russia, over 20 nation states and thus 20 different regimes and policies, great political diversity and diversity in general and enormous geographical distances. Many incompetent regimes and a lot of foreign meddling too.

Plus extremely difficult conflicts including the "Mother of all Conflicts" in the modern era the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

If the Arab world was one unified landmass (de facto) as once before such challenges would be 100 times easier to solve.

Imagine if the US (which is much smaller than the Arab world) instead of being one federal state was composed of 50 different (nations) and lied on the crossroads between Europe, Africa, the remaining Asia and major ancient maritime trade routes as the Arab world does?

Once we do that we can talk and make comparisons in terms of effectiveness on the ground etc.

Having said that a lot is bound in regimes and their competing policies. It's solvable but it will be hard unless the regimes decide to change their approach themselves.

Sectarian tensions that evolve from mostly political realities in the modern era, is another challenge that will be hard to solve as we also see in many areas of the Muslim world.

The demands of the Arab people on those fronts are mostly clear, especially after the so-called Arab "Spring", and have been that for a long time now.
On a historical scale, the Palestinian Israeli conflict isn't all that important actually. Just in ww2 the combined populations of Israel and Palestine (something like 30 million people) could have been killed and it would just be another normal day. It may not seem like it but nowadays we value human life more than any other time in history.
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