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رمضان مبارك


Mekkah by CamelKW, on Flickr

البائكة الجنوبية الشرقية: 412هـ - 1021م by aboumyriam2000, on Flickr

by birklund, on Flickr


The Palace - ( An Najaf - Iraq) by Hussain Isa, on Flickr

Aashura - Shrine of Imam Hussain(as) - Karbala, Iraq by K.a.m.i.l., on Flickr​

كل عام وأنتم بخير وشهر مبارك عليكم
والله يعيده علينا
وعلى اهلنا وربعنا بالخير والسعادة​
this song was written for egypt but I think it describes what is going on in every arab country
ناس وناس
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Good thread thanks Salman Alfarsi,

WE arab have many of problems the biggest one of them is dictatorship.

Second religions people trying to force their view on every one.

the solution in democracy in every arabic country.

But can we really bring democracy to all arab countries may be in our dreams.
I believe that Sunnis and Shias are all Muslims.

And that the problems we are having right now are just political.

Even though there's a lot of people think that it's natural for a country to do and say whatever is necessary to serve its own interests. I don't believe that is the right way to go. Since it's rare that our interests ever intersect, and we will always fall into the same trap.

In my opinion, any side that used religion or a "higher purpose" as the reason behind his actions, is only working for his self-interests, and is causing harm to Islam first, knowingly or unknowingly, and is making peace harder and harder to achieve between our peoples.

I believe both sides are at fault here for this crime.

There a lot of Sunnis who fell into the trap of demonizing the Shia public, justifying crimes against Shia because of their religious beliefs. I'm always rethinking my own beliefs and self criticize when I talk to some of these people. Who have no sense of the basic concepts of crime and punishment, and of the basics of humanity and lack the simplest tools of critical thinking.

Some of the people from both sides are just angry at the injustices that they suffered at the hands of the people that call themselves "Shias" or "Sunnis" regardless of how well they represent that school of thought. I'm sure many Shias protest against using their religious beliefs to further someone's political ambitions and goals.

Shias who were victims of sectarian terrorism causing them to adopt the belief of (we against the world), Sunnis suffering from unjust rulers and military dictators causing them to lash out at everything and anything that stands between them and what they believe is the perfect Islamic utopia.

It's just the human condition.

I mean for the sake of argument, let's say that their principle that Shias or Sunnis are not Muslims is right. In the Quran it clearly says don't insult their "Gods" so they don't insult yours. We are not supposed to insult the cows that the Hindus worship. So I believe if we're not supposed to insult that, then logically we shouldn't insult someone's religion, saints, beliefs, culture, etc etc.

Even I sometimes talk in that tone, so I apologize for that.

I've long argued with the same tone and even made a thread about it. Religious/sect coexistence is what is needed within the Arab and Muslim world.

Thanks Azzo.
Good thread thanks Salman Alfarsi,

WE arab have many of problems the biggest one of them is dictatorship.

Second religions people trying to force their view on every one.

the solution in democracy in every arabic country.

But can we really bring democracy to all arab countries may be in our dreams.

The good people are killed/removed/oppressed while mostly the idiots are left ruling. I hope it will change in the Arab world.

Although we have good leaders and politicians too and a lot of very good people. I hope my generation (early 20's) and the upcoming ones will be better than our parents generation which politically wise was very bad.
Turkish talk show not egyptain
:D lol
By the way I like Saraya Abdeen but their Turkish is a bit broken and they seem more like British nobles than all of us here, seems a bit like Hareem al Sultan yane far from facts lol
Sorry, If I am annoying you people somehow.
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The good people are killed/removed/oppressed while mostly the idiots are left ruling. I hope it will change in the Arab world.

Although we have good leaders and politicians too and a lot of very good people. I hope my generation (early 20's) and the upcoming ones will be better than our parents generation which politically wise was very bad.
Let me be clear: we are the shiite of Iraq we will never ever accept any Sunni to rule our country weather that Sunni a grand son or grand daughter of a king.

Sooner or later the leaders of the PMF will topple this regime and bring a new regime where mostly shiite rule and some noble sunnis rule with us.
Let me be clear: we are the shiite of Iraq we will never ever accept any Sunni to rule our country weather that Sunni a grand son or grand daughter of a king.

Sooner or later the leaders of the PMF will topple this regime and bring a new regime where mostly shiite rule and some noble sunnis rule with us.
And that is why iraq is fukced
Let me be clear: we are the shiite of Iraq we will never ever accept any Sunni to rule our country weather that Sunni a grand son or grand daughter of a king.

Sooner or later the leaders of the PMF will topple this regime and bring a new regime where mostly shiite rule and some noble sunnis rule with us.
the same logic used by some syrians saying that sunni are the majority and they cant accept shia ruler
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