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Arab affairs News and Discussion Thread

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And that the problems we are having right now are just political.
Didn't some Iranian minister translated it as evolution of (infamous) revolution, and promised to encompass larger Arabia.
Good thread, the good posts lasted only a page before I was again called to intervene.

Please, please, for the love of God and your motherlands, and for common personal cause of the Holy month... stop provoking each other. Discuss kindly and positively.
the same logic used by some syrians saying that sunni are the majority and they cant accept shia ruler
I swear and this is not only me it's the most shiite in Iraq if they were I mean the sunnis real Muslims Real Iraqis if they were wise fair and not sectarians and if they were ruling in a good way we wouldn't mind rule at all.
Good thread, the good posts lasted only a page before I was again called to intervene.

Please, please, for the love of God and your motherlands, and for common personal cause of the Holy month... stop provoking each other. Discuss kindly and positively.

There were no insults just historical facts, something 1 serial Farsi double user (all you moderators know that he is a serial double user that has been permanently banned several times - yet he is trolling to this day) could not deal with.

Can you please tell me where the insults are here below?

The Farsi Kawli has now begun posting photos of Afro-Arabs and dishes not from KSA in the "Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos" thread. His inferiority complexes are gigantic and he cannot deal with historical facts such as us Semites having much older civilizations, much more heritage, that Islam emerged in Arabia, that Islam alongside with Christianity and Judaism are Abrahamic and thus Semitic religions, that Arabic language is the fourth most spoken language in the world and one of the most influential languages that has influenced all languages in the Muslim world and many languages on 3 continents (Asia, Africa and Europe), that 20-25% of all the Spanish vocabulary derives from Arabic, that it's the lingua franca of Islam and the Noble Qur'an, that the Arab world is many times bigger than Iran, several times richer, more populous, more powerful, has more religious and cultural influence etc.

Just a inferiority ridden Farsi troll that cannot accept that he has been highly influenced by various Semitic peoples before Islam and by Arabs heavily after Islam.

I am not going to talk about the Muslim Arab conquest of his entity, the linguistic influence (half of Farsi is Arabic), the alphabet etc. Let alone religious influence. His name and surname is probably Arabic even.:lol:

Let him bark, he will eventually be banned. He is good comedy.

Also he thinks that Iran created Houthi's and that Shia Arabs are his slaves while in reality most Shia Arabs do not see Farsis as their equals.

A joke and a serial troll.

He cannot accept that Iran is a impoverished, sanctioned and isolated country that has a smaller economy than 10 million big UAE and that the average Iranian is poorer than the average Angolan.

Or that he is ruled by Iranian Arabs. Anyway let him bark about Iran being the superpower of the world while us in the real world will enjoy his comedy.:lol:

Stop attracting him to this section. His diarrhea in Arab threads is enough.

He just deleted his post but there he called you "bro" (all while he has been insulting the 450 million Arabs and in reality hates Arabs) and he also said that he has several friends from Arabia.:lol:

Yet despite that he does not know that Afro-Arabs form a small minority everywhere in the Arab world. Not that there is anything wrong with Black people.


Anyway forget his trolling. His obsession about the 450 million Arabs and enormous ignorance is just annoying. I don't care if he believes that Iran is the biggest economy or other nonsense as long as he is not flooding Arab threads here on PDF.

Is there a channel that is posting live from Karbala and Najaf? I would be interested to see it.

For instance there are 24/7 channels that broadcast from Makkah and Madinah.


Please don't violate forum rules to keep the forum productive for discussions and knowledge for all.

A reply to his historical lies and nonsense which was filled with insults and complexes.

Where are all the brothers and sisters? Have all left the madhouse?o_O:o:


Anyway I am in the middle of creating a thread named "Arab, Semitic & Hamitic Empires and Ancient Kingdoms" which I will open once the thread will be fully ready. It's a big job.

Arab Islamic caliphates, empires, sultanates etc.

Rashidun Caliphate - 632-661 (11th biggest biggest empire in history, first Islamic empire and third biggest Islamic caliphate and empire in history after the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates)


Rashidun Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umayyad Caliphate - 661-750
(5th biggest biggest empire in history, biggest Islamic caliphate and empire in history by far and second biggest non-Western empire in history after the Mongol Empire which is number 2 overall after the British Empire)


Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abbasid Caliphate - 750-1517 (9th biggest biggest empire in history, second biggest Islamic caliphate and empire in history and longest ruling caliphate in Islamic history)


Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fatimid Caliphate - 909-1171 (34th biggest biggest empire in history, biggest Shia Muslim (Shia Ismaili) caliphate and empire in history and the fifth biggest caliphate in history after the Umayyad, Abbasid, Rashidun and Ottoman caliphates)


Fatimid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Almoravid dynasty - 1040-1147 (Biggest Arab-Berber empire and one of the biggest North African and Iberian empires/kingdoms)


Almoravid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ayyubid Sultanate - 1171-1260 (Arab-Kurdish Sultanate ruled from Cairo)


Ayyubid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Almohad Caliphate - 1121-1269 (Second biggest Arab-Berber empire and one of the biggest North African and Iberian empires/kingdoms)


Almohad Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Idrisid dynasty - 788-974 (Third biggest Magrebian empire/kingdom founded by Idris I - the great grandchild of Hasan ibn Ali (ra) )


Idrisid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will post the gradual updates and finally merge them together in a thread. The temporary updates that I will post here will be deleted once I succeed in making the thread.
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Do you guys have a thread like Turkish 'Çay Baçesi'? @Saif al-Arab
Bro, there is an error that i can't see what's in our forum, Turkish forum :(

Brother, most active Arab users have left PDF for various reasons. Once, even long before my time here, there were almost 40 active Saudi Arabian users alone. For the past 1.5-0.5 years Arab users have left or stopped being active. Mostly due to in their eyes biased moderation. Today I think that there is less than 30 active Arab users.

We had one and it was called the "Arabic Coffee Shop thread" and it was quite active (we had many great discussions with all nationalities on PDF) but it was one day closed. No reason was given but when I asked Webby he said it was due to there not being an Arab moderator so they could not control what people wrote when we wrote in Arabic. Both when we used the Arabic alphabet and when writing with Latin letters (عربيزي). It was no problem for 1.5 years though so don't understand the decision to close it really but who am I to complain?:o:

I don't know anything about that. I tagged you in the "huge projects of Turkey" thread. Some really great projects that you guys have. Say what you want about Erdogan but his party has really transformed Turkey fundamentally and created an economic boom!

If it has something to do with IT then just write on the wall of a moderator page or tag him. Most moderators will help you.:enjoy:


Also as you might know there are huge Arabic military forums out there (much bigger than PDF) on the internet but they are obviously mostly only used by Arabs and rarely by foreigners as they are in Arabic. Many of us Arab users have accounts on those forums.

The reason why international platforms like PDF are great is because almost every nationality is present here and there are a lot of discussions, trolling or not. I think that is why non-Pakistani's are coming back despite the huge amount of trolling and sometimes poor discussions. Of course there are many great threads and discussions too.

It's hard to leave PDF once you have entered it too, lol.
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Brother, most active Arab users have left PDF for various reasons. Once, even long before my time here, there were almost 40 active Saudi Arabian users alone. For the past 1.5-0.5 years Arab users have left or stopped being active. Mostly due to in their eyes biased moderation. Today I think that there is less than 30 active Arab users.

We had one and it was called the "Arabic Coffee Shop thread" and it was quite active (we had many great discussions with all nationalities on PDF) but it was one day closed. No reason was given but when I asked Webby he said it was due to there not being an Arab moderator so they could not control what people wrote when we wrote in Arabic. Both when we used the Arabic alphabet and when writing with Latin letters (عربيزي). It was no problem for 1.5 years though so don't understand the decision to close it really but who am I to complain?:o:

I don't know anything about that. I tagged you in the "huge projects of Turkey" thread. Some really great projects that you guys have. Say what you want about Erdogan but his party has really transformed Turkey fundamentally and created an economic boom!

If it has something to do with IT then just write on the wall of a moderator page or tag him. Most moderators will help you.:enjoy:
''Mostly due to in their eyes biased moderation.'' Including me, most people complain about it
I noticed some great threads posted by some Arabic members who are no longer active probably, one of them has a cool looking cheetah in his profile picture. I assume that his name is Fahed :D

Why don't you guys ask him reopen Arabic Coffee Shop thread and appoint an Arabic mod? That would be awesome :tup:
I won't comment on Erdogan or his party lol
I don't know what problem it is but i did let them know about it, hope they fix it as soon as possible. Shukran :(

Same as Turkish Forums, but PDF is the only one that i'm a member of, Turkish Forum section was the reason why I became a member of PDF and true, it is now hard to leave :lol:
''Mostly due to in their eyes biased moderation.'' Including me, most people complain about it
I noticed some great threads posted by some Arabic members who are no longer active probably, one of them has a cool looking cheetah in his profile picture. I assume that his name is Fahed :D

Why don't you guys ask him reopen Arabic Coffee Shop thread and appoint an Arabic mod? That would be awesome :tup:
I won't comment on Erdogan or his party lol
I don't know what problem it is but i did let them know about it, hope they fix it as soon as possible. Shukran :(

You are right. Almost no nationality is contend with the moderation. They have a really difficult and unpaid job. Serial trolls, double users etc. should be dealt with really. More permanent bans for such users too.


It's an Arabian leopard and his name is not Fahed.:D

Well, it was closed some months ago and since that time few Arab users have been active and I don't think that there has been any initiative from a lot of users to ask Webby to reopen it.

Actualy this thread is the replacement. You can see that there is no activity almost.:lol:

I personally proposed the senior Pakistani user @Al Bhatti to become the moderator here as he speaks Arabic fluently, is Pakistani, a senior user, has no history of trolling (Webby confirmed this to me) and lives in UAE. I have to say that there is really no use for an Arab moderator really. Not much trolling here but of course it would be better than no moderator.

I don't follow Turkish politics so I have no special affinity for any politician in Turkey (let alone the world really) but we can't deny that the AKP government has improved the Turkish economy a lot. That's the only thing that I meant with that sentence.:)

Ahlan wa sahlan ya akhi.

Just out of interest, is your flag connected to the Turkmens in Iraq?:)
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You are right. Almost no nationality is contend with the moderation. They have a really difficult and unpaid job. Serial trolls, double users etc. should be dealt with really. More permanent bans for such users too.


It's an Arabian leopard and his name is not Fahed.:D

Well, it was closed some months ago and since that time few Arab users have been active and I don't think that there has been any initiative from a lot of users to ask Webby to reopen it.

Actualy this thread is the replacement. You can see that there is no activity almost.:lol:

I personally proposed the senior Pakistani user @Al Bhatti to become the moderator here as he speaks Arabic fluently, is Pakistani, a senior user, has no history of trolling (Webby confirmed this to me) and lives in UAE. I have to say that there is really no use for an Arab moderator really. Not much trolling here but of course it would be better than no moderator.

I don't follow Turkish politics so I have no special affinity for any politician in Turkey (let alone the world really) but we can't deny that the AKP government has improved the Turkish economy a lot. That's the only thing that I meant with that sentence.:)

Ahlan wa sahlan ya akhi.

Just out of interest, is your flag connected to the Turkmens in Iraq?:)
I was sure his name was, at least I would use that profile picture If I was Fahed :enjoy:
There should be an Arabic mod, it is 'Arab Defence Forum'
I would like that Arabic Coffee Shop thread reopened so I don't ruin other threads :D

I really knew what you meant but still no comment :lol:
No, it is an East Turkestan flag representing Uyghur Turks.
Flag of East Turkestan:

Flag of Iraqi Turkmens:
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I was sure his name was, at least I would use that profile picture If I was Fahed :enjoy:
There should be an Arabic mod, it is 'Arab Defence Forum'
I would like that Arabic Coffee Shop thread reopened so I don't ruin other threads :D

I really knew what you meant but still no comment :lol:
No, it is an East Turkestan flag representing Uyghur Turks.
Flag of East Turkestan:

Flag of Iraqi Turkmens:

I can assure you that Fahd is not the name.

Well, there should by so far nobody wants that role I believe. Those that might be capable or interested don't have the time or don't spend much time on PDF to begin with. Once when we had many more active users such a move could have taken place quite easily. Ever since Mosab left that position has ben vacant.

No, you are not ruining anything.

Aha. I knew that that flag seemed familiar to me. Yes, I know who the Uyghur's are and I hear that some of them face challenges. I hope that this is not the case. Sadly if they are facing discrimination they are not the only ones in our world today, let alone the Islamic world. It's a mess nowadays.:( I hope that it will change in the future. At least the GCC and Turkey are stable and prosperous so we cannot complain too much. Although I personally would like to see a lot of changes in KSA, the GCC and Arab world but that's a VERY big discussion for another time my friend.:enjoy:
I can assure you that Fahd is not the name.

Well, there should by so far nobody wants that role I believe. Those that might be capable or interested don't have the time or don't spend much time on PDF to begin with. Once when we had many more active users such a move could have taken place quite easily. Ever since Mosab left that position has ben vacant.

No, you are not ruining anything.

Aha. I knew that that flag seemed familiar to me. Yes, I know who the Uyghur's are and I hear that some of them face challenges. I hope that this is not the case. Sadly if they are facing discrimination they are not the only ones in our world today, let alone the Islamic world. It's a mess nowadays.:( I hope that it will change in the future. At least the GCC and Turkey are stable and prosperous so we cannot complain too much. Although I personally would like to see a lot of changes in KSA, the GCC and Arab world but that's a VERY big discussion for another time my friend.:enjoy:
I got it, it isn't his name lol
We shouldn't complain already especially when we are stable and prosperous imo. But I think it's not the time yet.
About that I really like how Sheikh Edebali adviced Osman Ghazi;
''Be patient, a flower does not bloom before its time.'' then gave him the sword of Uthman ibn Affan and said; ''Your burden is heavy, your task hard, your power hangs on a hair! May Allah be your helper!''
I think we will see a lot of good changes in general and not only in KSA, GCC or Arab world :angel::D
It was nice to talk you ya akhi :enjoy:
The most disgusting thing about this whole attitude aside from it being painfully tragicomical is that the person that you talk about is from Southern Iraq (Nasiriyah) and a former refugee in KSA who lived there for years (if I recall) and who was welcomed when Saddam Hussein's regime was running riot in the early 1990's during the uprisings in the South, mainly Karbala. Along with several other thousands upon thousands Iraqi Shia Arabs.

You might recall the picture I posted of a certain Shia Arab refugee in Rafha that later became PM of Iraq that I posted some time ago, lol.

When you add that to the fact that Southern Iraqis are Arabs (in fact in many ways Southern Iraq has been crucial in the history of Arabs), Arabs of the kind with the closest blood-ties to the Arabian Peninsula and Arabs that served as a buffer against the Farsis for centuries if not at least 2 millennium, their Vilayat al-Faqih obsession becomes even more sad.

Of course the brainwashed lot, thankfully they are a small minority, like Malik, have been brainwashed to believe that all the Arabs that happen not to be from Southern Iraq or who are not Shia, not that there are many left nowadays (take the Sunni from Basra or Baghdad let alone from KSA, Jordan, Egypt or God forbid the Maghreb) are his mortal enemies and out to kill him. We are up against such rhetoric. All 350 million of us Sunni Arabs in fact.

Add that with a blind almost cult like following of the so-called Arab Mullah's that are ruling Iran (Sadah families = black turbans) and you got a quite deluded breed out of it.

But of course the Mullah's in Iran can do no wrong. They are Sayyid's and Sharif's after all. They are Arabs like us.:lol:

The even more sad thing is that Farsis could not care less about Iraq and are of course only involved in Iraq due to interests as Iraqis are foreigners to them. The fact is that the small percentage of Arabs of Persian (or Lur or Iranian Arab) ancestry in the entire Arab world, 90% of such people live in the GCC. Not anywhere else.

The reality is also that the regular Iraqi is treated and lives much better in the "evil GCC" than in Iran. Goes for ALL Sunni Arabs. The biggest Iraqi diaspora in the world outside of Europe is in the UAE ironically. The most "Sunni Arab" Muslim country in the Near East in terms of percentage. Shia Lebanese are present in great numbers too. Even in goddamn KSA they are present.

The non-Basij/non-practising Farsis have mostly only animosity towards the ordinary Iraqi just like against any other Arab people. They know this but somehow ignore it. We saw it when Iraq defeated Iran in the Asian Cup this January on a Farsi forum that 1 Iraqi linked to here on this forum that is no longer active. An Iraq composed of mostly Shia Arab footballers. The amount of hateful and primitive insults labelled against so-called "brothers" (LOL) told the whole story really.

Or just the fact that Farsis hate Iraqi Sunni Arabs more than any Arabs arguably. After all those are the ones that have caused them the most misery historically and they too despise Farsis. So an Iraqi with a slightly different sect from the same religion because the worst filth but an Iraqi Shia Arab from the deep South a "brother".:lol:

It's fair to say that we should feel petty for them but the hope is not entirely lost and whether I or you likes it they are our brothers and sisters. Even Malik and Salman here. If the latter is not a Farsi in disguise that is that picked up Arabic in Iran. After all Arabic is an official language in Iran, their alphabet is Arabic and half of their language is almost Arabic. So it's not that hard for them to learn basic Arabic, at least the written form. As we have also seen examples of on PDF.

Let's just tag him here. @Malik Alashter as he should face the reality.

He can of course only resort to calling me "Wahhabi" although he knows my political views and as early as yesterday I was advocating for secularism to reach KSA, the Arab world and Muslim world. I don't like to brag but I am in all likelihood a much more learned person than he is.

Regardless of that the crucial thing here is that he cannot counter my arguments as evident from past debates and I expect the upcoming one (if it even occurs, somehow I doubt it) to be no different!

As a person of Iraqi descent on my father's side It would please me to have a sensible discussion with the Iraqi Shia Arabs in Iraq that hold his views. After all problems can only be solved with dialogue and not violence or hostility. I don't care the slights about regimes, their unelected state or foreign policies or lunatics and fanatics be they "Sunni" or "Shia" but human to human relations.

You know how it is in the civilized world, Western Europe for instance. Or even more importantly AMONG THE ARAB DIASPORA in the WEST where hardly anyone cares about what sect you belong to. Here Arabs stick together like clue. Muslim, Christian, Atheist or Spaghetti Monster worshipping ones.

As a well-versed older than me person I would very much like to hear your opinion about this although I suspect that we are mostly in agreement but a new historical context that I am unaware of due to my age would be interesting to learn about.

P.S: A well-known inferiority ridden Farsi Kawli serial double user cannot accept the historical facts that we Semites have the oldest civilizations on the planet, that we ruled the MENA region for millenniums before anything named Farsi existed ( :lol: ) and that we Semites influenced and civilized Farsis on all fronts. Later came the Semitic Arabs who conquered and ruled Iran for centuries, changed their religion, language, alphabet, culture and mixed with them aside from creating 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history (more than any other ethnicity) and bigger and more influential than anything created by Farsis.

Now this Kawli (2800) claims that our Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a Farsi when everyone knows that he was a Semite and the father of Arabs and Jews! He also claims that the Muslim Arab (Hijazi) Abbasid dynasty that ruled the MENA for over 500 years was founded by an Arabized Farsi.:lol: My post 34 here speaks for itself in this context and my thread below:

Arab, Semitic & Hamitic Empires and Ancient Kingdoms

Less than 10% has been covered by me too.

@Full Moon
@Jungibaaz @Horus @Manticore @Oscar

Is this lunacy allowed in this site?
@Jungibaaz @Horus @Manticore @Oscar

Is this lunacy allowed in this site?

What are you doing here troll? You are a serial double user that has been permanently banned with several users which I have provided plenty of evidence of along with other users yet somehow for God's know what reason you are still allowed to troll here. Secondly anti-Arab trolls should keep out of this section.

Nothing that I wrote is against any rules and it's also the truth. Do not meddle in the affairs of Arabs that you have nothing to do with.

I got it, it isn't his name lol
We shouldn't complain already especially when we are stable and prosperous imo. But I think it's not the time yet.
About that I really like how Sheikh Edebali adviced Osman Ghazi;
''Be patient, a flower does not bloom before its time.'' then gave him the sword of Uthman ibn Affan and said; ''Your burden is heavy, your task hard, your power hangs on a hair! May Allah be your helper!''
I think we will see a lot of good changes in general and not only in KSA, GCC or Arab world :angel::D
It was nice to talk you ya akhi :enjoy:

Let us all pray for better times in our region my friend and indeed Turkey and the GCC are very well off compared to the standard Muslim country but still a lot of improvements are needed at least in the GCC. Hard work and sane leadership is always needed but I believe that the will of the people will always triumph in the end.


كلّ عام وأنتم والأمّة الإسلامية بخير و إن شاء الله عيدكم مبارك
What are you doing here troll? You are a serial double user that has been permanently banned with several users which I have provided plenty of evidence of along with other users yet somehow for God's know what reason you are still allowed to troll here. Secondly anti-Arab trolls should keep out of this section.

Nothing that I wrote is against any rules and it's also the truth. Do not meddle in the affairs of Arabs that you have nothing to do with.
Perhaps, for that reason you need mod :)
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