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Anyone can kill me’: lawyer battles Pakistan blasphemy laws

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she indeed broke blasphemy laws, and I find it even more interesting how members on this forum are using this opportunity to further their cynical agendas and distort while offering solutions that would only hinder the progress and preparations Pakistan MUST make.

Again the simple-minded Muslim majority in Pakistan have fallen to the trap set against them. They look like uncontrollable animals, Hindu mob-like, with no strategic capacity to see the bigger picture.

These easily swayed conservative Muslim groups need a stern talking to, and re-education on what their limitations in society should be, by our protectors. There should be arrests made over the next few weeks on those who committed violent protests and be televised nationally, essentially showing Pakistan’s strong governance and order from law.

That lady should be left alone who has paid for her crime already by spending many years facing four walls.

The blasphemy law needs to be changed to prison terms only, (a 4/6 year punishment will suffice and deter any public orientated blasphemers).

More importantly, for future reference, the burden of proof should be on the individual or group (s) who claim blasphemy against an individual or group (s). This will (1) dramatically reduce the number of fake accusations against innocent parties (2) force the blasphemer (S) to limit their hate by only spewing it in private.

Over time those that become tired of hating in private will eventually propagate it in public. Subsequently, the system will take its course and punish when and where required.

Incidentally, those of you on this forum that have been advocating the murder of mass conservative Muslims in Pakistan over violently protesting are no better.

The blasphemy law MUST be amended, which will stabilise civil unrest and reduce the chances of a potential surge in mob violence while reducing pressure on the legal industry, amongst other benefits.

I don’t feel our prophet will be hurt if someone wants to insult him privately.

Ultimately this is a small issue that needs quick fixing. The country needs stability to focus on FDI opportunities and to be ready for real challenges, which are around the corner.
Looks like he and his family is going to get asylum soon.

he should tell the truth on behalf of whom he has been fighting this case, the foreign donor agencies behind him and how they've rewarded him.

Or...Just stop your mullah brigade from persecuting or harming him and he won't have to leave the country.

If there is no proof against someone, how can we punish them: CJP

November 01, 2018

Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar.

A day after religio-political parties criticised and threatened the judiciary following the top court's acquittal of Asia Bibi on blasphemy charges, Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar asked how the court could punish someone if the charges against them could not be proven.

"I and the bench [members] are all lovers of the Prophet (peace be upon him)," CJP Nisar commented during the hearing of a separate case on Thursday.

Last night, following the sharp reaction from Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) after Asia Bibi's acquittal, Prime Minister Imran Khan had regretted that the demonstrators had termed the chief justice “liable to be killed”.

Declaring that the elements inciting people against the judiciary and army just to enlarge their vote bank were not serving the cause of Islam, the premier had warned the groups that had mounted protests to desist from confronting the state.

"We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the Prophet's (PBUH) honour. But we are not judges only for Muslims," Justice Nisar asserted. "If there is no proof against someone, how can we punish them?"

"We began our judgement with the first kalma. We do not love the Prophet (PBUH) any less than anyone else. We have judges on our bench who are always reciting the Durood Sharif. Our faith is incomplete without our faith in our Prophet (PBUH)," he said.

Justice Nisar said that the judgement had also been written in Urdu so that ordinary citizens could read it and understand it.

"I have not seen God, but I have learned to recognise Him through the Prophet's (PBUH) guidance," he added.

"Will every person now have to provide proof of their faith?" he asked.

Asia's acquittal

In a landmark judgement, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned the death sentence of Christian woman Asia Bibi and ordered her immediate release from jail after around eight years.

“This appeal is allowed, the judgements of the [Lahore] high court as well as the trial court are reversed and consequently the conviction as also the sentence of death awarded to the appellant is set aside and she is acquitted of the charge,” announced CJP Nisar, who headed the bench that had reserved its ruling on her appeal on Oct 8.

Asia Bibi, a mother of five, was awarded capital punishment by a trial court in November 2010 for committing alleged blasphemy during an altercation with a Muslim woman in Sheikhupura over a glass of water in June 2009. The Lahore High Court upheld the decision of the trial court in its October 2014 ruling, which was finally reversed by the Supreme Court after hearing her appeal.

“Keeping in mind the evidence produced by the prosecution against the alleged blasphemy committed by the appellant, the prosecution has categorically failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt,” the chief justice observed in the SC's judgement.

The verdict, which begins with Qalma-i-Shahadat, concludes with a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH): “Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgement.”

The entire judgement is punctuated with verses from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

“It is a well settled principle of law that one who makes an assertion has to prove it,” wrote the chief justice. Thus, the onus rested on the prosecution to prove guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt throughout the trial.
anyone can kill anyone in pakistan on the name of religion
basically anyone can kill anyone in Pakistan on no basis even!

We have cases of bodyguard of children shooting school kid!
We have terrorists attacking schools!
We have mentally sick kids killing each other for "love"!
We have honour killing - killing of a female relative usually just coz she dont want to marry the retard the family chose or even something as simple as dancing in the rain!
We have sick people killing on basis of Shia/ Shunni/ and sometimes other sub classes of these!

Each is a killing each is happening so Tell me exactly who is safe?

If there is no proof against someone, how can we punish them: CJP

November 01, 2018

Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar.

A day after religio-political parties criticised and threatened the judiciary following the top court's acquittal of Asia Bibi on blasphemy charges, Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar asked how the court could punish someone if the charges against them could not be proven.

"I and the bench [members] are all lovers of the Prophet (peace be upon him)," CJP Nisar commented during the hearing of a separate case on Thursday.

Last night, following the sharp reaction from Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) after Asia Bibi's acquittal, Prime Minister Imran Khan had regretted that the demonstrators had termed the chief justice “liable to be killed”.

Declaring that the elements inciting people against the judiciary and army just to enlarge their vote bank were not serving the cause of Islam, the premier had warned the groups that had mounted protests to desist from confronting the state.

"We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the Prophet's (PBUH) honour. But we are not judges only for Muslims," Justice Nisar asserted. "If there is no proof against someone, how can we punish them?"

"We began our judgement with the first kalma. We do not love the Prophet (PBUH) any less than anyone else. We have judges on our bench who are always reciting the Durood Sharif. Our faith is incomplete without our faith in our Prophet (PBUH)," he said.

Justice Nisar said that the judgement had also been written in Urdu so that ordinary citizens could read it and understand it.

"I have not seen God, but I have learned to recognise Him through the Prophet's (PBUH) guidance," he added.

"Will every person now have to provide proof of their faith?" he asked.

Asia's acquittal

In a landmark judgement, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned the death sentence of Christian woman Asia Bibi and ordered her immediate release from jail after around eight years.

“This appeal is allowed, the judgements of the [Lahore] high court as well as the trial court are reversed and consequently the conviction as also the sentence of death awarded to the appellant is set aside and she is acquitted of the charge,” announced CJP Nisar, who headed the bench that had reserved its ruling on her appeal on Oct 8.

Asia Bibi, a mother of five, was awarded capital punishment by a trial court in November 2010 for committing alleged blasphemy during an altercation with a Muslim woman in Sheikhupura over a glass of water in June 2009. The Lahore High Court upheld the decision of the trial court in its October 2014 ruling, which was finally reversed by the Supreme Court after hearing her appeal.

“Keeping in mind the evidence produced by the prosecution against the alleged blasphemy committed by the appellant, the prosecution has categorically failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt,” the chief justice observed in the SC's judgement.

The verdict, which begins with Qalma-i-Shahadat, concludes with a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH): “Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgement.”

The entire judgement is punctuated with verses from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

“It is a well settled principle of law that one who makes an assertion has to prove it,” wrote the chief justice. Thus, the onus rested on the prosecution to prove guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt throughout the trial.
THIS is why teaching religion (at least the basics) SHOULD be cumpolsory! Otherwise ANYONE will package ANYTHING under the guise of RELIGION and sell it!

Basics in Islam ALSO include
Tolerance/ love of thy neighbout (where the religion and caste of the neighbour is not mentioned!
Tolerance for the minorities
Tolerance/ love for the weak - orphans / widows
Tolerance/ love for pondering (thinking)
Tolerance / love for seeking knowledge for ALL humans (irrespective of religion/ caste/ class)
Tolerance/ respect for elders
Tolerance and respect for the law of the land or AT THE VERY LEAST try to get things done legally

Extreme crimes like rape
Looks like he and his family is going to get asylum soon.

he should tell the truth on behalf of whom he has been fighting this case, the foreign donor agencies behind him and how they've rewarded him.

Yes, of course, you now more than ISI and CDT together, how about an investigation in your for your false accusation?

According to the notifications so far, 50 infidel Rickshaws, more than 200 qadiani motorcycles, 20 jewish land cruisers , 30 local Christian buses, and 8 Socialist cars were done to hell. at least 25 Israeli shops also burns down. Now we are true Muslim. ۔
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