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Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke a strong response from Pakistan: COAS

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And what does that statement have to do with my statement? Your dumber than I thought.

So is oil.. No oil back to looting hajjis,eating lizards n living in tents!

Abandoned them? Dumbass .. We fought n shed blood for em several times... We built their so called militaries from ground up... We protected them .. Heck even today we have over 1000 troops in KSA alone...

Maybe you should present your behind if you love em so much.

Stop being a pimp .. And have some shame dog.

If you weren't such a retard you would know about the divisions debts by PA in the 90s.. You ignorant shyt.

As for nuclear umbrella... Yeah right .. Why don't you google ...

Lmao .. Fathers? Come down bitch .. Your cousins are still herd sheep in Kashmir n GB...
Your kind was maddacred in Jammu in 48!

Maybe your "brothers" didn't give a fk about you back than.

My ppl have served the military since 47.. And to this day my ppl are serving in FATA..

Wanna swap places n live in our deprived province?

Keep your mouth shyt "America. ****" fukin ABCD.

Yeah right ., talkin shyt sitting behind a screen is easy.

With saima as the Gujjari.. "Mein teray Utay ugri".. C grade shyt watched by rickshaw drivers n made my low life scumbags (apparently gujjars" to covert black money into white.

Which states n empires? :rofl: gobaristan or the state of polian majan? Greatness my ***... Even according to the Hindu caste system .. You are a lower caste.

As for Khans... Yes they earn with honesty unlike assholes like you running 7/11s... In USA...
As for Muslims b United Punjab.. Yeah I'm sure... Do you have Sikh husbands too?

Did they divorce you back in 47 n do a "halala" now? Chutiye... If you are nothing without Pak... Heck wtf is your "hasiat" a barking scumbag who probably has a few Sikh lovers .. N dreams of a United Punjab.. And hates his own countrymen .. Fuk you ..apart from that panjab tumharay Baap ka tha!

Ask the panjabis who was the horrors themselves ..1 million Muslim panjabis were massacred .. Or ask the Gujjars of jammu who were also massacred raped n looted!
Gobbar apnay chotay sai dimagh say nikal.
And what does that statement have to do with my statement? Your dumber than I thought.

So is oil.. No oil back to looting hajjis,eating lizards n living in tents!

Abandoned them? Dumbass .. We fought n shed blood for em several times... We built their so called militaries from ground up... We protected them .. Heck even today we have over 1000 troops in KSA alone...

Maybe you should present your behind if you love em so much.

Stop being a pimp .. And have some shame dog.

If you weren't such a retard you would know about the divisions debts by PA in the 90s.. You ignorant shyt.

As for nuclear umbrella... Yeah right .. Why don't you google ...

Lmao .. Fathers? Come down bitch .. Your cousins are still herd sheep in Kashmir n GB...
Your kind was maddacred in Jammu in 48!

Maybe your "brothers" didn't give a fk about you back than.

My ppl have served the military since 47.. And to this day my ppl are serving in FATA..

Wanna swap places n live in our deprived province?

Keep your mouth shyt "America. ****" fukin ABCD.

Yeah right ., talkin shyt sitting behind a screen is easy.

With saima as the Gujjari.. "Mein teray Utay ugri".. C grade shyt watched by rickshaw drivers n made my low life scumbags (apparently gujjars" to covert black money into white.

Which states n empires? :rofl: gobaristan or the state of polian majan? Greatness my ***... Even according to the Hindu caste system .. You are a lower caste.

As for Khans... Yes they earn with honesty unlike assholes like you running 7/11s... In USA...
As for Muslims b United Punjab.. Yeah I'm sure... Do you have Sikh husbands too?

Did they divorce you back in 47 n do a "halala" now? Chutiye... If you are nothing without Pak... Heck wtf is your "hasiat" a barking scumbag who probably has a few Sikh lovers .. N dreams of a United Punjab.. And hates his own countrymen .. Fuk you ..apart from that panjab tumharay Baap ka tha!

Ask the panjabis who was the horrors themselves ..1 million Muslim panjabis were massacred .. Or ask the Gujjars of jammu who were also massacred raped n looted!
Gobbar apnay chotay sai dimagh say nikal.

You gave him a true Baluch treatment cousin, this low life low caste horrible Gujjar of a creature has truly been put in his place.

Pukhtoons & Baluch are beautiful people, who have culture and history that is unmatched, we sure ain't wanna be Arabs we are iranic people and proud of it.
At partition it was in punjab i think i forgot india turned punjab into smaller units something we should do too for be

You mean Punjab should be like this?:partay:

I don't think they will be counting on you...after you guys ditched em for Yemen!
Everyone is counting on Maha Bharat and chest of their terrorist PM.

We love Holy Land as much as We Love Pakistan
Only holy land not saudis. Difference between them should be kept in mind.

when did the british-created american-protected anti-democracy called saudia become "holy land"??

the kings, princes and the al-saud government structure deserves not protection but recommendation to the "international criminal court".
I have same feelings about Saudi family. We are concerned not because of saudis but our concern is related to holy land. I think you understand the difference between saudi government and the land which they are governing.

because we are their slaves.
Just as you are slave of your hatred without any knowledge. Hatred is justifiable but ignorance is not.
Shutup, fight for them. I don't mind it but please don't blow yourself up in Pakistan.
Another sign of ignorance. Think before writing and evidence is necessary before revelation of truth Shah G. I can use same language but your name is stopping me. Sorry if I offended you.
thats not how majority Pakistanis think, Islam and its center is always first, With that remain intact we can create Pakistan anywhere:-)
i have to disagree
no Arabs were helping us when Millions of Muslim were being killed, and Muslim women being humiliated during partition
so, no Pakistan cant be created anywhere
Unlike you ,I do not spend my day and night in Syrian conflict thread supportin and justifying every heinous crime,massacre and atrocities of Iran and their militia,so don't give lectures about loyalties which of course you have somewhere other than Pakustan...When Pakistan decided not to send Army in Yemen conflict then Raheel Sharif was the wisest but another statement in favor of KSA and all of a sudden he is KSA and American puppet,you people have no shame despite high level of hypocrisy expressed by you people..

your putting words into my mouth arab wannabe.....they see you as anjami and you're inferior to a white man. I respect COAS however unlike you i do not see Saudis with rose tinted glasses. Don't ask about loyalty when you suffer from an inferiority complex who can not see pakistan's existence somehow not tied to the middle east. I love how you call one arab user al hasani brother when he's constantly racist to Pakistanis. Saudi ISIS clerics the same ones that proclaim jihad on whole nations and tearing down churches will tear Pakistan apart. Al Qaeda killed many pakistanis their religious belief comes from Saudi. What's the difference between saudi state and al qaeda ? only politics. More dead wahhabis are a good thing indeed so this saudi s*** belief doesn't come to Pakistan en mass. Here's your moderate syrian rebel raised and funded by your saudis. There should be no mercy when it come to his kind seem indistinguishable from ISIS :)

When it comes to syria blame the gulfies for escalating it and not having the balls to take out the syrian army directly. Furthermore name me atrocities that i have supported.....don't talk sh**. Pakistan doesn't give a second thought about this "revolution" and haven't condemned the syrian government.

You don't even know the nuance of politics you think these blanket statements mean anything unless they are directly calling out individuals.......like how russia bombs moderates and there Al qaeda buddies (the same that kill pakistanis btw) but still has "open dialogue" with them.

i have to disagree
no Arabs were helping us when Millions of Muslim were being killed, and Muslim women being humiliated during partition
so, no Pakistan cant be created anywhere

Arabs don't even help out arabs....poor palestinians.
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your statement shows how you switch back from bleeding green to attempt to gain sympathy from muslims you desert lizard..

this is only true for your land...your fore fathers did this shit...and they still do it to shia pilgrims...

what blood have you shed for them?? get your head out of your anus... making few statements and doing exercises aint shit.... america did more for saudi arabia then any other country.....
1000 troops to do what fight the houthis?? or do exercises?

i think you know a little too much about presenting behinds... no wonder you love "khans" lol

your worst then dog... you suggest that we take money and aid from arabs and return bite their hands....
the only i will out is your behind to khans...

yes like i have time to do this shit... its your job.. you jobless **** who has nothing to do all day but be a desert fighter on the internet....your probably a dessert fighter more then a desert fighter.

why the **** would i do that?? your going to do it for me...

we are proud of everything a gujjar does... becuase anything a gujjar does is good... weather he herds sheeps of a muj..
today the head of NAB is a gujjar
one of the presidents of pakistan was a gujjar
the person who named pakistan was a gujjar.
one of the richest areas in pakistan is gujrat/jehlum/kharian... all gujjar majority areas all areas more developed then the rest of pakistan except the top 2 biggest cities...and islamabad/pindi..
the most people per capita in other countries is most likely gujjars from these areas..mainly kharian(my city)..
all of pakistan depends on our money that we send... if the gujjar dominated areas alone stop sending moneuy to pakistan... your dessert fighters would actually become desert fighters.

my people named pakistan... we served more in pakistani army in the last decade then your people probably did in their entire history..
not all balochis are traitors but the biggest traitors are balochis...

why the hell would i do that??
i love my punjab and all my punjabis .... even the cow herding balochi punjabis from south punjab...
in fact i love all my pakistanis... but ill **** anybody up who tries discredit my religion people like yourself..

proud to be an american just as much as pakistani... i thank god that im able to live in this great nation and by being here i can help my homeland...
you would sell your mother to come to america so just shut your mouth and chew your dessert...

im not talking shit nor did i start talking shit.. i dont do that to pakistanis even if their kuttas like yourself...
im responding to pakistanis who started running their mouths.

dont be jealous.... weather they are c grade or f grade i dont care becuase i dont watch movies glorifying my people because i already know my people are great.
rickshaw drivers are humans as well i appreaciate their opinions just as much as any human... your see we gujjars are just great like that... while recognizing our greatness we also make our brothers feel great and only gujjars can do that.
we have a saying in our area.. a gujjar is half wali...muslims gujjars that is
no doubt gujjars gangsters through out punjab and india and where ever we live
even in areas against all odds gujjar shed blood and die for their motherlands..
just one small sacrifice by a great gujjar....
MINGORA: Militants publicly hang body of opponent - - DAWN.COM

stupid dessert fighter... maybe if your stopped eating so much dessert then you would know lol.....
Gurjar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
just read this and come back to daddy.... and the links for the sources are in there... lets just say that we gujjars had more kingdoms and empires then your balochs..

you mad.... becuase your just hurt my feelings lmao

you kutta da puttar.... united punjab was sacrificed for us to create pakistan forcibly we punjabis kept this country together against all odds.

without punjab there is no pakistan... get that into your head.
im everything i am becuase of allah and then america... not pakistan... pakistan hasnt done shit for me besides me being born there...in fact i done 1000 times more for pakistan.. and i will continue to do so.
i dont hate my countrymen... i love my countrymen.. i just hate pieces of shit like you....who say that islam didnt create pakistan.

oh just go **** yourself... i dont why im wasting time even explain shit a dessert fighter...you have too much charbi in your dimagh from eating all those desserts...

not the ones i met....the only thing you guys put in place is bacha bazi

Chill out boys... Why fighting with each other?
yemen ye be warned. coas and pm have difference of opinion , i guess.
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