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anti india resolution by isolated pakistan accepted in UN:breaking news

Right which is why Efforts are being made right now to kick you out of SAARAC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation).

and solidify BIMSTEC as the platform for regional cooperation.

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is an international organisation involving a group of countries in South Asia and South East Asia. These are: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and Nepal.

If that is not isolation then i don't know what is!
SAARC is a bunch of indian surrounded countries.
OIC an organization of 54 countries support pakistan.
china,russia kicked you out on afghanistan issue.
NSG membership is just a dream for you.
saarc countries like srilanka and nepal have good relations with us. afghanistan majority supports us. even they have stopped blaming us and recently they blamed iran for terrorism in afghanistan.
72 countries voted for pakistan in UN.
now what would you call it? popularity?
one link i gave is of radio pakistan an official radio station. it is credible.
other link i gave you is also .PK type which means it is official and authentic as APP.

Read my post #9 or shalI I paraphrase it again!

"Ps don't expect me to accept either a Pakistani or Indian origin news to be of credible value. I denounce Indian media as well to remain neutral"
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Read my post #9 or shalI paraphrase it again!

"Ps don't expect me to accept either a Pakistani or Indian origin news to of credible value. I denounce Indian media as well to remain neutral"
ok then go to some third country military forum for authentic news. i haven't been hired here to satisfy you.

Read my post #9 or shalI paraphrase it again!

"Ps don't expect me to accept either a Pakistani or Indian origin news to of credible value. I denounce Indian media as well to remain neutral"

read completely. the draft was presented few days ago. passed today. hope this satisfy your credible value thing. the news will soon be every where.

Nothing on janes as well dude... am waiting! Ps don't expect me to accept either a Pakistani or Indian origin news to of credible value. I denounce Indian media as well to remain neutral.



If this is the link your referring to then please be advised it may be under DDOS!

ab kiya huwa source daik kai hawa nikal gae kiya? :lol:
NO ONE ASKED YOU TO... You opened the thread you're liable for scrutiny!
Height of frustration! lol let me Break your argument.

ok then go to some third country military forum for authentic news. i haven't been hired here to satisfy you.


read completely. the draft was presented few days ago. passed today. hope this satisfy your credible value thing. the news will soon be every where.

read the whole thing twice, this resolution is based on reforms towards the international laws Concerning Self-Determination, Enhanced Cooperation. Nowhere does it make reference to mediations of existing territorial disputes. Urge you to read it again and tell me where in this article does it make a direct reference to India or Kashmir!

"The representative of Pakistan, explaining his vote, said the draft was not justified as Iran had engaged with international human rights mechanisms. He would vote against the resolution."

So Pakistan does not see eye to eye with the proposals put forward in this reform itself :hitwall:

The article you posted and its contents are very misleading and armature contoured journalism at best for domestic consumption. :coffee:
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Don't bother with these Bakhts, they are just experiencing massive butthurt at the moment. :lol:

actually i agree with Indian on this one. a neutral source is needed.

ok then go to some third country military forum for authentic news. i haven't been hired here to satisfy you.


read completely. the draft was presented few days ago. passed today. hope this satisfy your credible value thing. the news will soon be every where.

nothing being said about kashmir ?
Nice one.....they have a brains of a donkey.........how many times they did this fabricating news stupidity.. wikileaks... joint statement regarding. adding Kashimir,... LOC deaths,,,, they have stupid diplomats and fenku heads establishment . you know whom i am referring to..........Born losers. .

I gave the dude ample opportunity to provide a credible argument but all I got was rethorics. Oh well

You dont have to go to that extent for that troll of a poster.he is not worth it for that matter none from accross the border is except may be 2 or 3 guys.:-)

Not for him I had bigger fish in my mind, those that make things happen. Got feedback citing all the good Indians have left this forum and now is littered with Indian trolls. let's change that mindset. :D

Thoughts guys? @Roybot @Tshering22 @Joe Shearer
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This resolution is not about "Kashmir', Its a general resolution to cease human rights violation and right to self determination globally. This resolution is an own goal by Pakistan or Maleeha Lodhi as It also support the 'Right of Self Determination' for people of Baluchistan, GB & Sindh!!!!!!!
This resolution is not about "Kashmir', Its a general resolution to cease human rights violation and right to self determination globally. This resolution is an own goal by Pakistan or Maleeha Lodhi as It also support the 'Right of Self Determination' for people of Baluchistan, GB & Sindh!!!!!!!
they never asked for it. but indian occupied kashmir is full hot.
you know you will lose kashmir if you do it. we know we will get kashmir if you do it.

you also know that majority in no province of pakistan wants independence.
These guys now a days bringing such lunatic news and accusing us being denial blah blah. Ironically these news doesn't have any base to argue.. yet these fellows running threads.. just like thread about 13 soldiers death:-
They quoted as if Indian DM accepted.
But they are saying Indian media deliberately not publishing news.
Why would Indian media not report if Indian DM accepted?
even if we believe in this news as interpreted by Pakistanis.....who is going to enforce that resolution on India?
pakistan resolution in un on kashmir had been passed. the resolution proposed right of self determination in kashmir and condemns the use of force against the people demanding their right. 72 countries supported isolated pakistan stance.
source :waqt news

it was presented few days ago.

more authentic news:

The resolution is expected to come up for General Assembly's endorsement next month.

10:44 AM, 22 Nov, 2016


A committee of the UN General Assembly has unanimously passed a Pakistan-sponsored resolution reaffirming that the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights.

The resolution, co-sponsored by 72 countries, was adopted without a vote in the 193-member Assembly's Third Committee, which deals with Social, humanitarian and cultural issues.

Political observers say the resolution, which Pakistan has been tabling since 1981, serves to focus the world's attention on the struggle by peoples for their inalienable right to self-determination, including those in Kashmir and Palestine.

The resolution is expected to come up for General Assembly's endorsement next month.

Pakistan’s resolution reaffirming peoples’ self-determination right adopted in UN
November 22, 2016
UNITED NATIONS: A committee of the UN General Assembly Monday unanimously passed a Pakistan-sponsored resolution reaffirming that the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights.

The resolution, co-sponsored by 72 countries, was adopted without a vote in the 193-member Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with Social, humanitarian and cultural issues.

Political observers say the resolution, which Pakistan has been tabling since 1981, serves to focus the world’s attention on the struggle by peoples for their inalienable right to self-determination, including those in Kashmir and Palestine.

The resolution is expected to come up for General Assembly’s endorsement next month.

The text also declared the 193-member body’s firm opposition to acts of foreign military intervention, aggression and occupation, since these have resulted in the suppression of the right of peoples to self-determination and other human rights in certain parts of the world.

The resolution also called on those States responsible to cease immediately their military intervention in and occupation of foreign countries and territories, as well as all acts of repression, discrimination, exploitation and maltreatment.

Presenting the draft, Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said the right to self-determination was a fundamental principle of the United Nations Charter and international law.

“Exercise of this right has enabled millions across the world to emerge from the yolk of colonial and foreign occupation and alien domination,” she said, adding, “Many of us, present here today, are proud inheritors of this struggle to achieve a life of dignity and honor, as free citizens of independent states.”

Pakistan’s commitment to the universal right of peoples to self-determination was “firm and abiding”. She recalled that in 1952, the legendary Professor Ahmad Shah Bukhari, Pakistan’s first Permanent Representative to the UN, speaking before the Security Council, on the Tunisian question, said, “whatever the action the Security Council, in its wisdom may wish to take, we will keep this
in our hearts alive, and we will do the best we can.”

Pakistan, Ambassador Lodhi added, was “proud and humbled” to have kept this ideal alive, and to have given voice to the yearning for freedom, in Africa, Asia, and across the world.

Under its terms, the Assembly deplored the plight of millions of refugees and displaced persons who have been uprooted as a result of these acts and reaffirms their right to return to their homes voluntarily in safety and honour.

It urges the Human Rights Council to give special attention to the violation of human rights, especially the right to self-determination, resulting from foreign military intervention, aggression or occupation. It also requests the Secretary-General to report to the next Session of the General Assembly on this question.
Source: APP

Good effort, but this way KASHMIR seems a issue in issues list, not addressing specifically targeted for the condition of/in Kashmir.

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