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Another Idiot caught in Planning to Bomb Subway

What about this?
What about it? The tale claimed that just for perusing 'jihadist' material online, the FBI will knock on one's door the next day. I do it and no one came knocking my door...:rolleyes:...Further, I never said that a person cannot be of interest. It is logical -- That if a person is of interest, the FBI will not reveal their observation of him so soon into whatever it is he may be planning to do just in case he is part of a larger group. Think.
He still should be labelled as a terrorist.
Not as a Pakistani.
He even had a Green card so calling him a American Terrorist is Okay.
Entrapment is tricky business.

If they wouldn't have managed to get him in the act, and he figured out what was going on, he could've screwed them real bad.

I mean imagine the headlines "US government sowing seeds of terrorism against America".
I feel what is happening is FBI is actively looking for people who might be interested to do such acts and luring them to see if they will. Thus they are reducing the possibility of attack.
Be proud of being an indian. :cheers:

Yes I am.
Post 9/11 it does make a difference, at least with the authorities (Homeland Security etc.) It is the average American on the street who can't make a difference between one 'brown skin' and another.
Sad but true. Cheers.
Entrapment is tricky business.

If they wouldn't have managed to get him in the act, and he figured out what was going on, he could've screwed them real bad.

I mean imagine the headlines "US government sowing seeds of terrorism against America".

Could be.
Not forgetting that they were the ones to start WW2 and they were the ones to finish it, using nukes.

Racism could be this dangerous, didnt knew that!
I just don't get it. 9/11 was Al Qaeda, right :confused:... nothing to do with Pakistan... I don't understand why we got the short end of the stick...

I guess that is life...
Atleast as of now, they haven't yet said, he came to Pakistan and trained in the tribal area with the Taliban.

Strange thing is, faisal shahad and this guy, both living in the US for years, both must be doing good, faisal was atleast having a great life, don't know about this one, yet both of them get indoctrinated in the US and act on the stupid path.

Can't the US authorities do anything with respect to finding out how and who is brainwashing these guys in the US ??

The internet...I for one am glad of the Patriot act. I rather be alive than be bothered about the FBI checking my phone/internet records.
LoL. I use the DC metro quite oftenly as I rely on it when traffic is so bad and I don't feel like driving.

bloody hell -- as it is DC metro is facing major budget cuts and problems despite the fact that fare prices have gone up --according to locals here.

this sure as hell doesn't help.

As it SURE AS HELL doesnt help Pakistan or it's damaged image. I have a feeling however that the FBI and other agencies in U.S. were using Pakistanis as 'bait' to lure this guy and people like him. Therefore, the ''good'' Pakistanis should also get credit for helping to nab this guy.

it's sad that there are people out there who want to wreak havoc and maim/kill innocent people.

Pakistanis themselves (mostly civilians) have faced the wrath of such demented people.
I just don't get it. 9/11 was Al Qaeda, right :confused:... nothing to do with Pakistan... I don't understand why we got the short end of the stick...

I guess that is life...


You don't know why---because you went to fight the war across the border after the invasion----there were droves of you and us going to afg to fight---.

After the invasion of afg---the pak public took on the al qaeda as their own and not as terrorists.

We made this our problem intentionally and knowingly---the only thing the pak people didnot know were the consequences 8 years ago----.

The consequences were right in our faces---we didnot have the intelligence and the intellect to decipher them on the go---.

We played with fire---we were happy as long as the suicide bombers were targetiong others---it was okay---now we cry murder and beg for mercy when the fire is consuming our house---when bombs are exploding in the midst of our heartland.
I have been involved here for some months, on an Iranian forum for a couple of years - I research all sorts of bizarre material for posts. Haven't been visited.

The trigger is not internet browsing, it is more likely communication with known terrorist organizations, combined with international travel, that will cause a closer look.

therein lies the one drawback of an ever-globalized world and ease of communication within the information-highway.

some not so good people can disseminate and share their views, thoughts, and aspirations with the click of a button

in this case, there is little info as to what triggered this man (who incidentally was a green-card holder) to plot such a brazen and barbaric act.

It's unfortunate that degenerates like him are giving our country a bad name. The timing of it is quite strange and bizarre too, as Mr. Obama plans to ship off to Asia for state visits.

You don't know why---because you went to fight the war across the border after the invasion----there were droves of you and us going to afg to fight---.

After the invasion of afg---the pak public took on the al qaeda as their own and not as terrorists.

We made this our problem intentionally and knowingly---the only thing the pak people didnot know were the consequences 8 years ago----.

The consequences were right in our faces---we didnot have the intelligence and the intellect to decipher them on the go---.

We played with fire---we were happy as long as the suicide bombers were targetiong others---it was okay---now we cry murder and beg for mercy when the fire is consuming our house---when bombs are exploding in the midst of our heartland.
Really appreciate your posts, sir. It takes a lot of courage to accept one's faults and earlier mistakes no matter how old or how early. This post of yours shows that you're genuinely concerned about your country Pakistan, wish to see the bitter reality rather than live in alternate world and wish to combat these evils that are undoing your country's foundation.

Really respect this brave comment from you. If more Pakistani members think, post and work like you, the problem of terrorism will be eradicated in a fortnight. :tup:
Really appreciate your posts, sir. It takes a lot of courage to accept one's faults and earlier mistakes no matter how old or how early. This post of yours shows that you're genuinely concerned about your country Pakistan, wish to see the bitter reality rather than live in alternate world and wish to combat these evils that are undoing your country's foundation.

Really respect this brave comment from you. If more Pakistani members think, post and work like you, the problem of terrorism will be eradicated in a fortnight. :tup:

Why don't you indians stop trying to act superior to Pakistanis and work on your own problems in india... Ie. rap e epidemic, poverty, aids, etc.

And maybe if your terrorist indian army in Kashmir changed their mindset as you advocate above there would be no problems in Kashmir.

I find some of you people throughly irritating. :rolleyes:
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