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Aman ke Asha – A Cornerstone of the new Indian Cold Start Strategy?


Oct 17, 2009
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Aman ke Asha – A Cornerstone of the new Indian Cold Start Strategy?

Ahmed Shahid

Just one day after the Indian army chief, Deepak Kapoor, gave out a statement promoting going to war with Pakistan and China at the same time (with him painting a picture of New Delhi annihilating Pakistan within few hours of war), the Indian media in collaboration with Pakistani media hit off the new year, with a campaign tagged “Aman ke Asha”. The last time we engaged Indians on such an Asha was in ending up having Indian Jets in our skies for possible strikes and war – and all without evidence. We remember the “Das Kadam Pakistan Khatam” styled pathetic videos shown on the same Indian media singing Aman Kay Geet now. So, we wonder what the “Asha” is all about this time. The plan apparently as always, is to move towards another round of Confidence Building Measures – CBMs, with Pakistan. The question however is, is it really worth it? We shall leave the answer to the reader after reading on.

Let’s see how India aka Bharat is really doing to fulfill this time its Aman Ki Asha. As far as the world is concerned, an intention for peace must be supported by some steps. Even when Obama chose to promote peace, mostly with Russia, he took some decisions in refraining from installing missile shields in the world and announced cutting down of US nuclear arsenal. This is not exactly the standard, yet however, can churn some example for Bharat. With its colossal plans of spending a hundred billion dollars on acquiring state of the art weaponry from all over the world in the next two to five years, we really doubt the Indian plans for peace. What’s interesting to us is not really what the Indian masses think about peace, it’s what the Indian leaders are saying on record and what the Indian media is propagating to constantly keep the hype of war alive with Pakistan. We have not forgotten what Indian analysts such as Bharat Verma write about Pakistan and the solutions he gives for peace. Nor have we forgotten what Indian leaders said after the fall of Dhaka: We have taken revenge of a thousand years with Pakistan. Have we forgotten what Narsima Rao said about breaking and destroying Pakistan, only promoting it as its enemy? Or have we forgotten what happened with Babri Masjid and the tribunal verdict on that? Looking at the events now, the world doesn’t seem any different place. We still have the Indian army chief giving out occasional statements promoting war with Pakistan, threatening it and destroying it. Is this how Aman ke Asha will see its logical end? We don’t know what Bharat really means this time, but what we do know is that you cannot convince the world with singing songs of peace and happiness at one side, and taking up arms and threats on the other hand. If anything, it reminds us of the infamous Chankya and his teachings.

We are not sure under what delusional these people are. But what happens on the ground tells a very different tale. Pakistan is fighting a war at fronts it doesn’t even know. We have American mercenary blackwater going in Pakistan unchecked with weapons. We have American B-52s flying on FATA under the big hand of friendship. We have India doing exercises with Israel and we know where this all is headed eventually. Bharat has never accepted the state of Pakistan deep down and we know it more every time Indian leaders say it out loud. We know what Bharat is up to with Americans, Israelis and the team. The message is clear and loud: The media may be writing so and there may be some conceding but the masses of Pakistan and its youth is aware and well aware of protecting Pakistan, the stronghold of Islam, the bastion of Islam. We will not bow down to aggression or be taken for a fool or deceived. Very closely, we watch you and your designs and we shall know when you are sincere and when you are not, and you are not. Where you do gather few under the name of peace, we watch at guard of our nation and our country.

A Cornerstone of the new Indian Cold Start Strategy? | Pakistan Daily
a slightly biased article IMO.

while we can not really blame the author for believing that the indian defence procurements are pakistan centric( too much bad blood between the 2 nations) he is wrong in the regard.
india now plans to offset the military advantage that china enjoys over it. the places where the IAF is improving infrastructure can be instructive.

The last time we engaged Indians on such an Asha was in ending up having Indian Jets in our skies for possible strikes and war – and all without evidence.

i am not sure when indian jets flew in pakistan skies. could someone enlighten me about which incident this refers to?
We will never have peace because of Idiot authors like the above mentioned .. The fact is ..its you Pakistanis who don't want peace... largely because of the mass indoctrination being carried out by the Pakistani media and govt.
We will never have peace because of Idiot authors like the above mentioned .. The fact is ..its you Pakistanis who don't want peace... largely because of the mass indoctrination being carried out by the Pakistani media and govt.

:rofl: Is Kapppora our General and is that Pakistan who is talking of fighting two wars with China and India simultaneously? Think some! By the way, we are not under the pin when we think of fighting two wars. We already know Pakistan will fight the Holy war with India, interesting part is that China is being dragged by India into the same battle. :pop:

India is not even half good to encounter China and Mr. Kapoora is looking to fight two front war with China added with Pakistan in the name of PEACE :rofl::rofl::rofl:
We will never have peace because of Idiot authors like the above mentioned .. The fact is ..its you Pakistanis who don't want peace... largely because of the mass indoctrination being carried out by the Pakistani media and govt.

Was it Pakistani media playing songs Das kadam Pakistan khatam!
or was it Pakistani media showing videos all the time in public what will happen when we go on war with Pakistan ?
Was it Pakistan who always started wars !!!
Where they Pakistani planes flying in neighbouring territories and then either escaping back or were taken down !
Who is the follower of propaganda ?

We dont even bother if indians add sumthing in military inventory , its indian media always crying over even if Pakistan purchases a new bullet, and y wont they because, these are the same news channels who have sections for news on Saas bahu dramas and these are the same channels delivering news by adding masala.

Moreover, bollywood is also not Pakistani industry which time to time brings anti-Pakistan movies.

And also Manmohen Singh is not Pakistani who promisses and committes something else in places like Sherm-Al-Sheikh and when gets spanked in NA on return then changes the words.

Personelly I have never seen such an immature Army cheif who sitting in office and watchin wet dreams and making speculations! Have you ever heard any American or Chinese or Russian Army cheif saying We can five with 5 countries or 6 countries at the same time.

Other than that it might go off the topic, but there has always been propaganda and some pointing on Pakistan in the sense that who controls Pakistan, Civilian Gov. or Military, well thats Civilian governmnent in our case because there is not even a single intersecting word or action from Pakistan military and government, where as in our neighbours case its reverse whenever government talks about peace, media points on Pakistan and at the same time military officers give statements of going on war with Pakistan or atleast giving a hint of possible threat of war.:smokin:
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absolutely FOOFLISH article, one thing is sure, as long as your media plays destructive role by publishing article like this there would be no dearth of brain washed children in pakistan... and what those brain washed will do at the end?....will cross the border to go to paradise soon..

deepak never mentioned that india would start war with both pak and china, but he responded in case if both the nations wage war upon india( the scenario is likely). this is how our generals make our leadership and burecrats to wake to reality to speed up defence purchases.

the path to you is very clear to you for your development

1. stop supporting terrorism in any form
2.dont get overwhelmed by US and india's closeness. we both need each other to achieve our goals.. so learn to live with reality..
3.tell me what is your problem with israel.. dont create unnecessary troble to yourself..dont make israel to feel that pakistan is their imminent enemy.. if they decide they can do anything on your country.
4.stop your obsession about nukes..your leadership and military frequent threatning of nuking india is going to backfire..i am sure, US will not be without any plans to denuke you sooner or later..look around you and count the bomb blast in a day..things are changing fast..if the same situation continues - you will end up with civil war.
well author is somewhat right about its contradictions but sill aman ki asha looks a better option for pakistan...as it seriously needs some aman now.
We already know Pakistan will fight the Holy war with India

Holy War with INDIA.Pls sir tell me what it means i don't understand.anyone.
:rofl: Is Kapppora our General and is that Pakistan who is talking of fighting two wars with China and India simultaneously? Think some! By the way, we are not under the pin when we think of fighting two wars. We already know Pakistan will fight the Holy war with India, interesting part is that China is being dragged by India into the same battle. :pop:

India is not even half good to encounter China and Mr. Kapoora is looking to fight two front war with China added with Pakistan in the name of PEACE :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The only way you can counter an argument is by name calling Indian Generals. What a Shame :rolleyes:

Most of your post is rant and :blah:

This has been told at least a 100 times. Gen Kapoor told "IF ATTACKED BY PAKISTAN AN CHINA" you should read that at least a 100 times before posting any more BS.

Most Pakistanis here blame Indian media for Hate mongering... Go check your own media before looking into ours. Indian media is not even 10% as hate mongering as Pakistani media( RAW responsible for terror attacks!! Evil RAW supplying Taliban etc... etc... without even showing an ounce of proof), and now Indian media offers a chance for peace and now your hallucinating media starts hate mongering that
I would like to remind ourselves that it is not Pakistan which is about to spend $32 billion this year alone on defence spending, it is not Pakistan that is occupying Kashmir even though the majority of Kashmiris have been and are demanding independance from Indian occupation for the past 60years.
I agree that on a people-to-people basis there is little animosity and much friendship exists due to common language, food and some culture. It is rather the Indian expansionist aims which feed any Pakistani fears and put us in the readiness to fight.
The fact is India (and the US) would like Pakistan to be stripped of our Nuclear deterrant, downsize our military, reduce our nation to a bunch of consumers for Indian goods - they wish we were like Bhutan or Nepal....
Dream on. Pakistan has the potential to feed the whole of the Gulf region, it has the human resources to industrialise into a 1st-world country and it has the natural resources (gas, coal, oil, minerals) to do it.
Its just been our bad luck that we have gluttony in govt, but change is around the corner.
Let’s see how India aka Bharat is really doing to fulfill this time its Aman Ki Asha. As far as the world is concerned, an intention for peace must be supported by some steps. Even when Obama chose to promote peace, mostly with Russia, he took some decisions in refraining from installing missile shields in the world and announced cutting down of US nuclear arsenal. This is not exactly the standard, yet however, can churn some example for Bharat. With its colossal plans of spending a hundred billion dollars on acquiring state of the art weaponry from all over the world in the next two to five years, we really doubt the Indian plans for peace.

Look my friend the article sees India with a Pakistan centric view point. But all this defense spending is not intended towards Pakistan,
Indian economy is doing well we have cash in hand & our armed forces are in bad shape so they are being modernized :cheers:

All these billion dollar investment is like a fixed deposit or an insurance policy which will mature over time so at present our spending is not even 1/2 of our GDP

We have not forgotten what Indian analysts such as Bharat Verma write about Pakistan and the solutions he gives for peace. Nor have we forgotten what Indian leaders said after the fall of Dhaka: We have taken revenge of a thousand years with Pakistan. Have we forgotten what Narsima Rao said about breaking and destroying Pakistan, only promoting it as its enemy? Or have we forgotten what happened with Babri Masjid and the tribunal verdict on that?

all this is an illusion the author of the article is blinded by hate & nice use of one incident the Babri Masjid :what:
"exceptions cannot be examples my friend" well it did happen a shameful act all Indians do agree with. It was Politics not the people

but what we do know is that you cannot convince the world with singing songs of peace and happiness at one side, and taking up arms and threats on the other hand. If anything, it reminds us of the infamous Chankya and his teachings.

Hope these lines are true i have read Chanakya's teachings it should be the corner stone of Indians foreign policies it makes a lot of sense

Bharat has never accepted the state of Pakistan deep down and we know it more every time Indian leaders say it out loud. We know what Bharat is up to with Americans, Israelis and the team.

Oh come on we really don't want Pakistan to be a part of India
1.Pakistan is based on Islam & India an values of secularism & co-existence
2. India & Pakistan is a long done business
3. What most Indians feel is brotherliness with the people & not there land(Pakistan) coz somewhere down the line we share a common ancestry.

& i bet most people in Pakistan do feel the same except for those who write crap like this :cheers:

The message is clear and loud: The media may be writing so and there may be some conceding but the masses of Pakistan and its youth is aware and well aware of protecting Pakistan, the stronghold of Islam, the bastion of Islam.

If this is the case then Pakistan should stop fighting TTP coz they are the Mujaheddin fighters of god, protectors of islam.

We will not bow down to aggression or be taken for a fool or deceived. Very closely, we watch you and your designs and we shall know when you are sincere and when you are not, and you are not. Where you do gather few under the name of peace, we watch at guard of our nation and our country.

What aggression is the author talking about tell me once where india has started the war with Pakistan

When most Indians were rejoicing that "all is well" between India & Pakistan we had 1999 Kargil :hitwall:

Conclusion: The article is purely Crap, Increases hatred among people,Makes Pakistan more radical and this thread becomes a troll thread :pakistan:
When will the Pakistani media and hypers realise that India and Indians do not want Pakistan as part of India. I f we wanted more land we could have taken over Bangladesh in 1971. We have too many people and too much land as it stands. Keep yours and leave ours to us :hitwall:
First step should be for both governments to diffuse the tension by not giving any hypothetical statements about eachother in an aggressive manner...only genuine issues should be highlighted...when responsible people give irresponsible statements and speculate to their heart's desire then the ordinary people shall always be in doubt, especially with the history between us and the fact that our interests do clash on many points...

Whatever the motive of the media groups here, if a drive for peace is started then why dismiss the idea based on mistrust?
Clearly had there been trust we would not see so much hate and the need for a peace effort...it is the very dearth of trust that most of our people hate eachother's countries; though in a foreign land they are more apt to mingle easily and become friends...

I do not think that without the media participation there can be peace since our leaders are not that strong due to too much internal divisions within their countries, especially when it comes to formulating a mature policy for the betterment of future generations...a policy in which much needs to be forgiven and forgotten...

Anyways, let us see how this goes...the idea of peace is good one and needs to be given some physical manifestation, for that to happen media can provide an excellent non aggressive platform for the masses to view commonality and weigh the benefits of peace versus those of perpetual warlike state...
Otherwise this peace will always be an illusion.
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