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Aman ke Asha – A Cornerstone of the new Indian Cold Start Strategy?

absolutely FOOFLISH article, one thing is sure, as long as your media plays destructive role by publishing article like this there would be no dearth of brain washed children in pakistan... and what those brain washed will do at the end?....will cross the border to go to paradise soon..

deepak never mentioned that india would start war with both pak and china, but he responded in case if both the nations wage war upon india( the scenario is likely). this is how our generals make our leadership and burecrats to wake to reality to speed up defence purchases.

the path to you is very clear to you for your development

1. stop supporting terrorism in any form
2.dont get overwhelmed by US and india's closeness. we both need each other to achieve our goals.. so learn to live with reality..
3.tell me what is your problem with israel.. dont create unnecessary troble to yourself..dont make israel to feel that pakistan is their imminent enemy.. if they decide they can do anything on your country.
4.stop your obsession about nukes..your leadership and military frequent threatning of nuking india is going to backfire..i am sure, US will not be without any plans to denuke you sooner or later..look around you and count the bomb blast in a day..things are changing fast..if the same situation continues - you will end up with civil war.
Our media plays destructive role. Das kadam pakistan khatam.....That was indian media. Chacha Rehman in Pakistan. Again indian media. Pakistan ka khul geya pol again Indian media. You want me to give you youtube links.
First step should be for both governments to diffuse the tension by not giving any hypothetical statements about eachother in an aggressive manner...only genuine issues should be highlighted...when responsible people give irresponsible statements and speculate to their heart's desire then the ordinary people shall always be in doubt, especially with the history between us and the fact that our interests do clash on many points...

Whatever the motive of the media groups here, if a drive for peace is started then why dismiss the idea based on mistrust?
Clearly had there been trust we would not see so much hate and the need for a peace effort...it is the very dearth of trust that most of our people hate eachother's countries; though in a foreign land they are more apt to mingle easily and become friends...

I do not think that without the media participation there can be peace since our leaders are not that strong due to too much internal divisions within their countries, especially when it comes to formulating a mature policy for the betterment of future generations...a policy in which much needs to be forgiven and forgotten...

Anyways, let us see how this goes...the idea of peace is good one and needs to be given some physical manifestation, for that to happen media can provide an excellent non aggressive platform for the masses to view commonality and weigh the benefits of peace versus those of perpetual warlike state...
Otherwise this peace will always be an illusion.
Agreed that for things to improve, the first obvious step is a recession in the overt hostilities or..... at least a semblance of that.

But are we there yet?? The belief systems of both the societies as on date are too firmed to be changed/modulated. These change over time, with either a concerted effort via educating them to the contrary of their beliefs or otherwise (the quick way) a clear failure of their belief system.

The effort though commendable is too thin and against too many odds owing to the current environment to bring about any positive results. However, not withstanding of the result of this exercise if their is sustained effort following up, somewhere things might start changing. But that will need the collective will of both the populaces and their intelligensia.... which would in turn need a sterile environment over a long period that gives these efforts the time to succeed.... which is why the terrorist organizations (even if I would take the non-state actors argument) find it so easy to derail the process. They just need to create a single incident to corrupt the environment and we are back to drawing daggers.

In my view, it would probably the latter way out..... something gotta give in this region to change this belief system..... let us hope that there is minimal collateral damage....

Realization of the damaging strategy dawns up on us only when we take stock of our situations, that stock taking I think is still some way away and hence we wait...... for that event which will make us sit down and take stock.

I wonder if the author of the article realises that this is a private media intiative. The GoI has no role in this. Offcially the GoI will not move on the composite dialogue until the "perpetrators of the mumbai attacks are bought to justice".

But to its credit, it has'nt done the knee jerk reactions of previous times like cutting of diplomatic relations cancelling all visas, hasn't closed trade ties e.t.c. So in private capacity no is stopped from continuing to trade or visit either countries. This is left to the private citizen or business group to decide what to do.

Hence you have the "made in pakistan" five day dedicated fare in Chandigarh and the Indian boxing team visiting lahore and other such trips. The GoI under UPA-II is atleast trying to send out the message that the people of Pakistan itself are not the problem. Its the elements in Pakistan committing terrorist attacks in India that are based on Pakistani soil. And that has to stop before we can move forward on the path to peace and dialogue. We can't have dialogue if such attacks are happening, or people who advocate such attacks are roaming freely.
Baseless article, this is not the first attempt by both medias to ease tensions, there have been many such attempts in previous years.

News channels and outlets don't play a role inthis, its basically celebrities coming together and promoting peace.
Just one day after the Indian army chief, Deepak Kapoor, gave out a statement promoting going to war with Pakistan and China at the same time (with him painting a picture of New Delhi annihilating Pakistan within few hours of war)

He didn't say that or atleast didn't mean that.... Period.

I think we should all realize something, the terrorists will try to attack more but if the media is united to some extent and brings about more transparency to the nature of the threat and the common issues which can be resolved through peace...then that is the only way to foil this attempt.

The effort may seem trivial and meaningless to many but where else do we start from?
The change has to be in every TV lounge...and for that to happen we need media to play a leading role...

Regarding the terrorists...Pakistan is being targeted by all terrorist groups so the enemy is common in this regards...I have firm belief that Mumbai was an effort to ignite war...these scumbags know their days are numbered if all the countries here reach some sort of understanding...this is their last stand and they do not mind burning everything surrounding them.

We all need to open our eyes and realize that these anarchist forces will always be at daggers drawn with any sort of presence which ensures stability.
A future in which subcontinent is economically progressing will mark their death since even Afghanistan will benefit tremendously and break free from its current plight...

Maybe they plan another attack in India and succeed...after all they have been carrying blasts in all parts of Pakistan...all they need is to cross the border and they will have supporters in India as well because it is an international business and money is not an issue for these networks.
In all scenarios i see, the terrorists have to do little to ensure even more chaos...

It is only through such extraordinary means that we may expect a peace drive...it is too soon to predict anything but this can lead to something excellent...
Aman ke Asha is another joke from india . India want to dominate the hole Asia. but india has to realize that its impossible.
Definitely gay. TOI and JANG Group must stop their Gayish activities and let India prove its Muscular might.
Aman ke Asha is another joke from india . India want to dominate the hole Asia. but india has to realize that its impossible.

Hole Asia:blink:....I never knew Asia is a Hole...:lol:...

If you have not realized ..Aman kiAsha is a Joint initiative of One Indian and One Pakistani News Groups....:toast_sign:
yeah, and its lame and cheesy nonsense.

When i go online and check the news, i dont want to be seeing these stupid logos popup on the screen

empty slogans, rainbow banners and other lame cheesy **** wont change ****.
'Aman ki Asha' on the face looks cute, but the ground reality is a hell of a lot different. It's another thing when me or someone else wants 'peace' but the reality doesn't change with anyone's 'Asha'.

IMHO, personally I see the fate of India/Pakistan relations somewhat similar to the Israeli/Arab relations. There can never be 'peace'. They can go on, smile for the camera, publish articles in the media, pose with the victory sign wearing peace apparel, arrange in a concert for promoting peace (I never understood how that one helped in any way) but there you go, all of this and not one bit changes on the ground. So as far as I'm concerned, this 'Asha' although a commendable effort, nonetheless, useless in reality.
Look at the picture-look at all these idiotic romantic cruckwits. They have have nothing better to do except weaken Indian resolve to defend itself against repeated **** attacks?

I would request TOI to Please STOP this nonsense. How many times must Indians get fooled by Pakistanis? They clearly do not want peace because it is political suicide in Pakistan to ask for peace with India. So much for the 'common peaceloving' man in Pakistan wanting peace. Just Shut the border, build a gigantic fence and do not allow any Pakistani to set foot in India, unless on humanitarian grounds. As for the terrorist attacks on Pakistan now, they do not bother me one bit. In fact I am happy when I see Pakistani people being targeted by their Islamic heroes. Let them go through another 50 years of terrorist hell and then mabye they might voluntarily give up their nonsense of Islamic expansionism.

Wow, looks like i caught a "terrorism supporter" here,

You know what, you are an evil sick bast**d.:angry:
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