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Ahmadinejad slams push for Islamic life


May 22, 2012
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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken out against the use of pressure to impose Islamic values on people, especially university candidates, media reported.

“You cannot impose things by issuing decrees and directives, a choice imposed by force has no value whatsoever,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech on Dec. 30.

“In some universities, female students are forced to wear the chador [covering the whole body, leaving only the face exposed], but the way they are forced to wear it ... it is better not worn since it becomes worthless,” he said. He also criticized criteria on the selection of university candidates, citing the case of a student denied university admittance in the 1980s because he had shaved.

Ahmadinejad also mentioned another case of a girl refused a university place because she had “talked to a boy in the street and had her headscarf back an inch,” thereby showing her hair. He said that after he intervened in both cases they were granted places.

Ahmadinejad also denounced some of the questions posed to candidates during interviews for government jobs.

“We have asked people if they drank alcohol or have illicit sexual relations. This is an insult and goes against religion.”


too late IR, way too late

Young people in Iran already hate Islam. As the saying goes, "IR has done more damage to Islam in Iran than any king in the past 1400 years."

Most people want Islam in Iran . Unfortunately some Iranian friends like Abii and Surenas that have been abroad almost their whole life try to show the picture of Iranians they like .

Some people think supporting Islam in Iran means supporting the current system which is not true . Millions of people are Muslim but against the system in Iran .

I don't know what your problem is with Islam , But people need to read about it to see what it says . If some Iranians think Islam is an Arabian religion , I ensure you they're racist and if you read their posts you'll find what I say .
Nejad is a wise man, believe system (regardless if its any of the religions or atheism) shouldnt be forced on anyone. In a lot of West countries people are forced and brainwashed to be fanatic atheists. On the other side of the coin, we have fanatics from Saudi/Qatar, who will force their radical Islam on you.

Most people want Islam in Iran . Unfortunately some Iranian friends like Abii and Surenas that have been abroad almost their whole life try to show the picture of Iranians they like .

Some people think supporting Islam in Iran means supporting the current system which is not true . Millions of people are Muslim but against the system in Iran .

I don't know what your problem is with Islam , But people need to read about it to see what it says . If some Iranians think Islam is an Arabian religion , I ensure you they're racist and if you read their posts you'll find what I say .

Dont pay attention to him, he is just a fanatic atheist I was just mentioned, similar to wahhabi fanatics, - different sides of the same coin.

too late IR, way too late

Young people in Iran already hate Islam. As the saying goes, "IR has done more damage to Islam in Iran than any king in the past 1400 years."
what the hell?
who told this bulshit to you?your facebook friends?realy?
I as a young Iranian who "live in Iran from the birth up to now" am ready to give my life for Islam.the same about most of Iranians.even the regime haters dont have such a silly idea you have.
anyway,you do not represent Iranian people.

anyway this one for you
@ Albanian, go worry about your own country

@ S00R3NA

Out of every 10 middle and upper class young Iranians, at least half of them don't even call themselves muslims and the other half who do, are nothing but statistical muslims, incuding you yourself most likely. Only "pain shahr" people and older gen are actually practicing muslims.

Kollang and S00R3NA, do you guys pray? Go to mosque? I will gurantee that at least one of you drinks and you probably both have girl friends and have sex as well. You're part of that half that call yourselves muslims but in reality you're just "statistical muslims" and nothing more.

Iran has the lowest mosque attendance in all the Islamic world at 1.4%!! Only 30% of the people in Iran even pray at home (I highly doubt that this is true and it should be even lower. Those 30% probably got scared and answered yes in the survey).

Yet according to surveys by Iran's own ministry of culture and guidance, fewer than 1.4% of the population actually bothers to attend Friday prayers.

Iranian clergy have complained that more than 70% of the population do not perform their daily prayers and that less than 2% attend Friday mosques.

In recent years Iran has spent millions of dollars building new mosques and refurbishing old ones, but attendance has declined sharply. Leading religious leaders are now suggesting that they should show feature films in order to attract more people to prayers.
In the other hand religious authorities of Iran have acknowledged that the young generation is becoming more and more interesting in Christianity. They also announced that the Bible have penetrated into the most of the Iranian houses.

@ Kollang, lotfan enghad shoar nade. It's all "shoar," nothing more.
When !?

anyway , he is free to say his opinion .... right !?

So you agree that IR is pushing Islam down people's throats? Interesting.

Stop pushing so hard, it's coming out of the other end you're pushing so hard lol

A baby can believe anything, Grown-ups require evidence. ;)
yes i have a girl friend but i dont touch her so much.and she is very hOT.so is it against the sharia?and yes i say my prayers most of the time.(sometimes i can not wake up for morning prayers).
and no,i dont go to mosque most of the time because im not a do-nothing person like saudis.anyway mosques are the great place for relaxing.BEST PLACE!
btw your numbers are bulshit.just susuls in north of tehran are like what you are.
yes i have a girl friend but i dont touch her so much.and she is very hOT.so is it against the sharia?and yes i say my prayers most of the time.(sometimes i can not wake up for morning prayers).
and no,i dont go to mosque most of the time because im not a do-nothing person like saudis.anyway mosques are the great place for relaxing.BEST PLACE!
btw your numbers are bulshit.just susuls in north of tehran are like what you are.

Thank you for proving my point Mr. Hypocrite.

1) Not my numbers, they're from Iran's ministry of culture and guidance and they're from all of Iran, not just Tehran.

2) I'm not Tehrooni, been there for a week in total

3) I'm not soosool one bit mate, that **** doesn't fly here. You can't get any tail by being a soosool in Canada. Women don't like pretty boys here.

4) So you have a girl friend, you have sex, you drink and you pray once in a while. As I said, statistical muslim.
do you think we are enough grown-up to get any evidence about it?
we are just like those babies who cant see their momy!just because they cant see her they deny it!

How would you know, did babies talk in the womb and tell you this?:coffee:
Thank you for proving my point Mr. Hypocrite.

1) Not my numbers, they're from Iran's ministry of culture and guidance and they're from all of Iran, not just Tehran.

2) I'm not Tehrooni, been there for a week in total

3) I'm not soosool one bit mate, that **** doesn't fly here. You can't get any tail by being a soosool in Canada. Women don't like pretty boys here.

4) So you have a girl friend, you have sex, you drink and you pray once in a while. As I said, statistical muslim.
i dont have se.x.i dont drink(just i did once in foreign country and wont repeat it).its just a friendly relationship.hey for you girl means s.x?
and yes its just people in north of tehran and overseas like you to have such a idea.just this.
however nowdays people have no time to say their prayers in mosques, because we are bussy.

now good night.will see you later:wave:

How would you know, did babies talk in the womb and tell you this?:coffee:

insha Allah i will tell you next morning.perhaps i will have time to show you how to prove GOD and Islam.
good night!
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