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Ahmadinejad slams push for Islamic life

Chinese and Taiwanese people do the Same !! Could be a cultural thing as well . Maybe Farsi names are difficult to pronounce correctly just like a mandarin or Cantonese name .

That is a cop out lame excuse, and BTW welcome back from your vacation. :D

yes i have a girl friend but i dont touch her so much.and she is very hOT.so is it against the sharia?and yes i say my prayers most of the time.(sometimes i can not wake up for morning prayers).
and no,i dont go to mosque most of the time because im not a do-nothing person like saudis.anyway mosques are the great place for relaxing.BEST PLACE!
btw your numbers are bulshit.just susuls in north of tehran are like what you are.

You do not need to explain yourself to him, nobody can judge you but God himself. Do what you want, the rest is on him. That is why the Islamic Regime of Iran has failed Islam, force religion and you push people away. Than again look at what the far left Turks did in Turkey and they caused more people to become devout Muslims so it can work both ways. That is why moderation is key for a healthy society.
Not what you wrote but people who change their names just because others cannot pronounce it.

What else can be the reason for chinese and taiwanese to adopt westen name in such huge numbers ?? .
What else can be the reason for chinese and taiwanese to adopt westen name in such huge numbers ?? .

Conversions to Christianity, two of my friends had Chinese names growing up now they are Christian and named Henry/ Paul.

Chinese are attracted to all those Evangelical missionaries in droves, although my friends just converted without any extra motivation from such people.
Chinese and Taiwanese people do the Same !! Could be a cultural thing as well . Maybe Farsi names are difficult to pronounce correctly just like a mandarin or Cantonese name .

I don't think it has to do with difficulty of name. It has something to do with " Inferiority Complex ".

I have a difficult Pakistani name and I have yet to hear from an American that they cannot pronounce my name.
anyway i dont support gov over forcing people for islamic cover.actually everyone is free to choose her/his path.
actually the Islamic republic goverment doesnt represent a true Islamic government.
during Imam Ali(ع) era a jew man sued Imam over his armore.the guy went to the court and sued him.Imam Ali had no proof that he is not the robber.so the jew guy received Imam's own armore.the jew guy disclosed his lie right after Imam gave the armore.and the guy became muslim.
the true Islamic government is that.not the one we see in Iran.
:lol: so much

On topic- There should be a free and fair referendum in Iran to know what most people want. A theocratic state or a secular and liberal democracy.Then this never ending debate will find a conclusion.
Iranians did that in 1980.98% voted for Islamic republic.but now 70% want I.R i guess.
anyway i dont support gov over forcing people for islamic cover.actually everyone is free to choose her/his path.
actually the Islamic republic goverment doesnt represent a true Islamic government.
during Imam Ali(ع) era a jew man sued Imam over his armore.the guy went to the court and sued him.Imam Ali had no proof that he is not the robber.so the jew guy received Imam's own armore.the jew guy disclosed his lie right after Imam gave the armore.and the guy became muslim.
the true Islamic government is that.not the one we see in Iran.

So the Jew got away with lying and false testimony just because he converted to Islam?:what:
@Abii jan:have you ever been to cities like Qom,mashhad or yazd?have you ever been to a village?.do you think they have the same idea you have?most of the people there are muslims.about 90%
just people in north of tehran and overseas have such a idea you have.

who said Islam is for Arabs?who said zoarastria is for persians?Religion is a perfect schedule for a perfect life.they are all like the lanterns that guide the ships to the ports.

So the Jew got away with lying and false testimony just because he converted to Islam?:what:
realy dont know about this.
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