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Agreement Done Myanmar will buy JF-17... Dunya news

Let's make some money the biggest Ummah of All is our stomach and we sure are hungary at the moment.

If you don't make money you don't have any chance of getting these.

To improve the forum please posts links to back up your claims. I've seen nothing online about a Myanmar confirming a JF-17 purchase.
What do you think of Pakistan as? Even if we sell them these jets we will have no influence on them. There is nothing we can do, yes maybe, but let's not make it worse by getting our hands dirty with muslim blood.
We'd be building military ties with the nation. They need training for these jets, they'd have no choice but to deal with Pakistan, as Pakistan is the only one who's using the type.

What do I think Pakistan as? A nation that for the longest time has deluded itself into thinking that the rest of the Muslim world actually cares about Islamic unity.
You won't change or get mature. To support terrorism, one doesn't need to share a "border" with anyone. You do share 50 "cultural centers" in empty mountains around Afghanistan, on the border where Baluchistan and KPK are super easy access, within some miles.
These are areas where less than 1% people even care to know India is a country close by. These "cultural centers" fund and train people to go into Pakistan all the way to Baluchistan. So learn to call terrorism when the other party lose people to your terrorists too. Its not a one way street where you chose which terrorists you hate, and they are bad, and the ones you support and like (including Hindu terrorists inside India, killing Christians and Muslims), those you chose to ignore conveniently and never call them terrorists.

NS wasn't forced for anything. You can bullsheet all day but the truth is, NS went against his own military's advise and tried to setup some peace with you. You guys, on the other hand, high on nationalism and super India's power (that's not there to a degree in which you believe in insanely), shitted all over NS's good wills. At the end, NS had to hear from his military that "we told you so"!!

India becoming a world power isn't exclusive to a violent Hindu extremist organization. How could you even dream for a seat on the UN's permanent council when inside your OWN country, your own government sponsors terrorism against its minorities.

Ask your PM, how many hundreds of Christians and Muslims, his PEEPS killed and he supported those, kept all the law enforcement agencies on the side step allowing the nationalists to rule the area and murder as many as they wanted to from any minority group they wanted to !!!

The world isn't stupid, from the Pope, to the European Union's heads to the President of the US, EVERYONE has told you to stop murdering your own minorities, in the name of Hinduism / religion!! But here, you'll paint a colorful picture that you guys usually present to the West, as to how colorful life is in India, when your minorities sleep in utter fear every night, not knowing if they'll wake up tomorrow or be killed overnight by the Hindu extremists.

50 cultural centers ?? There is one in Kabul

If things are so bad in India how come minorities are not running to Pakistan.

If India continues to grow we will get UN Security Council seat. I am not sure it means much.

For all his follies Nawaz Sharif wants to grow the economy by trading with India. Your military was against it.
The PTI/PAT agitation against NS was backed by the Pakistani military. Pakistan needs India more than the other way round.
Myanmar signs deal to buy Thunder fighter from Pakistan

Though four Chinese civilians were killed by bombs dropped by MiG-29 fighters of the Myanmar Air Force, sources from Pakistan's Ministry of Defense said that a contract had been signed for Islamabad to sell the JF-17 Thunder multirole fighter, also known as the FC-1 Xiaolong, which was jointly developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group and Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, to Naypyidaw, Islamabad's Capital Television reported on March 18.

The report said various countries including Nigeria, Bangladesh, Tajikistan and Myanmar had shown great interest in purchasing the fighter from Pakistan because its price is much cheaper than other fighter jets of the same class such as the F-16 and the Eurofighter. Myanmar demonstrated its interest in the fighter back in June 2014, according to the the Myanmar Times.

Myanmar also wants to build a production line with the assistance of China and Pakistan to build the fighter for itself. Thanks to previous cooperation with China, Myanmar already has experience in producing Chinese aircraft such as the J-7 fighter or Q-5 attacker.

The purchase of the Thunder has not yet been confirmed by government officials in Mayamar. Pakistan is pushing hard to sell the fighter to foreign markets but none of the countries mentioned above has yet made a decision.

Myanmar signs deal to buy Thunder fighter from Pakistan|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
It's ok to look after the country's interest, but selling military equipment to a genocidal regime is absurd no matter what "religion" or "ummah" you represent.
"Sorry Guys if Posted Before", Source is United Press
Myanmar in talks to license-build JF-17 fighter

By Ryan Maass | Feb. 3, 2017 at 9:33 AM





Myanmar's negotiations with Pakistan follow a purchase of 16 JF-17 aircraft in 2015. Photo by Aldo Bidini/Wikimedia Commons

Feb. 3 (UPI) -- The government of Myanmar is in talks with Pakistan to license-build its own variant of the JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter jet.

If an agreement with Pakistan is reached, Myanmar will be able to manufacture the single-seat aircraft initially developed by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and China's state-owned Chengdu Aerospace Corporation.

The talks follow Myanmar's purchase of 16 JF-17 jets in 2015, which are expected to enter service with the country's air force later this year. IHS Janes reports the planes will be of the Block II variant, which feature air-to-air refueling capabilities and improved avionics from its predecessor.

Myanmar is seeking to replace its legacy fleet of F-7M Airguard and A-5C Fantan combat aircraft procured from Beijing in the 1990s. According to Quwa, Myanmar has 24 F-7s and 16 A-5s in its fleet.

If the country's push to license-build the JF-17 is cleared, it is not known if Myanmar will manufacture the Block II variant already procured, or pursue the more advanced Block III variant first rolled out from PAC's Kamra plant in 2015.

The PAC JF-17 Thunder is a lightweight, single-seat, multi-role combat aircraft capable of deploying a diverse array of ordnance, including air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. The plane is also armed with a 23mm GSh-23-2 twin barrel autocannon.
No JF 17s for myanmar, they slaughter muslims, they dont need more weapons to do that.
who cares in pakistan about muslims????our religion is restricted to mosques. the real thing that we always worshiped is $$$$$.
this is what nationalism has done to the islamic world.
These JF17 will ensure that Myanmar airspace is protected from any Indian "sir g kal" strike in future.

#1 It is illegal to post graphic posts
#2 You qouted , statements from a website which does not directly references the Sahih Series (Hadith work), as it lacks the necessary references to issue of illegal immigration / citizenship

The website your qouted your stuff from is based on interpretation work by folks who calaim to be scholars, however they are not authors of Shahih series, normally companions of Prophet etc. Which is why these books (Sahih Series) are more closely followed

There is reason why those idealogies from the interpretation work is not present in Pakistan i.e Full black robes , or women not driving in Pakistan etc and many more

  • People can go read the actual books themselves instead of reading derived work

Proper referencing
"Name of book" 1
In-book reference : Book ######, Hadith #######

There is no mention of any issue related to Illegal immigrants / citizenship cases making sales improper

Certainly no line that talks about Fighter Jets / JF17 thunder or military sales

Sahih al Muslim
Sunan an Nisai
Sunan Abi Dawud
Jami Al Tirmidhi
Sunan Ibn Majah
Muwatta Malik
40 Hadth Nawawi
Riyadh as Salihin
Al Adab Al Mufrad
Hadith Qudsi
Sham'il Al Muhammadiya
Bulugh Al Maram

Go type & Search : "Weapon sales , immigration , Citizenship" get nothing back

No statement , that states sales of weapons illegal for immigration violation or citizenship issues

JF-17 sales

> Myanmar (Burma) , are for military and not for border control or immigration control purpose
> Nigeria , are for fighting against Boko Haram / Al Qaida
> Senegal (possibly) for helping secure borders from rouge groups

Go type: "Weapon sales , immigration , Citizenship" get nothing back

  • Weapons sales the site lets you search all books Sahih series. Guess what nothing comes up
  • Similarly nothing comes up for Citizenship issues or Immigration bans, these are now handled at Country level differs nation by nation basis

Any revoke of sale would happen if OIC countries bring a resolution against the issue or Under United nation's security council vote etc

In any case the sale went thru Chinese Side (Problem solved)

Now the issue is Myannamar /Burma's internal issue with dealing with illegal residents (which they claim) , they claim the folks have no nationality etc (which they claim)

Pakistan can't determine the legal status of the folks who may or may not have been effected by the , action of their border security police force.

So really it is up to Security Council or OIC to sit down and review the issue of deportation of certain population in Myannamar , and determine the actual facts and figures

It is a regional country specific issue inside that country as member of the world population we have to await the fact finding mission

As a Pakistani I do care about the cause of refugees
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The Rohngya Muslims in Myanmar had an independence movement since the 60s, they wanted/still want an independent state of their own and are still "fighting" -with knives and machetes!- the Burmese security forces, mainly the police forces and very seldom the army gets involved, so it is a complicated matter where civilian Buddhist Burmese also intervene against these Muslims, massacres have happened, but so it did in India on a 10 or more times scale.. this should be a UN issue, neither China nor Pakistan can solve it, since it is an internal civil issue of Burma.. the sale of fighter jets won't affect these issues at all, since it is purely military..
Things would have been different if the Rohngya had a large armed rebellion with heavy weapons..but it is far from reality..
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