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Featured After Erdoğan, Prime Minister Imran Khan condemns French President Macron over Islamophobia

Stabbing of 2 men by a random Joe is an act of violence and extremism; on the other hand, speeches against Islam and Muslims by a Head of State are clear indications of Islamophobia and radicalism against 1 religion.
Talking of radicalization among Muslims which leads to such situations where men resort violent attacks isn't Islamophobia. Up holding rights of freedom of expression isn't Islamophobia. Muslim men living in France should adhere to French values of liberal society and learn to religion less seriously. They are in France and not in Pakistan.

He stood up, defend our values, principles, faith and our prophet

He did good, he did right

Everything else is not a excuse for inaction
Imran khan has been far from any ideal practicing Muslim all his life.

Imran khan is doing vote bank politics by issuing these statement.

Only those in Pakistani middle class or elite who are as hypocritical as IK in these own lives would fall for these statements.

Forget Muslims outside of Pakistan, I'm sure conservative Muslims of Pakistan don't think much about IK's pious Islamic credentials.
Their country their rules.
France is a secular country with extreme freedom of expression.
And that's part of French culture which they cherish.

Does France insist why a Christian can't become PM of Pakistan?
Or why a 'blasphemer' faces death sentence in Pakistan?

Imran khan cribs about Islamophobic but will not condemn publicly when Pakistani man stabbed two persons in Paris.
Extreme freedom of expression ? Yeah sure say anything regarding holocaust, Jews, Zionism and you'll see the so called freedom of expression..
Imran khan has been far from any ideal practicing Muslim all his life.

Imran khan is doing vote bank politics by issuing these statement.

Only those in Pakistani middle class or elite who are as hypocritical as IK in these own lives would fall for these statements.

Forget Muslims outside of Pakistan, I'm sure conservative Muslims of Pakistan don't think much about IK's pious Islamic credentials.

Yaar people change, they are allowed to repent and grow

Islam does not condemn the sinner forever

Repentance and faith in God is powerful
Islamic republics are teaching secularism to France. I mean is there no sense of irony in the world anymore?

Imran better look at his own country than worry about Islam at the world stage. His country is failing economically and politically. By playing the messiah of Islam, he is boxing himself as Muslim leader rather than a world leader. It'll be detrimental to Kashmir issue too.

And each country has its own way of handling social tensions according to their requirements. By meddling in their affairs, Imran once again shown the shallowness of his diplomacy. His attack on Macron is as diabolical as his attack on Modi as Nazi. Imran should be smart and practical with diplomacy. Instead of launching his verbal tirade against France on Twitter, he should have registered his disappointment with the French embassy in Pakistan.

Atleast Erdogan is playing to his constituency as France is seen as a rival in Turkey. How will this help Imran and Pakistan? Don't tell me that Islamic countries would see him as their leader because of this. They are more practical than him. West would see him as loose cannon.

Oh well, what is done is done, good luck to Pakistan with this leader.
Secular ? Like india right ? But atleast they have good beef burgers.. btw if its so secular why dont we go there and hold a cartoon sketch competition regarding holocaust?
Talking of radicalization among Muslims which leads to such situations where men resort violent attacks isn't Islamophobia. Up holding rights of freedom of expression isn't Islamophobia. Muslim men living in France should adhere to French values of liberal society and learn to religion less seriously. They are in France and not in Pakistan.
Rights of freedom of expression :rofl: bahi yeh rights holocaust pe ya zionism pe baat karte hue kaha mar jate hain?
Secular ? Like india right ? But atleast they have good beef burgers.. btw if its so secular why dont we go there and hold a cartoon sketch competition regarding holocaust?

Do it in your own country. French has laws against holocaust. I don't understand what gives you the right to question anyone about secularism when you yourself are from a Islamic republic. Nobody gives a shit what you think about French secularism.
Superb response by our PM.
Do it in your own country. French has laws against holocaust. I don't understand what gives you the right to question anyone about secularism when you yourself are from a Islamic republic. Nobody gives a shit what you think about French secularism.

Neither do we give a shit about what the French think about Islam or our prophet.

Tell your two pence worth Macron to boycott all relations with nations that follow Islam and the prophet. Will Macron honor his word?

What kind of a duplicity is this? Cuss the Muslims and their prophet, but continue to have diplomatic relations with Islamic nations.
Extreme freedom of expression ? Yeah sure say anything regarding holocaust, Jews, Zionism and you'll see the so called freedom of expression..
Holocaust which happened in Europe denial of it is anti Semitism, a hate crime.

But criticizing religious belief or making fun of it religious ideology can't be a crime in the similar fashion criticizing religious belief or making fun of a political ideology. Do you get it?

If violence takes place in the name of upholding religious or political values, that's radicalization e,g. Islamic(religious) or political (communist violence) which must be condemned and curbed in any free and democratic society.
Holocaust which happened in Europe denial of it anti Semitism, a hate crime.

But criticizing religious belief or making fun of it religious ideology can't be a crime in these similar fashion criticizing religious belief or making fun of a political ideology. Do you get it?

If violence takes place in the name of upholding religious or political values, that's radicalization e,g. Islamic(religious) or political (communist violence) which must be condemned and curbed in any free and democratic society.

This is not freedom of expression. It is hatred. Differentiate between both.

If you hate Muslims this much just abandon relations with Islamic nations. Simple solution.
Holocaust which happened in Europe denial of it is anti Semitism, a hate crime.
But many deniers condemn violence against Jews too, they just claim that the Holocaust didn’t happen. Is this hate crime too?

'Anti-Semitic' satire divides literary Paris
A controversial columnist's aside about Nicolas Sarkozy's son and a Jewish heiress has reignited old embers. By Jason Burke
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com

Siné - Wikipedia
en.m.wikipedia.org en.m.wikipedia.org

Charlie Hebdo once fired a cartoonist because of antisemitism.

You see the double standards? I know you Hindus like it when white masters hate on Islam, but don’t forget that they ridicule your rituals too, so stop sucking up to them like slaves. I know being a coconut is the best thing you can be, but try some self respect.

But if we want to talk about genocides, France should recognize its own in Algeria first before lecturing other nations in this regard.
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Stabbing of 2 men by a random Joe is an act of violence and extremism; on the other hand, speeches against Islam and Muslims by a Head of State are clear indications of Islamophobia and radicalism against 1 religion.
The problem is Muslims themselves,we see world wide protests when something like this happens but when a terrorist attack happens or some random joe does a horrible thing in the name of Islam ,the same people don't protest and send a msg to these terrorists that they are not following Islam and what they did is against Islam . When the said terrorist attack happened ,you can see post in the threads majority saying what he did was right ,it's west fault ,see Syria,afghanistan ,plaestine and what not.
LOL that is funny considering that PM did return the favor now yet you people are still fuming.

Tell Macron to break relations with Islamic nations of he hates their prophet.
If islamic countries feel he insulted Mohammed,then it's up to islamic states to break the relationship with france ,france had done what it had to do. It's up to people like Imran to break the ties
The problem is Muslims themselves,we see world wide protests when something like this happens but when a terrorist attack happens or some random joe does a horrible thing in the name of Islam ,the same people don't protest and send a msg to these terrorists that they are not following Islam and what they did is against Islam . When the said terrorist attack happened ,you can see post in the threads majority saying what he did was right ,it's west fault ,see Syria,afghanistan ,plaestine and what not.

If islamic countries feel he insulted Mohammed,then it's up to islamic states to break the relationship with france ,france had done what it had to do. It's up to people like Imran to break the ties

It is simply buddy. Tell Macron to break relations with Islamic nations and continue hating the prophet. It is hypocritical to have relations with Islamic nations yet hate their way of life. The onus is on France to break relations considering this country hates Islam and its prophet. Not the other way round.
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