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Afghans declare war on Rooh Afza

Aaaa yes and there are 3 million in Pakistan

Afghanistan is just playing games and will not take even half of these refugees if it forced. They know very well that Pakistanis don't like Afghan refugees and they will not accept them either. Its Pakistan problem now and we have to settle them in Pakistan and integrate them. Whether you like it or not we cannot send them back and short of total expulsion which will cause violence and may be even war with Afghanistan we own these refugees now.
Afghanistan is just playing games and will not take even half of these refugees. They know very well that Pakistanis don't like Afghan refugees and they will not accept them either. Its Pakistan problem now and we have to settle them in Pakistan and find them employment. Whether you like it or not short of total expulsion which will cause violence and may be war with Afghanistan we own these refugees now.

War with Afghanistan? -- they will send an Armored column to take Rawalpindi? well maybe in the minds of Afghans they will.

Afghanistan is powerless -- my point is Pakistan needs to focus on Internal security -- it is not my point actually most scholars of security point it out. Refugees have been fleeing in record numbers when life became hard for them. Keep up the pressure and they will surely leave.

Further you did not answer my questions? How is it that Canada can refuge Afghan refugees and Pakistan cannot.
Afghanistan is powerless -- my point is Pakistan needs to focus on Internal security -- it is not my point actually most scholars of security point it out. Refugees have been fleeing in record numbers when life became hard for them. Keep up the pressure and they will surely leave.

They have seen better life in Pakistan and will come back. I remember reading news report of an Afghan family that lived in Pakistan for many years and when they returned to Afghanistan they found it as a primitive place without any facilities. Then after few months they decided to return with new a appreciation for Pakistan. They now felt that Pakistan is better place to live with more facilities. So even if you force them back many will return. When US cannot seal the border with Mexico how can we seal our border with Afghanistan.
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They have seen better life in Pakistan and will come back. I remember reading news report of an Afghan family that lived in Pakistan for many years and when they returned to Afghanistan they found it as a primitive place without facilities. They then decided returned to Pakistan after few months. They now felt that Pakistan is better place to live with more facilities. So even if you force them back many will return. When US cannot seal the border with Mexico how can we seal our border with Afghanistan.

Of course they will and you send them back.

The can easily seal the Mexico border -- the problems is the American Latinos are against it -- Latin American immigration boosts the ranks of American latinos and results in greater political power -- hell even Democrats like it because they have lower birth rates than the bible belt in the US -- Latin American immigrants are future Democratic voters.

That has no parallel in the Afghanistan/Pakistan sense. Pashtun Pakistanis are the biggest advocates of sending Afghans home as they suffer the most from Afghan refugees.

Hate to quote Donald Trump here, but he said the Chinese built the great all of China hundreds of years ago and we can't build a wall on the Mexico border in the 21st century?

@ArsalanKhan21 -- Further question: Why are Canada, UK, Australia sending Afghan refugees back to the "combat zone" as you put it?
Of course they will and you send them back.
Further question: Why are Canada, UK, Australia sending Afghan refugees back to the "combat zone" as you put it?

There is 2,250-kilometre (1,400 mi) long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The wall will cost too much and will not work as the border guards will take bribes to let people pass through. We all have read reports of Pakistan ID cards from NADRA being sold for 1000 Rupees to Afghans and other foreigners. We can instead use that money to build homes, schools, hospitals and factories.
There is 2,250-kilometre (1,400 mi) long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The wall will cost too much and will not work as the border guards will take bribes to let people pass as we have seen with Pakistan ID cards from NADRA sold for 1000 Rupees. We can nstead use that money to build homes, schools, hospitals and factories.

Fair point: The Army has already dug a trench -- more symbolic -- let's mine the border too

Further the border does not have the be sealed -- just the most trafficked parts -- Pareto's rule?

Further still you can make life miserable for the refugees -- make it criminal for people to lease homes to them.

Hey man I'll buy a NADRA card if sold for 1000 Rupees. I lost mine and still haven't been able to get one.

@ArsalanKhan21 -- Further why are you avoiding my question: Why are Canada, UK, Australia sending Afghan refugees back to the "combat zone" as you put it?

Some of the comments on this thread have tried to trivialize the matter of Ruh Afaza.

First it was funny to watch it so there was some comedic value.

Now onto more serious stuff.

1. This video went viral amongst Afghans on social media
2. It was citied in several articles in well respected news outlets
3. It reflects the Afghan view of common Pakistanis not as they claim, the ISI -- unless Ruh Afzah is section of the ISI
4. This is not an isolated incident. Afghan doctors have trashed Pakistani medicines (also not a product of the ISI) and further still the decision not to import Pakistani medicines has been endorsed by the Afghan Chamber of Commerce.

I know this is not as sexy as (what do they call them) contrails (?) coming off an f-16 (or is it f-16.5) but the significance of this is strategic.

I don't have a good reference -- but rumor is that "a visiting" Pakistani minister has warned the Afghan government of the negative press campaign against Pakistan.
Fair point: The Army has already dug a trench -- more symbolic -- let's mine the border too

The border wall can also be blown up and the refugees rush in.

Further why are you avoiding my question: Why are Canada, UK, Australia sending Afghan refugees back to the "combat zone" as you put it?

They are small in number and so being deporting to Kabul. They will not return in most cases. While Pakistan has millions and shares the border with Afghanistan and the refugees can return back to Pakistan easily.
This is not the rooh afza that we use here in Pakistan, its thick and has dark red color. Though it is used mostly in Ramdhan, I have tried and tested many brands but couldn't find an alternative to it. Best of luck to Afghans :tup:
Yes let india feed them burden on india clise our border in few years india cannot hurt that much by afghan hand and yet they feed entire country for nothing they will kick their butt and let these rats kill each other

Ask russia to attack afghan this time we support you seee these rats have no wherd to run
Hmmmmm I have given it some thought and reached to the conclusion that if Afghans are playing into hands of the enemy why should we, if they are acting stupid why should we become stupids with them.

Okay Afghan brothers you don't like Rooh Afza, no problem We will send you Jam E Sheereen, and if you reject that too we will send you Nouras, I hope you won't be able to reject that, because most of us remember the line "Bhool na jana phir papa, Nouras lay kay ghar ana, Mazay mazay ka nouras muj ko hy apni jan say bhi piyara" :D

Good idea, Jam E Shireen comes in sugar free as well, unlike Roohafza!
Good idea, Jam E Shireen comes in sugar free as well, unlike Roohafza!
Yeh, send Afghans with Jam e Sheereen laced with cyanide. Cyanide's taste is like bitter almond, symbolic of our bitterness towards their thankless attitude.

Allah says: هَلْ جَزَاءُ اْلاِحْسَانِ اِلاَّ اْلاِحْسَانُ

"Is there any reward for good other than good?" - Suar Al-Rahman 60.

But only when someone believes in Allah.

Rasool Allah (PBUH) said that there will be so-called Muslims who will recite Quran more than you (sahabah) do but Quran will not pass through their throats.
The border wall can also be blown up and the refugees rush in.


the great well of China has stood hundreds of years -- the Palestinians have not been able to blow up the wall that separates them and Israel -- a vehicle moat adjacent to the wall?

Further the drugs harm Pakistan tremendously and fuel a criminal enterprise -- it'll put an end to them too.

They are small in number and so being deporting to Kabul. They will not return in most cases. While Pakistan has millions and shares the border with Afghanistan and the refugees can return back to Pakistan easily.

We're talking about reducing the refugee numbers significantly -- Pakistan was able to manage the internal movement of IDPs -- why should refugees be any different.

@ArsalanKhan21 -- Further why are you avoiding my question: Why are Canada, UK, Australia sending Afghan refugees back to the "combat zone" as you put it?
Yeh, send Afghans with Jam e Sheereen laced with cyanide. Cyanide's taste is like bitter almond, symbolic of our bitterness towards their thankless attitude.

Allah says: هَلْ جَزَاءُ اْلاِحْسَانِ اِلاَّ اْلاِحْسَانُ

"Is there any reward for good other than good?" - Suar Al-Rahman 60.

But only when someone believes in Allah.

Rasool Allah (PBUH) said that there will be so-called Muslims who will recite Quran more than you (sahabah) do but Quran will not pass through their throats.

Plz sir do not quote the good book in regards to your personal prejudices.
what was she saying ?

but pakistani rooh afza looks more pinkish and less thikker what we have in india
We too have the same rooh afza you have in india.In the video its not actually a rooh afza i am sure its something else in the bottle.The namak haram afghan attention seeking whore put something else in the bottle to make a video.Typical afghan behaviour is to use a pakistani thing or product and later show namak harami and unthankful behaviour.
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