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'Afghanistan very close to our hearts': Indian President Kovind

No Indian can come close to Abdualla Dullah's best friend and career mentor.

ya ya they alone two worked, rest of the Muslims were sleeping
you are right... some people are smart at taking credit.
Entire Bengali Awam in east Pakistan created Bangladesh but all the credits were taken by Shaikh Mujib and Indira Gandhi. Not Fair.
So you mean only two men wanted Pakistan and rest of Muslims wanted to live under Banyia ?
and no one ever invaded Bharat mata from Afghanistan
All the invasions were pushed back up to Kandahar ... great

you are right... some people are smart at taking credit.
Entire Bengali Awam in east Pakistan created Bangladesh but all the credits were taken by Shaikh Mujib and Indira Gandhi. Not Fair.
So you mean only two men wanted Pakistan and rest of Muslims wanted to live under Banyia ?
and no one ever invaded Bharat mata from Afghanistan
All the invasions were pushed back up to Kandahar ... great
So you mean to say that all the muslims living east of Khyber Pass were invaders?
So you mean to say that all the muslims living east of Khyber Pass were invaders?
There's no such thing as east khyber pass. Sure, you come to troll on Pakistani forum,but first get some knowledge about Pakistan, then start trolling.

Almost half of Pakistanis have documented ethnicity "qoum = Afghan" . Their forefathers didn't invaded bharat mata but were invited by forefathers of modi
In the end they wanted to live under modi but were forcefully separated by just two men
There's no such thing as east khyber pass. Sure, you come to troll on Pakistani forum,but first get some knowledge about Pakistan, then start trolling.

Almost half of Pakistanis have documented ethnicity "qoum = Afghan" . Their forefathers didn't invaded bharat mata but were invited by forefathers of modi
In the end they wanted to live under modi but were forcefully separated by just two men
You mean to say there is nothing on the east of "Khyber Pass" ??
Apart from History they taught me wrong Geography too.
I thought Punjabis were the largest ethnic group in Pakistan but thanks for correcting me.
I know Babur had come to invade Ibrahim Lodhi at the invitation of Rana Sanga.
Its very enlightening to chat with you.
You mean to say there is nothing on the east of "Khyber Pass" ??
Don't try to be smart now... look at your comment, what you wrote ..

I thought Punjabis were the largest ethnic group in Pakistan but thanks for correcting me.
Baby again wrong, first Punjabi speakers are not single ethnic group ... Then there are pashtuns living in Punajb a lot ... ever heard about them? in whole cities
Only the Pashtun live in all provinces of Pakistan on mass level settlements.
I know Babur had come to invade Ibrahim Lodhi at the invitation of Rana Sanga.
Its very enlightening to chat with you.
Your äss beating from Afghan territory first started with Mahmood of Ghazni not Babur
They are very close by words not by actions. Don't take afghan refuguees, Don't send troop to afghans. Just build 1-2 roads in afghan and they are our friends. Whom they are trying to make fool?
When India sending Army to Afghanistan............ Come on they ae very close to your heart so don't be P****, be brave , Trump also want India to send troops.
They are very close by words not by actions. Don't take afghan refuguees, Don't send troop to afghans. Just build 1-2 roads in afghan and they are our friends. Whom they are trying to make fool?
1-2 roads, count in the schools, dam & their parliament, we are committed to promote democracy :cheesy::cheesy:
We are the fifth largest donor to Afghanistan globally.
India should take their beloved Afghan refugees too.
valid Question, Afghan no but everyone else is welcome!
Take Rohingyas.

Don't try to be smart now... look at your comment, what you wrote ..

Baby again wrong, first Punjabi speakers are not single ethnic group ... Then there are pashtuns living in Punajb a lot ... ever heard about them? in whole cities
Only the Pashtun live in all provinces of Pakistan on mass level settlements.

Your äss beating from Afghan territory first started with Mahmood of Ghazni not Babur
You know when you lose argument, you resort to abusive language. I have a different upbringing so I withdraw.
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