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Afghanistan rape victim pardoned but faces marriage pressure


Sep 14, 2010
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Afghanistan rape victim pardoned but faces marriage pressure - Telegraph

A woman who was raped by a family member but then jailed for adultery has been pardon by the Afghan president but activists fear she will now be forced to marry the man who carried out the rape.

By Foreign Staff9:29AM GMT 02 Dec 2011
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's palace issued the statement pardoning Gulnaz late on Thursday, a rare pardon in such a case in staunchly muslim Afghanistan.

Her case attracted international attention after she took part in a documentary film commissioned by the European Union but later withheld.

Gulnaz had eventually agreed to the condition she marry her attacker under the earlier release offer but her lawyer said the release granted this week did not depend on her going through with the marriage.

It was not clear whether she still intended to marry the man, her lawyer, Kimberley Motley, said. Her attacker is serving a 7-year prison term for the crime.

Motley said she hoped her client would be released shortly, and that there was a place for her in a women's shelter.

The palace statement said Justice Minister Habibullah Ghalib asked a panel of top legal officials to order her release. Gulnaz sought a pardon from Karzai earlier this week.

"After assessing Gulnaz's case, (they) decided that her remaining sentence in jail should be pardoned under the current rules and regulations of the country and she should be released," the palace statement said.

Gulnaz was initially sentenced to two years in jail for "adultery by force", which was later increased to 12 years on appeal. She was given the choice of marriage or serving a jail sentence.
Her sentence was then cut to three years after a third appeal, and the requirement for her to marry was dropped.

Gulnaz became pregnant as a result of the attack and gave birth to a daughter in the Badam Bagh women's prison in Kabul almost a year ago.

Motley also welcomed what she said was a decision to review the cases of other women in the same jail.

"The judiciary has effectively supported the Elimination of Violence Against Women Act by allowing for her to be released, for allowing for her to be pardoned," Motley said.

"Precedent definitely has been set. As I understand it, the judiciary today was also reviewing the files of other women in Badam Bagh," she said.

The presidential palace declined to comment on whether other cases were under review.

The film in which Gulnaz featured, a documentary on women in prison, was blocked from release by the EU mission in Afghanistan over fears it might compromise the safety of the women involved because it showed their identity.

The film-makers have been pushing for the film to be released, and say Gulnaz wanted her story to be told.

EU welcomed the woman's release.

"Her case has served to highlight the plight of Afghan women, who 10 years after the overthrow of the Taliban regime often continue to suffer in unimaginable conditions, deprived of even the most basic human rights," the European Union's Ambassador and Special Representative to Afghanistan, Vygaudas Usackas, said.

He said the EU hoped the same mercy would be extended to other women serving similar terms. Usackas said he planned to raise the issue of Afghan women's rights at an international conference on Afghanistan in Germany.

Some of the most severe restrictions women faced under the Taliban, like a ban on attending schools and having to have a male escort to venture outside the home, were done away with when the radical Islamic movement was driven from power in 2001.

"I made a promise to these women that I would get their stories out. I am glad that I've been able to honour that promise to Gulnaz," said the film's director Clementine Malpas.

"I still hope that our film can be released, so people can hear the stories of the other women, and perhaps increase their chance of getting justice as well."

Gulnaz's case had been condemned widely by human rights groups. An online petition started by Motley has been signed by more than 6,000 people.

Motley said she is still trying to ascertain whether the attacker will also be released if they agree to marry.
The US g-ov-ern-ment, banker and military generals backed Al CIAda and Taliban who destroyed Afghanistan.

America quite literally destroyed Afghanistan.

First by supporting the Afghan religious extremists against the Soviet Union (who eventually turned into the Taliban), and then by coming back and bombing their country to pieces.
The Goldman Sachs and Wall Street oligarch, US g-ov-ern-ment, CIA, Lockheed Martin and military generals committed a crime against humanity with their genocide against Afghanistan which has reduced from from a shining beacon of socialism to a place worse than sub-Saharan Africa.
First, I tend to believe this news is true.

Second, Afghanistan is really a fxxked-up country from top to bottom.

Third, I think Afghanistan need change its name to "paradise for rapist and hell for women".
Afghanistan was a shining beacon of progress under the Communist Party of Afghanistan.

Not really, since the Communists were forcing people to become atheist and seizing land from their owners, and since Afghans are known to be very protective of their independence, which is their honor, they resisted. Also it should be noted that due to the Communist Afghan government and its strict policies, the Majority Afghan population was alienated and thus pushed into the arms of the US and its support for extremist Islam.

The US g-ov-ern-ment, banker and military generals backed Al CIAda and Taliban who destroyed Afghanistan.

The only reason why these two terrorists movements exist is because of the Communists and Capitalists playing their games with the lives of innocent Afghans, using their soil for their cold war and trying to impose their ideologies on people who have a completely different way of thinking and living.
First, I tend to believe this news is true.

Second, Afghanistan is really a fxxked-up country from top to bottom.

Third, I think Afghanistan need change its name to "paradise for rapist and hell for women".

First True

Second it suffered through wars, corruption etc etc not surprising since it was a war torn country.

Third See Second.
The most important thing for people is to believe they have hope.

Do people in Afghanistan believe they have hope? How about those poor women???

U.S. and NATO do nothing about those rapist laws but drop bombs here and there. The only way to change that is to rewrite Afghanistan's constitution like what U.S. did to japan after WWII.

Other than that, it will be a hell hole for the next decades and so on.

First True

Second it suffered through wars, corruption etc etc not surprising since it was a war torn country.

Third See Second.
The most important thing for people is to believe they have hope.

Do people in Afghanistan believe they have hope? How about those poor women???

U.S. and NATO do nothing about those rapist laws but drop bombs here and there. The only way to change that is to rewrite Afghanistan's constitution like what U.S. did to japan after WWII.

Other than that, it will be a hell holes for the next decades and so on.

You don't seem to know much about afghanistan do you ? a tribal country the constitutions only works in Kabul outside it's lawless, USA UK NATO have tried for almost tens years and have failed. It's deluded to believe if they change the constitution any change will happen. like i've said Kabul is where it is rest is lawless.
The most important thing for people is to believe they have hope.

Do people in Afghanistan believe they have hope? How about those poor women???

U.S. and NATO do nothing about those rapist laws but drop bombs here and there. The only way to change that is to rewrite Afghanistan's constitution like what U.S. did to japan after WWII.

Other than that, it will be a hell hole for the next decades and so on.

Afghanistan is a tribal country, and a mountainous one at that. History is witness to the fact that tribalism is strongest in isolated regions like mountains, deserts, and densely wooded regions like the Amazon. Considering the fact that Afghanistan is also composed of different ethnicities, it is next to impossible to unite this nation under any constitution, every region follows its own tribal codes of honor, in other words a Tribal "constitution", though i can't say for sure about Tajik majority regions but this is true for Pashtun majority regions of Afghanistan.
I have no interest in arguing with you about its history. I am indeed well aware of its history till today and I am not short of it today as well.

It may has less today's religious BS during its communist days but I won't call it "a shining beacon of progress" as someone did as well.

Changing its constitution is only a start. Nobody said that will singly solve the problem. Just like What U.S. did in Japan, not only it changes it constitution, it goes through with the enforcement throughout the initial years.

You don't seem to know much about afghanistan do you ? a tribal country the constitutions only works in Kabul outside it's lawless, USA UK NATO have tried for almost tens years and have failed. It's deluded to believe if they change the constitution any change will happen. like i've said Kabul is where it is rest is lawless.
I see many people using tribal country as an excuse and I am indeed tired of listening to that.

You think China does not have many tribal areas??? Does China have less mountainous areas than Afghanistan does??? How about U.S.??? Any indian tribes do not follow U.S. laws??? How about Brazil??? Those amazon tribes do not follow Brazil law???

Does those tribes follow different constitutions???

Afghanistan is a tribal country, and a mountainous one at that. History is witness to the fact that tribalism is strongest in isolated regions like mountains, deserts, and densely wooded regions like the Amazon. Considering the fact that Afghanistan is also composed of different ethnicities, it is next to impossible to unite this nation under any constitution, every region follows its own tribal codes of honor, in other words a Tribal "constitution", though i can't say for sure about Tajik majority regions but this is true for Pashtun majority regions of Afghanistan.
I have no interest in arguing with you about its history. I am indeed well aware of its history till today and I am not short of it today as well.

It may has less today's religious BS during its communist days but I won't call it "a shining beacon of progress" as someone did as well.

Changing its constitution is only a start. Nobody said that will singly solve the problem. Just like What U.S. did in Japan, not only it changes it constitution, it goes through with the enforcement throughout the initial years.

If you anything about it's history it's a tribal country and even today it doesn't follow most laws the government and to try to compare 1940's japan to Afghanistan is laughable. 10 years failed the government is corrupt and no they won't implement a change over this the government will remain this way. 2014 we will have to see where it goes from their afghans will take full control of their country by then.

---------- Post added at 07:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------

I see many people using tribal country as an excuse and I am indeed tired of listening to that.

You think China does not have many tribal areas??? Does China have less mountainous areas than Afghanistan does??? How about U.S.??? Any indian tribes do not follow U.S. laws??? How about Brazil??? Those amazon tribes do not follow Brazil law???

Does those tribes follow different constitutions???

Tribes follow their own constitution.
If you anything about it's history it's a tribal country and even today it doesn't follow most laws the government and to try to compare 1940's japan to Afghanistan is laughable. 10 years failed the government is corrupt and no they won't implement a change over this the government will remain this way. 2014 we will have to see where it goes from their afghans will take full control of their country by then.

Watch out for this "ephone", he is a false flag who hates all the Chinese members here.

Where is his true loyalty? Just check any thread involving China and Israel, and he will attack all the Chinese members in order to defend Israel, by calling us "dick-men".

Quite pathetic, especially since his true country Isreal has more than it's fair share of religious nutcases.

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