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Afghan goons attacking Pakistani Embassy in London.

Patience as Americans leave, these supporters of Child molesting govt and warlords will get what they deserve for abusing thousands of children, I hope the Taliban give them an equal beating.
All these Afghan haramkhors would have gone to London from Pakistan refugee camps. This nation is so ungrateful. They are always anti-Pakistan.

They could also fly Turkish Airlines with a layover in Istanbul.

Kick them out of Pakistan back to Faganistan

Lol, these protestors aren't in Pakistan they're in the UK.

Yes not just in foreign countries but also on the web ... it is very interesting that these orchestrated fights by paid goons are planned when US is leaving Afghanistan ... hmmm

Why suddenly now ... ? Who is afraid of Stable Afghanistan Pakistan ties ?

No, these guys are real and there are quite a number of them.

They're Nationalists that hate pretty much every other ethnic group in Afghanistan. Here in Canada they're usually refugee claimants many who came on their own and drink, do drugs, get into fights and are nothing more than a liability on the host nation.

A lot of these Western governments do an absolutely sh*t job at weeding out migrants to places like Canada and the UK letting in a lot of these criminals and rapists whether from Afghanistan or India.

There are plenty of former Northern Alliance leaders which Pakistan could and should support. This Talib or Ghani dichotomy just exists in the minds of unimaginative Pakistani policymakers who've failed us for the last 40 years.

Had the Taliban been hostile towards us we wouldn't have supported them in the 90s.

The fact is they killed those who were hostile to Pakistan for us and helped us stabilize the border for years.

The Taliban have never been an ethnocentric organization and they've always welcomed any Muslim who wanted to join whether Tajik, Uzbek or Hazara many of whom have gone onto becoming commanders:
The Taliban Beyond Pashtuns

The groups you're talking about are generally all ethnocentric their alliance isn't borne out of any love for one another just out of a fear of the Taliban neither of them could have hoped to confront on their own.

It's not a bad idea to cooperate those members of the Northern Alliance that share our Islamic values and respect our soverignty in conjunction with the Taliban but not in opposition to them.

The Northern Alliance have accomplished little in the 20 years of direct military support and funding NATO has provided them so what would Pakistan offer that could beat what they were already given but accomplished so little with and what would we gain from working with them?

Also , the Afghan taliban also believe in loy shoy and they don't believe in durand line.

It doesn't matter whether they believe in the Durand Line or not as long as they don't interfere in the exercise of our sovereign rights or pose a threat to our nation and are pro-trade with our country.

However, as far as I know, the Taliban have always respected the border and never attempted to assert control or influence over our territories.
No, these guys are real and there are quite a number of them.

They're Nationalists that hate pretty much every other ethnic group in Afghanistan. Here in Canada they're usually refugee claimants many who came on their own and drink, do drugs, get into fights and are nothing more than a liability on the host nation.

A lot of these Western governments do an absolutely sh*t job at weeding out migrants to places like Canada and the UK letting in a lot of these criminals and rapists whether from Afghanistan or India.
But is it just me who think that these provocations specially against Pakistanis are suddenly spiked up...I mean I started dealing with these now more than ever online as well ... every other Afghani with a "military cut" and Afghanistan Flag in the background spitting obscenities against Quaid e Azam (RA), Imran Khan and people of Pakistan. I just posted the profile of one such person on a thread here on PDF as well...is there a conspiracy of some sort to instigate hatred among common Afghani and Pakistani...? just wondering...
They are complaining why is no one listening to them

Those Afghan protestors or the Kurds?

But is it just me who think that these provocations specially against Pakistanis are suddenly spiked up...I mean I started dealing with these now more than ever online as well ... every other Afghani with a "military cut" and Afghanistan Flag in the background spitting obscenities against Quaid e Azam (RA), Imran Khan and people of Pakistan. I just posted the profile of one such person on a thread here on PDF as well...is there a conspiracy of some sort to instigate hatred among common Afghani and Pakistani...? just wondering...

You're right, not all Afghans are like this.

The ones who want a future for themselves and families don't go around spewing hatred against Pakistan or participate in these protests because they're too busy working, getting an education, etc...

This is why you don't see Pakistani's randomly protesting outside Indian embassies unless something major happens.

However, even among a lot of the decent ones they don't appreciate how amazing Pakistan is for even allowing them to live outside of refugee camps and work with few restrictions:

Many Western nations do everything they can to prevent refugees from even stepping foot on their shores literally building detention centers on remote Islands to house them so they don't have to offer them citizenship while countries like Bangladesh and Iran don't even allow refugees to leave their camps.

I met an Afghan refugee who was my Uber driver like a year or two ago and we had a great conversation. He was a religious Muslim and wanted better relations between our countries. He was sending back money to his family and I believe he was trying to get his brother into Canada.

This hate is primarily being instigated against Pakistan by the Afghan government who want to shift the blame for their failures, corruption and ineptitude.

Remember it's been 20 years of constant lying by various Afghan politicians and considering the average age in Afghanisan their country has practically been raised on those lies.

I personally think it could be a good idea to give Afghan refugees whose families have been in Pakistan for generations citizenship. If they consider themselves Pakistani, are loyal to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and are good Muslims that live in accordance with our Islamic values. At least they'd be better than the pro-India, anti-Pakistan communist/whore trash that litters our country.

However we need to discern who would be a loyal citizen and who wouldn't.

Could impose rules like they need to be fluent in Urdu.

Personally I've found that the Tajik and Uzbek refugees are easier to figure out.

For this to work, and even in general, our citizenship law needs to be amended so citizenship can be quickly stripped away in case someone isn't loyal to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its Islamic values. That way if we make a mistake we can reverse it quickly on a case by case basis.
I met an Afghan refugee who was my Uber driver like a year or two ago and we had a great conversation. He was a religious Muslim and wanted better relations between our countries. He was sending back money to his family and I believe he was trying to get his brother into Canada.

Sometimes I feel sympathetic to Afghanis because their Country was being under constant civil unrest, war and terrorism which definitely have negative impact on their physic as well as thinking and perception of Pakistanis. In US I have met a few when I was living in the State of Virginia and I found them nice except some of them regard Indians more highly then us... they run Restaurants and some of them are in trucking business as well. The second or third generation Afghanis are too Americanized and they don’t care much about politics in Afghanistan. I also found that the Afgani who speak pashto are more friendlier than ones who speak darri and farsi... it is strange.

I do not know how much you have read about the topic of “Army of Khurasaan” but what I have read so far about this area is that this geographical location is of critical importance and this vary army will be with Hazrat Imam Mahdi (AS)...well if you got time read about “Islamic Eschatology” it is very insightful subject specially in these times.
I’ve observed , that these macho Afghans is that they are really well behaved with our Pakistanis community living in the north of England. Knowing Pakistanis in the north they would not hesitate in kicking Afghan heads in if they have to lol

So they are ALL Ashraf Ghani supporters ...
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I’ve observed , that these macho Afghans is that they are really well behaved with our Pakistanis community living in the north of England. Knowing Pakistanis in the north they would not hesitate in kicking Afghan heads in if they have to lol

NO-ONE messes with the Pakistanis up north. Not even the kalas or goreh.
they are brothers in arms of imran khaaaannnnnn

this Afghani problem existed even under nawaz and zardari premiership not a new thing

people bash Imran Khan because he didn’t believe in the war terror. And why Pakistan joined it.
Why we have made weapons? fire some missiles at random cities in Afghanistan. Afghanistan should act as a testing bed for our weapons. india should gift one infected Indian citizen to Pakistan and Pakistan should drop him by air to Afghanistan hahaha.
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