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Afghan goons attacking Pakistani Embassy in London.

Can someone please name ANYTHING that
af-ghands are not failures in?.............. 8-)

Please don't say they are not failures in bacha-bazi............:disagree:
We had Afghan asylum seekers come to our town in the UK and thought they were tough and were put in their place pretty quickly.

I've seen vids and pics of them. They act and dress like Black people and illegal mexicans in the USA.
What I've been saying for a while now.

Government, alongside our intelligence agency, should assist in organizing Pakistani's globally and we should be working in conjunction with groups organized/supported by like minded nations (ex. Turkey).

Get them involved in self defence classes, organize yearly training on how to use firearms and tactical training. Allow us to assist in the eradication of these threats whether they claim to be Pakistani, Afghan, Indian, etc... and provide a refuge with legal immunity in case it's required.

More like they're upset the Taliban will ban poppy production again and there goes their favorite pastime smoking hashish.

What do I expect them to do? Get a job and stop feeding off the taxes we pay to support their refugee claims.

If they've got a problem they can go f*ck off back to Afghanistan and do something for the drug infested mess the Afghan government has turned their nation into:


Did we experience during their rule prior to the invasion and occupation by the US and NATO?

The Taliban aren't our puppets, disagreements will arise but relations were generally very good.

They were instrumental in eliminating threats like the BLA that took refuge in Afghanistan while the current Afghan government houses them. Furthermore, the Taliban banned poppy production that virtually eliminated he drug trade in their country while the current Afghan government, their own former PM's brother was a drug lord, alongside their ANA goons didn't just revive it but it's become their top export.

Within that context who do you want running the country?

I personally do not want to see a return to heavy fighting only because it will create a mass refugee exodus out of Afghanistan likely into Pakistan.

Instead it should be done in phases shrinking the ANA presence and the territory the Afghan government has jurisdiction over further and further back until they're only relegated to Kabul.

The guys who are attending that event are usually drug addicts, criminals, losers with no jobs or future prospects who have largely abandoned their families in Afghanistan that depended on them.

They're scummy losers.

As Ashraf Ghani stated in the US Congress recently it's Pakistan, not the US, that will decide Afghanistan's future and these losers don't like that nor do they like Qatar's role in facilitating the peace process:
Pakistan's key role in Afghanistan echoes in US Congress

Lol, should highlight this among the Pakistani and wider Muslim community in the UK through videos about how these guys are working in conjunction with Israel and hate Palestine.

Destroy their image and credibility within the wider Muslim community they also depend on.

Who cares?

This isn't happening on the Pak-Afghan border it's happening in the UK.

Instead we should be learning from the Turks, particularly Erdogan, on how to handle this moving forward.

They are complaining why is no one listening to them
How come when 2 people from different ethnicities and backgrounds get heated people like you start screaming "dIvIdE aNd CoNqUeR"
Is partition trauma this bad?
it was comment from the video
hmm you changed your flag from US to Palestine 🤔
either we leave these degenerate afghans in the hands of likes of Ashraf Ghani or Taliban

There are plenty of former Northern Alliance leaders which Pakistan could and should support. This Talib or Ghani dichotomy just exists in the minds of unimaginative Pakistani policymakers who've failed us for the last 40 years.
Pakistanis like to talk big over social media about their power but in reality it seems we are not an aggressive nation. We are too concerned about giving freebies to our guests.

This is what happens when you lose your courage and let this caveman exploit our hospitality as a sign of our weakness. Which I'd admit we are, just as you mentioned, you can hear Pakistanis talking big but in reality, it does not look like it.
All these Afghan haramkhors would have gone to London from Pakistan refugee camps. This nation is so ungrateful. They are always anti-Pakistan.
An open secret which many Pakis don't know is that many Awghanis don't actually resent Talib rule. They enthusiastically support attacks on Shia Hazara and going after non Awghan ethnic leaders in Western areas. Pakis are in for a big surprise when Talibs come in power and their narcissisism and antagonism doesn't disappear.

They all came to the UK on Pakistani passports. They should be personally handing each and and every single one of us bouquets for giving them that opportunity instead of rightfully shepherding them to refugee camps like the Iranians do.

Also , the Afghan taliban also believe in loy shoy and they don't believe in durand line.

Sorry to say but we are grossly over-estimating good will on Afghan taliban who are primarily composed of Pashtuns.
Pakistan has once again put all its eggs in one basket and didn't develop relationships with other afghan minorities.

What is to say that these very same afghan taliban would remember our benevolence in future ? giving the fact that afghan nation is a whole is namak haram and back stabbing in nature... Is there any guarantee that they won't turn their guns against us once they get hold of Afghanistan ? What if they start to aggressively push for loy shoy ?

Also , Pakistani Pashtuns , especially the tribal ones are hold enormous sympathies for Afghan Pashtuns ...I sincerely doubt their loyalty.

We should have inducted more shia hazaras in army and FC to teach these primitive savages some discipline ... Hazaras hate these Pashtuns and would be formidable in countering them if state backs them ...

Funny thing , despite countless attacks on them in this country , I have yet to see a hazara blowing himself up in a crowded market in Pakistan .. Can't say the same regarding Pashtuns.
This is what happens when you lose your courage and let this caveman exploit our hospitality as a sign of our weakness. Which I'd admit we are, just as you mentioned, you can hear Pakistanis talking big but in reality, it does not look like it.

Very well said.. Pakistani in general are all talk and fake bravado.. They aren't really that aggressive in protecting national interest or using violence to achieve their objectives.

People might disagree but even indians are better than us in using violence to achieve their targets.

We are way too generous and forgiving for our own good.
Afghans and Pakistanis in foreign countries seem to be getting into a lot of fights these days.

Yes not just in foreign countries but also on the web ... it is very interesting that these orchestrated fights by paid goons are planned when US is leaving Afghanistan ... hmmm

Why suddenly now ... ? Who is afraid of Stable Afghanistan Pakistan ties ?
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