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About Imran Khan....


Apr 3, 2010
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Hello everyone. I have recently been made more acquainted with the Pakistani politician, Imran Khan. I have a rather small group of French-Pakistani friends who are quiet supportive of him and have been informing me about his viewpoints and stances. But of course, thus far I have only heard from one end of the spectrum regarding him...

I'll not pretend to understand the inner political complexities of Pakistan, so as a foreigner, I wish to ask what are other Pakistanis viewpoints about him and how much general support he enjoys within the country?
I like him , our youth likes him , some people like him because he is the best of the lot ...the rest of the lot being corrupt , cheat , fraudster , fake degree , fake character .
The youth likes Imran Khan due to various reasons

1) Brave Leader with logical, constructive and educated speeches
2) iniated more social welfares projects than anybody else after Abdul Sattar Edhi (built hospitals, colleges, roads etc)
3) Shoukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital
4) Considered not a corrupt leader unlike other politician
5) Goes to the public rather than sitting inside bungalows and issuing statements from there
6) launched a campaign to declare MQM as a terrorist party - and gained a lot of publicity from anti-mqm voters

Some peoples does not like him because

1) Pro-Taliban - thus lose a lot of support from anti-taliban voters
2) Bad politician - as he has dispute with each and every single political party in Pakistan which is not a good sign when it comes to form coalition government
3) Seen with maulvi parties a lot of time and majority does not like maulvi parties in Pakistan
Some peoples does not like him because

1) Pro-Taliban - thus lose a lot of support from anti-taliban voters
2) Bad politician - as he has dispute with each and every single political party in Pakistan which is not a good sign when it comes to form coalition government
3) Seen with maulvi parties a lot of time and majority does not like maulvi parties in Pakistan

4) he lacks intelligence

This sums it up.
The youth likes Imran Khan due to various reasons

1) Brave Leader with logical, constructive and educated speeches
2) iniated more social welfares projects than anybody else after Abdul Sattar Edhi (built hospitals, colleges, roads etc)
3) Shoukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital
4) Considered not a corrupt leader unlike other politician
5) Goes to the public rather than sitting inside bungalows and issuing statements from there
6) launched a campaign to declare MQM as a terrorist party - and gained a lot of publicity from anti-mqm voters

Some peoples does not like him because

1) Pro-Taliban - thus lose a lot of support from anti-taliban voters
2) Bad politician - as he has dispute with each and every single political party in Pakistan which is not a good sign when it comes to form coalition government
3) Seen with maulvi parties a lot of time and majority does not like maulvi parties in Pakistan

Thank you Tayyab and Zaki for your responses and especially Zaki for the summarized list. So basically, from what I have gathered from your posts, Imran Khan's support largely comes from the youth of Pakistan, as in he is more of a youth leader than a matured politician (because you said he is a "bad" politican). I'm classifying the youth here as to those starting from voting age to their mid-twenties. Would it be safe to say that this includes the urban youth alone or would that be an incorrect assessment? One more question, I understand that some leaders are more supported by certain ethnicities in Pakistan (or so the media outlets report), how true is this of Imran Khan?
4) he lacks intelligence

This sums it up.

Interesting response. Do you say that because he lags in political maneuvering for he is bad politician (as Zaki states) or because his stances/ viewpoints lack objectivity or rationality in your eyes?
Thank you Tayyab and Zaki for your responses and especially Zaki for the summarized list. So basically, from what I have gathered from your posts, Imran Khan's support largely comes from the youth of Pakistan, as in he is more of a youth leader than a matured politician (because you said he is a "bad" politican). I'm classifying the youth here as to those starting from voting age to their mid-twenties. Would it be safe to say that this includes the urban youth alone or would that be an incorrect assessment? One more question, I understand that some leaders are more supported by certain ethnicities in Pakistan (or so the media outlets report), how true is this of Imran Khan?

Go Karachi (Sindh) and you will find peoples who want to kill Imran Khan thanks to his anti-mqm compaign.

Go Punjab and you will find him far more popular than even PPP under the eyes of youth. All the virtual votings on internet has shown that he is youth's favourite leader and usually win virtual votings by a wide margin (due to more number of users belong to young generation/age group). Even on PDF we had a polling and i think Imran gained more votes than any other political party :lol:

I have heard he has a strong support from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa as well and i seriously have no idea about Balochistan.

Imran also has a strong support due to his captaincy skills and some people thinks he can run the government like a cricket match :rofl:
Interesting response. Do you say that because he lags in political maneuvering for he is bad politician (as Zaki states) or because his stances/ viewpoints lack objectivity or rationality in your eyes?

both. you should see some of his interviews on youtube. he tends to say some of the dumbest things. he is on the same platter as Zardari minus the corruption.
yes he WAS a good cricketer .. always admired him now he has lost the plot ....
Here you go, back in the good old days when he mattered a lot.

Interesting response. Do you say that because he lags in political maneuvering for he is bad politician (as Zaki states) or because his stances/ viewpoints lack objectivity or rationality in your eyes?

There is still a large population in Pakistan who believes talibans are good peoples and CIA, MOSSAD and RAW are behind these bomb blasts :lol: and Imran Khan being little bit of pro-taliban gains publicity from these peoples and is very popular among the common peoples of espacially punjab region.

He is a bad politician because he is a bad politician. He can be a good minister, no doubt in that. He can be a good state servant given an authority of any post of the government (thanks to his high education from Oxford university) but he simply is not a good politican. The way he annoyed MQM supporters, Imran can do anything but not win their support again. The way he reacted against Musharraf, and PPP afterwards.... Imran can do anything but cannot gain support from pro-musharraf peoples. There are a lot of reasons why he cannot be a successful leader unless solve the problems of his messed up political party
He was a good cricketer & we all still admire him for his services in cricket, but he is not fit for politics, he is simply wasting his time in Politics, he should be concentrating on developing PAK cricket
Thank you Tayyab and Zaki for your responses and especially Zaki for the summarized list. So basically, from what I have gathered from your posts, Imran Khan's support largely comes from the youth of Pakistan, as in he is more of a youth leader than a matured politician (because you said he is a "bad" politican). I'm classifying the youth here as to those starting from voting age to their mid-twenties. Would it be safe to say that this includes the urban youth alone or would that be an incorrect assessment? One more question, I understand that some leaders are more supported by certain ethnicities in Pakistan (or so the media outlets report), how true is this of Imran Khan?

you see politics in pakistan is a dirty game, if one is a successful politician in pakistan it already says alot about his/her character

therefore not being a successful politician is not necessarily a damning indictment.

one thing about imran aside from his political career is that he was a warrior as a cricket player, universally respected as someone who had leadership skills and the ability to earn respect through hard work and principled values, he also brought pakistan in to the modern world with his attitudes and nurtured more or less most of our legends in the 90's.

i remember he took on the useless oligarchy at the PCB because they pursued anti-meritocratic selection policies - he won my respect as a person because of that

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