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A complete encirclement Of Pakistan? by the Indo-Afghan alliance??

Now this is interesting. First meaningful debate I think I ll have in a long time on PDF.

he comments I talked about are not those which end liberty, but those that create mischief... Remember the elusive snowball... hunting him makes no sense, and creating hate against other farms for self interest no sense either... That type of speech did no good, but drove things to a point where the populace was a subjugated mass of life.

I accept your premise but analogy is flawed.

You are absolutely correct that freedom of speech is abused and information is manipulated to create a society driven by fear and anxieties. I agree that information flow has been historically asymmetric leading to creation of sheep BUT

The solution is not to restrict information - Why - There is a risk - A unbearable risk that the good will blocked along with the bad. The enforcers will be corrupted and will misuse the power to not only end mischief (which is a wrong word to use, mischief has benign connotations - better word would be malice) but uncomfortable truths too.

Now if only information was free for all, power structures were horizontal then sheep would have known the BS for what it was. Sure they still could be subjugated but then it would have been not out of ignorance but complicity.

In the current world information asymmetry is reducing, people are calling out the powers that be on their BS. Just have a look in India - there was a massive protest against hugely popular right wing govt over their handling of JNU and HU cases. No amount of propoganda, half truths, anti national rhetoric could sway the public opinion completely their way. 1000s lined up on the streets.

Why? Because of social media - people have power to distinguish right from wrong. There are no more any holy cows, Not your Army neither our Modi and Doval. If they are in the wrong they will be taken to task.

Agreed, we are not there yet but each day we are one step closer. @Joe Shearer


yes, There is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of speech on the airwaves, where that speech is hate speech or the speech of propoganda... So used to it are we, that questioning it is what makes us the evil monsters... You read The book, but very superficially, there is another message about the use of speech, how it divides, how it makes sheep and what those sheep do... That is not freedom, but dancing to a tone. Those sheep stop any meaningful debate by snowball, they are used to.... oh read the book again please... Answer me when you have....

I felt sorry for you when I read your mail. It is easy to have a meaningful discussion, especially on PDF. The trick is not to expect those when you are dealing with trolls of either side. For me, I assault trolls wherever encountered; others of a less unbridled temperament might choose to steer around those low-pressure areas. If you get someone reasonable, as I did, with two people on this thread, it becomes only too easy to argue things out; the only pre-condition is knowledge and the capacity and willingness to reason.
The solution is not to restrict information - Why - There is a risk - A unbearable risk that the good will blocked along with the bad. The enforcers will be corrupted and will misuse the power to not only end mischief (which is a wrong word to use, mischief has benign connotations - better word would be malice) but uncomfortable truths too.
Some information is only used to cause fear... And the society which is makes.... Okay let me make it simple, too tired to debate on this... Fear creates societies which start supporting racists who are bigots, liars like Trump, makes it okay to scare people for the quietening of many debates on spending needs, it robs us of rights with laws which allow there to be monitoring of everything we do, because we are scared and want the evil to go away. Freedom of speech has, very ironically robbed us of more liberties then any enemy could ever rob us off and like little scared sheep we nod our heads and say "greater good."
Fear makes pigeons the reason radicals want Pakistan bombed, and freedom of speech allows sitting government officials to describe how they will break nations, kill people. You get what I am saying....
The whole premise that freedom of speech is a good thing comes when you live in an idealistic enlightened society, what is the opposite of patriotic chest beating societies who do not rely on facts. Every nation has triggers and they are used because apparently we are all idiotic when scared.
Fear is a greater convincer then logic, it ruins hard work of millions and it skews reality. The dogma of freedom of speech is good may sound good, but it does not work all the time and it should be controlled. No one really believes in freedom of speech, we all have our own morale compasses which we align by, and the definitions vary. You may say anything but do not swear at me is the most simple line one draws, but this line should extend to do not spread hate, do not divide people and do not lie and deceive.
Analyse the American presidential elections, the land which prides itself on its freedom of speech. Who checks if that speech is the truth, the fact that most of what Trump has said is wrong is okay as long as it is his free will to say it... I do not want to get into this debate because there is a difference in what sounds good in theory is not always practically possible. What I say may not be politically correct, but it is the reality. I am not one of those who want to get stars for being nice.
Media needs gags, politicians needs gags, and idiotic fear mongers need gags, the common man may deserve freedom of speech but not those platforms which can be used for propaganda. This may be gibberish what I wrote, if you can understand what I am trying to say, good. If not, blame my insomnia.

PS no more replies on this, I am done responding... This is a circle which will go around uselessly.
Some information is only used to cause fear... And the society which is makes.... Okay let me make it simple, too tired to debate on this... Fear creates societies which start supporting racists who are bigots, liars like Trump, makes it okay to scare people for the quietening of many debates on spending needs, it robs us of rights with laws which allow there to be monitoring of everything we do, because we are scared and want the evil to go away. Freedom of speech has, very ironically robbed us of more liberties then any enemy could ever rob us off and like little scared sheep we nod our heads and say "greater good."
Fear makes pigeons the reason radicals want Pakistan bombed, and freedom of speech allows sitting government officials to describe how they will break nations, kill people. You get what I am saying....
The whole premise that freedom of speech is a good thing comes when you live in an idealistic enlightened society, what is the opposite of patriotic chest beating societies who do not rely on facts. Every nation has triggers and they are used because apparently we are all idiotic when scared.
Fear is a greater convincer then logic, it ruins hard work of millions and it skews reality. The dogma of freedom of speech is good may sound good, but it does not work all the time and it should be controlled. No one really believes in freedom of speech, we all have our own morale compasses which we align by, and the definitions vary. You may say anything but do not swear at me is the most simple line one draws, but this line should extend to do not spread hate, do not divide people and do not lie and deceive.
Analyse the American presidential elections, the land which prides itself on its freedom of speech. Who checks if that speech is the truth, the fact that most of what Trump has said is wrong is okay as long as it is his free will to say it... I do not want to get into this debate because there is a difference in what sounds good in theory is not always practically possible. What I say may not be politically correct, but it is the reality. I am not one of those who want to get stars for being nice.
Media needs gags, politicians needs gags, and idiotic fear mongers need gags, the common man may deserve freedom of speech but not those platforms which can be used for propaganda. This may be gibberish what I wrote, if you can understand what I am trying to say, good. If not, blame my insomnia.

PS no more replies on this, I am done responding... This is a circle which will go around uselessly.

Not so.

You are making sense.

It is not a view that I like, as I am for free speech, but given the societal qualification you stipulated, it makes sense.
In the current world information asymmetry is reducing, people are calling out the powers that be on their BS. Just have a look in India - there was a massive protest against hugely popular right wing govt over their handling of JNU and HU cases. No amount of propoganda, half truths, anti national rhetoric could sway the public opinion completely their way. 1000s lined up on the streets.

The JNU /NATIONALISM debate was WON by BJP ( 10 -1 )

Today nobody supports These JNU crooks ; their mentors in CPM --Yechury and Raja
are begging for Mercy in Parliament

Kanhaiya is is on hunger strike -- But not a single news channel is reporting it
UNLIKE The Hunger strike of Kejriwal and anna Hazare

If JNU 's point of view has Thousands of supporters then
BJP point of view was and is having Millions of supporters

Even Kejriwal and Rahul have dumped JNU

The JNU people will live in fear till BJP is in power

So far they thought of themselves as Above the Law -- a sovereign republic

In Hindi we say : Saari Hekdi Nikal gayi

Next year if they repeat what they did on Feb 9 -- then even GOD will not be able to save them
We have lost over 60,000 people (official figures) in the fight waged by this Northern Alliance. Our country was in ruins and dripping with blood and you claim that these organization cant harm us?

In 2001 Afghan Taliban invited America to attack Afghanistan that resulted in 40,000 Afghanis death. The domino reaction penetrated into Pakistan that caused 60,000 Pakistanis death. So AT are responsible for the death of 100,000 people not NA. TTP used to idealize AT.
In 2001 Afghan Taliban invited America to attack Afghanistan that resulted in 40,000 Afghanis death. The domino reaction penetrated into Pakistan that caused 60,000 Pakistanis death. So AT are responsible for the death of 100,000 people not NA. TTP used to idealize AT.
Pray tell, invited America to attack Afghanistan?
Afghanistan problem is not straight forward. It is an undeniable fact that areas North & West of Indus River were part of Afghanistan until mid-19th century. KPK was captured by Ranjit Singh & amalgamated in his empire after Sikhs defeated Afghans in the battles of Nowhsera -1823, of Peshawar -1834 & of Jamrud - 1837.

Afghanistan has never accepted Durand Line established in 1893 as the international border. Area roughly 200 kilometres north & 100 kilometres south of the Durand Line is home to the Pushto speaking people. Hence there has been an underlying support among Afghan gov't and also among the Pashtun population south of the Durand Line for the so called Pashtunistan which has soured Pak-Afghan relations since creation of Pakistan. In fact Afghanistan was the only vote against admission of Pakistan in the United Nations.

Pakistan, UAE & the Saudis were the only countries who recognized Afghan Taliban gov’t. Pashtuns being 40 to 50% of the population; Pakistan supporting Taliban against Northern Alliance made half of the Afghans strongly anti Pakistani. Post 9/11 Pakistan did a U-turn & sided with the US which made some sections of Taliban anti Pakistani as well. The U turn resulted in the formation of TTP with strong support among Pakistan mainstream political parties such as JI, JUI & PTI.

As soon as Obama took power, US announced that they were going to pull out of Afghanistan by 2014. Pakistanis were worried that as usual, US will leave a mess in Afghanistan. Taliban will take over again; at the very least Taliban would control the Pashtun belt along the Durand Line and Pakistan would have to deal with this situation. Therefore Pakistan could not afford to alienate sections of Taliban who were bombing inside Afghanistan from North Waziristan base but never attacked inside Pakistan.

Baluchistan was historically never part of India. Ancient Baluchistan was part of Iran and in modern times; as late as 1838; Khans of Kalaat were subjects of the Sadozai & Barakzai rulers of Afghanistan. Baluch separatists will therefore always find support in Afghanistan.

In my humble opinion; the problem is largely of Pakistan’s making. Root cause being that large number of Pakistanis; I would even guess, the majority; consider themselves Muslims first; Punjabi, Muhajir, Sindhi, Baluchi, Pashtun etc. second & Pakistani a poor third.

If Munawar Hassan were an Indian or an American National and he openly admired the forces that bomb the State and kill its citizens such as the TTP are doing; he would have been denounced as traitor and an enemy of the State but not so in Pakistan. Lal Masjid Mullah fought Pak Army Commandos with guns; he is still brazenly refusing to condemn TTP killings and still manages to control Lal Masjid inside the Capital! On the other hand an Islamabad High Court Judge has issued warrants against Musharraf because as President of Pakistan, he ordered an action against the State within the State which was Lal Masjid.

Such anti Pakistan attitude makes the state ‘Weak’ and provides the environment to the enemies of State to prosper. Most of the political leaders; Taliban Khan in particular, were vehemently against army action against TTP and wanted negotiations instead. Negotiate what? Surrender of Pakistan to Taliban?

Thread of this discussion is based upon the presumption that Indian Consulates in Qandahar & Jalalabad are responsible for all the troubles in Pakistan.

This is the classical situation; where interests of both the Indian as well Afghanistan have combined and Indian Diplomatic Missions are being be used against the interests of Pakistan. India saying that you supported Khalistan and the Kashmiris, we would support the Taliban, the Baluchi separatists and also any group such as MQM & Sindhi Nationalists who feel disenfranchised. Afghans are saying, you supported anti Afghan Taliban, we would support anti Pakistan Taliban.

We have to accept the fact that no one is going to solve Pakistan’s problems. We have already identified the problems and it is up to us to deal with each problem and find the solution. First & foremost we need to eliminate Pakistan’s internal enemies.

Thanks to Gen Raheel Sharif, Operation Zarbe Azb has managed to minimise damages by the TTP & sectarian outfits. Public opinion is such that Taliban Khan would not dare to support Taliban. Munawwar Hassan has gone completely quiet and Altaf Bhai is under suspicion. Anyone who overtly or covertly provides support to TTP or any sectarian outfit or challenges writ of Pakistan State, must be declared enemy of Pakistan & treated as such.

Corruption is endemic in our culture. It will not go way but can be reduced to manageable levels that it was before the first Benazir Gov’t when Zardari got his nickname of Mr 10%. We have seen some progress on this front as well.

MQM problem can also be resolved once everyone accepts that MQM has the mandate of Urdu speaking population of Sindh. There is no reason why local bodies are not revived and given full powers as was during Musharraf era. You give Karachi Nazim full authority and would see Karachi even more peaceful.

Baluchistan problem is also largely because of lack of provincial autonomy, units of the Federation should have powers similar to the States of the US. Baluchis need roads, jobs, and clean water and you will hopefully see peace. Separatist sentiment will not go away but can be reduced to manageable levels.

Whether we like it or not; Pakistan has to live with Afghanistan. We should be completely neutral and not let Pakistan territory be a safe haven for anti-Afghan state forces.

No sane Pakistan would like the idiots to cause deaths of innocents Indians as happened in Bombay or support an attack on Indian parliament. Pakistan problem with India centres on Kashmir. Our support to the Kashmiris should be limited to diplomatic channels. Indian interference is not going to away, but it can be reduced to a mere pinprick, if we control activities of zealots such as Hafiz Saeed of Jamaat Dawaa wal Irshaad

I had refrained from posting on this thread thus far because I disagree with the title. It is typically Conspiracy Theory thinking that we are blameless and all our problems are of other’s making. Besides, IMO it is physically impossible for Indo- Afghan Alliance to completely encircle Pakistan.
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The JNU /NATIONALISM debate was WON by BJP ( 10 -1 )

Today nobody supports These JNU crooks ; their mentors in CPM --Yechury and Raja
are begging for Mercy in Parliament

Kanhaiya is is on hunger strike -- But not a single news channel is reporting it
UNLIKE The Hunger strike of Kejriwal and anna Hazare

If JNU 's point of view has Thousands of supporters then
BJP point of view was and is having Millions of supporters

Even Kejriwal and Rahul have dumped JNU

The JNU people will live in fear till BJP is in power

So far they thought of themselves as Above the Law -- a sovereign republic

In Hindi we say : Saari Hekdi Nikal gayi

Next year if they repeat what they did on Feb 9 -- then even GOD will not be able to save them

lol, It has reached a point where even folks within JNU are coming out against these nincompoops. Its interesting how certain people in this forum will tolarate even "Bharat ki Barbadi" solagans if it means they are against the Modi govt. Hate has crossed all barriers and reasoning..
Last time Pakistan was being isolated. Now Pakistan is being encircled. Next will be 'Pakistan is being chased' :rofl:
Afghanistan problem is not straight forward. It is an undeniable fact that areas North & West of Indus River were part of Afghanistan until mid-19th century. KPK was captured by Ranjit Singh & amalgamated in his empire after Sikhs defeated Afghans in the battles of Nowhsera -1823, of Peshawar -1834 & of Jamrud - 1837.

Afghanistan has never accepted Durand Line established in 1893 as the international border. Area roughly 200 kilometres north & 100 kilometres south of the Durand Line is home to the Pushto speaking people. Hence there has been an underlying support among Afghan gov't and also among the Pashtun population south of the Durand Line for the so called Pashtunistan which has soured Pak-Afghan relations since creation of Pakistan. In fact Afghanistan was the only vote against admission of Pakistan in the United Nations.

Pakistan, UAE & the Saudis were the only countries who recognized Afghan Taliban gov’t. Pashtuns being 40 to 50% of the population; Pakistan supporting Taliban against Northern Alliance made half of the Afghans strongly anti Pakistani. Post 9/11 Pakistan did a U-turn & sided with the US which made some sections of Taliban anti Pakistani as well. The U turn resulted in the formation of TTP with strong support among Pakistan mainstream political parties such as JI, JUI & PTI.

As soon as Obama took power, US announced that they were going to pull out of Afghanistan by 2014. Pakistanis were worried that as usual, US will leave a mess in Afghanistan. Taliban will take over again; at the very least Taliban would control the Pashtun belt along the Durand Line and Pakistan would have to deal with this situation. Therefore Pakistan could not afford to alienate sections of Taliban who were bombing inside Afghanistan from North Waziristan base but never attacked inside Pakistan.

Baluchistan was historically never part of India. Ancient Baluchistan was part of Iran and in modern times; as late as 1838; Khans of Kalaat were subjects of the Sadozai & Barakzai rulers of Afghanistan. Baluch separatists will therefore always find support in Afghanistan.

In my humble opinion; the problem is largely of Pakistan’s making. Root cause being that large number of Pakistanis; I would even guess, the majority; consider themselves Muslims first; Punjabi, Muhajir, Sindhi, Baluchi, Pashtun etc. second & Pakistani a poor third.

If Munawar Hassan were an Indian or an American National and he openly admired the forces that bomb the State and kill its citizens such as the TTP are doing; he would have been denounced as traitor and an enemy of the State but not so in Pakistan. Lal Masjid Mullah fought Pak Army Commandos with guns; he is still brazenly refusing to condemn TTP killings and still manages to control Lal Masjid inside the Capital! On the other hand an Islamabad High Court Judge has issued warrants against Musharraf because as President of Pakistan, he ordered an action against the State within the State which was Lal Masjid.

Such anti Pakistan attitude makes the state ‘Weak’ and provides the environment to the enemies of State to prosper. Most of the political leaders; Taliban Khan in particular, were vehemently against army action against TTP and wanted negotiations instead. Negotiate what? Surrender of Pakistan to Taliban?

Thread of this discussion is based upon the presumption that Indian Consulates in Qandahar & Jalalabad are responsible for all the troubles in Pakistan.

This is the classical situation; where interests of both the Indian as well Afghanistan have combined and Indian Diplomatic Missions are being be used against the interests of Pakistan. India saying that you supported Khalistan and the Kashmiris, we would support the Taliban, the Baluchi separatists and also any group such as MQM & Sindhi Nationalists who feel disenfranchised. Afghans are saying, you supported anti Afghan Taliban, we would support anti Pakistan Taliban.

We have to accept the fact that no one is going to solve Pakistan’s problems. We have already identified the problems and it is up to us to deal with each problem and find the solution. First & foremost we need to eliminate Pakistan’s internal enemies.

Thanks to Gen Raheel Sharif, Operation Zarbe Azb has managed to minimise damages by the TTP & sectarian outfits. Public opinion is such that Taliban Khan would not dare to support Taliban. Munawwar Hassan has gone completely quiet and Altaf Bhai is under suspicion. Anyone who overtly or covertly provides support to TTP or any sectarian outfit or challenges writ of Pakistan State, must be declared enemy of Pakistan & treated as such.

Corruption is endemic in our culture. It will not go way but can be reduced to manageable levels that it was before the first Benazir Gov’t when Zardari got his nickname of Mr 10%. We have seen some progress on this front as well.

MQM problem can also be resolved once everyone accepts that MQM has the mandate of Urdu speaking population of Sindh. There is no reason why local bodies are not revived and given full powers as was during Musharraf era. You give Karachi Nazim full authority and would see Karachi even more peaceful.

Baluchistan problem is also largely because of lack of provincial autonomy, units of the Federation should have powers similar to the States of the US. Baluchis need roads, jobs, and clean water and you will hopefully see peace. Separatist sentiment will not go away but can be reduced to manageable levels.

Whether we like it or not; Pakistan has to live with Afghanistan. We should be completely neutral and not let Pakistan territory be a safe haven for anti-Afghan state forces.

No sane Pakistan would like the idiots to cause deaths of innocents Indians as happened in Bombay or support an attack on Indian parliament. Pakistan problem with India centres on Kashmir. Our support to the Kashmiris should be limited to diplomatic channels. Indian interference is not going to away, but it can be reduced to a mere pinprick, if we control activities of zealots such as Hafiz Saeed of Jamaat Dawaa wal Irshaad

I had refrained from posting on this thread thus far because I disagree with the title. It is typically Conspiracy Theory thinking that we are blameless and all our problems are of other’s making. Besides, IMO it is physically impossible for Indo- Afghan Alliance to completely encircle Pakistan.

Granted, Pakistan has made many mistakes and is not blameless in the situation she finds herself in: of that no doubt!
However do you think that those in Kabul will ever accept the decision of the majority of Pukhtoons in what is now KPK to join Pakistan? (Not that their acceptance will legitmize Pakistan). Will they not resort to the dirty deeds they had done in the past before Pakistan gave reply, befitting or other?

As regards to Bharat, Pakistan's problem with Bharat is centred on Kashmir: Bharat's is not. They who have rising power in Bharat want the Land of the Indus "purified". They cannot stomach the descendants of those Vendantists and Buddhists converting to Islam and seeking to make their own destiny. But you are right: Pakistan must be more diplomatic.
A complete encirclement?
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: May 3, 2016

Pakistan’s encirclement by the Indo-Afghan alliance is nearly complete. The Afghan Army Chief General Qadam Shah Shaheem said on April 30 that if other options don’t yield any positive results in bringing Pakistani incursions to a halt, the Afghan Army would step in as a last resort in responding to military aggression along the Durand Line. The Indian foreign secretary told Pakistan that it “cannot be in denial of the impact of terrorism on the bilateral relationship”, essentially reiterating that terror and talks cannot go hand in hand. Quietly, New Delhi remains focused on entrenching itself at the Iranian Chabahar port to gain access to Afghanistan and Central Asian energy markets, as well as connecting with the Middle East and Europe. With Afghan transit trade down, traffic through Chabahar is likely to make Pakistan even more irrelevant for Afghan imports. India has also successfully cultivated the ruling elite in both Afghanistan and the land-locked Central Asian states, thereby trumping the natural geographical importance and relevance that Pakistan has for these countries.

India-Afghanistan trade through Pakistan

We in Pakistan believe to have successfully thwarted Indo-Afghan-American conspiracies against us. But empirical evidence — Pakistan’s image abroad and its continued isolation on issues related to terrorism — suggests that this ‘success’ continues to bleed Pakistan socially, politically and economically. Tactically, we have been successful — but at what cost? Beyond doubt, neither the US nor India can bend a nuclear-armed Pakistan. Both tried, but failed to dictate. Punish they can, nevertheless; and continue to do so, both directly and indirectly. Through its strategic investment and a whole-of-government approach towards Afghanistan, India has created a hornet’s nest for Pakistan. Those who are relevant in Afghanistan — from members of parliament, to President Ghani, to Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, to former president Karzai and the civil-military establishment — are all blowing hot and cold on Pakistan as the supporter of “all those animals killing innocent Afghans”, a perception that resonates with common Afghans and is gaining currency by the day.
The way the Quadrilateral Contact Group has come to a halt on the heels of the deadly bombing in Kabul clearly illustrates that Pakistan has lost on the strategic front. It is fighting a modern war of perception-management with a Cold War-era tactical mindset blunted by an outdated bureaucratic implementation regime towards the war-battered country. The country cannot complete critical investments — a nuclear medicine hospital in Kabul or crucial road links — in nearly 10 years. The bureaucracy in Islamabad miserably fails in addressing Afghan importers’ grievances related to the transit trade.

Afghanistan losing interest in trade links with Pakistan

Many Pakistanis love to point to the US, India and other countries, despite the fact that Pakistan itself has relied on non-state actors in the last three decades to achieve geo-political objectives. From South America to the Middle East to Africa, we have seen support for such entities. Recently, President Obama expressed his determination to continue funding the training of anti-Assad Syrian non-state actors. This is considered to be fine as long as the US government and Congress consider it to be in the American interest. Most Pakistanis overlook the obvious difference here — a superpower, with all its might, or a burgeoning economy like that of India, can get away with such ventures. A struggling and marginalised economy — beset with endemic governance, political polarisation and a dearth of strategic vision — cannot.
Are our ruling elites thinking in the strategic way leaders in other countries think? We may be very good in tactical approaches. It has helped the country stay afloat, but is that enough for long-term peace, economic development and regional connectivity? Can the country afford policies that have drawn it into a prolonged state of conflict with both its major neighbours? The third neighbour — Iran — looks on as we hang on to the Cold War security matrix. Shouldn’t India’s growing economic proximity to Iran as well as to Saudi Arabia serve as a wake-up call to us all? That is real encirclement. Can an apologetic policy towards the Afghan Taliban really help the country end its global isolation and put it on the path to development?

Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2016.
Don't worry, ISI will take care of that. They'll build a plenty of slums and keeps their pets in there. If two superpowers could not stay there without burning their butts, Indians are just like filthy flies and ISI knows well how to exterminate such filthy creature. I would rather like Indians to get into the Afghan mess and Hindukush will then offer a different scene.
Ultimately, Afghanistan can do NOTHING to Pakistan. Reason being they rely too much on us for their existence. There is a reason why there are millions upon millions of legal and illegal Afghans residing in Pakistan despite the fact they hate us and the majority of which have no intention of ever returning to Afghanistan. If Pakistan sealed of and mined the border with Afghanistan and stopped sustaining them, they would have a famine and starvation disaster that would overshadow Ethiopia and Somalia. The Afghans know this bitter reality and can't do nothing about it. If anything were to happen to Pakistan, Afghanistan would be as good as extinct and they know it. Now amount of bravado and indian help is going to change that.

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