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A complete encirclement Of Pakistan? by the Indo-Afghan alliance??

If you know who the author is, you did a bad job of assigning his thoughts and attitudes to people who have had nothing to do with him, his article or his publication. And if you did not attribute his views to the Indians on this forum, your own posts contradict you. As for quoting you, you really think you ought not to read your own posts?

You are making up things, Joe. Stop getting angry and get hold of your emotions. You still haven't quoted me where I may have implied that the author is an Indian etc.

You're seeing ghosts, Joe. Now, stop making a fool out of yourself. I know where your anger stems from. The truth is a b!tch and you are not able to handle it.

Such a wonder.

And in spite of your sterling resistance to their disastrous theories.

How tough it must have been, swallowing up billions of dollars while putting up dignified and principled resistance to those stupid Americans. How silly of them no longer to support you. One wonders why.

Joe, Joe, Joe... Stop believing in conspiracies. These Yanks will come crawling back if you think that this is unfinished business. You know this and everyone knows it. We know how the "do more" mantra works.

We don't require their support though, Joe. We can't do anything if they keep imposing themselves onto us. Can we now, Joe? Besides, you do know that the American militarily and economic aid is often offered in exchange for services?

Now stop crying, Joe.
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An Indian teaching Pakistanis about their ethnic roots and whether they are liked/disliked by their own brethren. LOL These pathetic Indians think they have all the answers. You're a fool who is in denial and it doesn't make one iota of difference to us what a hateful Indian thinks or believes. This is the very reason India got split in two nations in the first place and rightfully so. You keep believing in your fabricated fairy tales. Meanwhile, stop begging us to do more.

Exactly, Kabul is all where you can walk. Try walking outside of Kabul and you'll see what happens to an Indian. Don't think that you are admired, "Joe". You Indians like living in a fools paradise. A Pashtun will eat your kind for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Oh, I can teach you lots more, and about your own country. Largely because a normal education includes all the bits and pieces, not just the bits that make you think that you are supermen.

And there is some confusion in your mind.

You can't claim that the zillions of Indian consulates are training gazillions of terrorists, and then say that Indians can't walk outside Kabul. Work it out for yourself.

While a Pakhtun might eat me, or my kind, whatever that is supposed to mean, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, he won't eat carrion. Dead meat. That is all that will be left of others who think they have a grip on Pakhtun psyche, even while they are blowing them to bits.

Did you notice that I can at least walk Kabul, you can't? Or is that one of the bits that are soonest forgotten?

You sure about that? Last I checked they were coming in hordes to my country.

People nearest your country, displaced by the fighting you funded? What else? Have you bothered to check if they'd rather stick around alive in their refugee camps or dead where they belong and want to be?
Oh, I can teach you lots more, and about your own country. Largely because a normal education includes all the bits and pieces, not just the bits that make you think that you are supermen.

And there is some confusion in your mind.

You can't claim that the zillions of Indian consulates are training gazillions of terrorists, and then say that Indians can't walk outside Kabul. Work it out for yourself.

While a Pakhtun might eat me, or my kind, whatever that is supposed to mean, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, he won't eat carrion. Dead meat. That is all that will be left of others who think they have a grip on Pakhtun psyche, even while they are blowing them to bits.

Did you notice that I can at least walk Kabul, you can't? Or is that one of the bits that are soonest forgotten?

People nearest your country, displaced by the fighting you funded? What else? Have you bothered to check if they'd rather stick around alive in their refugee camps or dead where they belong and want to be?

You expect me to react to that garbage, again? Think again, Joe. Joe, I'm not repeating myself again.

Ever tried walking out of Kabul, Joe? You do realize Afghanistan is much more than Kabul, right? LOL Tell them you're an Indian. They will greet you and you can fill in the blanks.
My Fiance was mugged by 3 afghan guys last night in Karachi . Police caught the afghan guys and those turned out to be refugees with no papers whatsoever . Somebody should just put this country out of its misery . Its a headache for its citizens , for its neighbours and for everyone . What use does Afghanistan have? half of its $ 17 billion economy is run by drugs and hash .

If there ever was a land cursed by God it has to be Afghanistan.

Good friends of theirs, I see.

You want our military to annex Pashtun areas of Afghanistan? That's a horrible thing to say. Besides Pakistani Pashtuns don't like them here. They have had enough.

NOTHING I want or any other normal human being wants can match what your decision-makers do on their own. I don't want anything but a ringside seat.
LOL We got sliced up? You forgetting history old man Joe? Your white masters came in and took care of Hindustan LOL They separated you into bits and pieces. Today, you even share their fictive names. Tells me something about you, "Joe".

Umm, not really. We got a much larger integrated empire than most of our history. We kept it.

You got a much smaller integrated state than most of what you acknowledge as your history. You couldn't keep it.

well its the war of perceptions now and i guess our enemies are deliberately isolating our country ... but it doesnt mean we are clean ourselves... we have corrupt elites, & bureaucrats which are the problems and morover we have corrupt people too who needs to change as well... having said that i dont believe that Afghans and Iranians are the problem for Pakistanis because when it comes to India from Marrakesh to Lahore we all know how to treat indians and what they think and they will stand with us in need of hr against india ...

it is your dream and it wont come true but there are no restrictions on dreaming:)

Yes, of course they will stand with you. They have stood with you in the past.

Now ask yourself this. Did it make a difference? What makes you think that it will make a difference next time?
Umm, not really. We got a much larger integrated empire than most of our history. We kept it.

You got a much smaller integrated state than most of what you acknowledge as your history. You couldn't keep it.

LOL He says he kept a large integrated empire. Right, until you got invaded by the Brits and everyone else. Joe, do yourself a favor and take a break now.

Pakistan is a painful reminder to you how you got balkanized and chopped up. You know why, Joe? You just didn't deserve it and your current attitude should serve as a mirror. You can't deny it, Joe. No matter how painful.
Afghan military is far from organized professional force, they have decently equipped in recent years apart from training,however they should broaden the base for recruitment for all races/people.

As for our alliance,it is on the rise on overt and allegedly on covert level.I hope GOI deliver to the long wishlist of ANA.

Mi 35 might not be enough,they need some serious firepower which we can deliver to them in the form of older M 46 Artillery and T 55 tanks etc like Myanmar in the past.
Iran and Afghanistan are not a actual threat for Pakistan , rather its just their current Governments, some how Pakistan must help other forces that are in direct confrontation with Iran and Afghanistan , to topple Mulla regime in Iran and Ashraf Ghani down, and help to bring some one sensible as Shah of Iran, and Afghan Talibans back to power,,, Tables will be turned. And when it comes to China n India their rivalry is as old as recorded history, that weakness must be fully utilized by Pakistani Think Tanks Strategists and Planners.

And those who don't agree a bit, Sir i don't give a shit . Peace !

The rivalry between China and India is exactly 62 years old. Go look it up.

It's like the password Gentlemen's Clubs of yore used to have. To gain instant acceptance and admittance all you have to do is to utter the magic words "Indian Terror" so fault lies not with the poor chap you have quoted but the social conditioning. It is really frightening to see how they so easily accept the propaganda as gospel but perhaps that only points to the excellence of the propagating agencies. (RAW if you are monitoring this - I accept credit cards)

OR perhaps I am the one of who has completely lost touch with reality and have been conditioned by Indian Media (ISI please send some love (in form of US $$ this way)).

So hard to tell what's true and what's not these days

The best medicine you can administer to the educated Pakistani is to make him or her read Animal Farm.
I do not think it is possible to encircle pakistan. It is neither viable nor possible, not yet altleast.
Maybe 30-40 years from now when our economic clout is substantial and our defence forces have evolved into a more future ready institution and have become more self reliant, only then does it seem possible to encircle Pak.
You are making up things, Joe. Stop getting angry and get hold of your emotions. You still haven't quoted me where I may have implied that the author is an Indian etc.

You're seeing ghosts, Joe. Now, stop making a fool out of yourself.
I know where your anger stems from. The truth is a b!tch and you are not able to handle it.

Apparently you think that personal attacks can distract attention from the enormous arrogance and errors of your position where besides denying everything in the article, you had very little else to say.

Keep thinking that. I don't think it's worked well in the past, I don't think it will work very well now.

Joe, Joe, Joe... Stop believing in conspiracies. These Yanks will come crawling back if you think that this is unfinished business. You know this and everyone knows it. We know how the "do more" mantra works.

Actually, the home of the conspiracy theory is finally your own country. We amateurs can't hope to match you on that one. On a lot of other things, yes; conspiracy theories, no.

We don't require their support though, Joe. We can't do anything if they keep imposing themselves onto us. Can we now, Joe? Besides, you do know that the American militarily and economic aid is often offered in exchange for services?

Now stop crying, Joe.

Errm, the moment massive foreign aid dries up, you can hang your country up to dry.

LOL He says he kept a large integrated empire. Right, until you got invaded by the Brits and everyone else. Joe, do yourself a favor and take a break now.

Pakistan is a painful reminder to you how you got balkanized and chopped up. You know why, Joe? You just didn't deserve it and your current attitude should serve as a mirror. You can't deny it, Joe. No matter how painful.

Don't worry about that. I don't deny history, and I don't deal in fabricated history. So it doesn't bother me that partition happened, the fact is that it happened. And it didn't happen on the lines of who deserved it and who didn't so that horse won't run.
The rivalry between China and India is exactly 62 years old. Go look it up.

The best medicine you can administer to the educated Pakistani is to make him or her read Animal Farm.

Not advisable, they might actually emulate the " you know I can't say it cause its offensive and particularly so on this forum"
Apparently you think that personal attacks can distract attention from the enormous arrogance and errors of your position where besides denying everything in the article, you had very little else to say.

Keep thinking that. I don't think it's worked well in the past, I don't think it will work very well now.

Actually, the home of the conspiracy theory is finally your own country. We amateurs can't hope to match you on that one. On a lot of other things, yes; conspiracy theories, no.

Errm, the moment massive foreign aid dries up, you can hang your country up to dry.

Don't worry about that. I don't deny history, and I don't deal in fabricated history. So it doesn't bother me that partition happened, the fact is that it happened. And it didn't happen on the lines of who deserved it and who didn't so that horse won't run.

LOL good to see you have calmed down, Joe Shearer.
Let's get one thing dead straight. Afghans are never going to have a positive perception regarding Pakistan. It is a misconception to believe that Afghans can ever hold a favorable view of Pakistan. This isn't something new or a feeling which has developed overnight. The Indians/Americans have simply exploited and capitalized on their existing hate towards Pakistan. One has to understand the mindset of an ordinary Afghan to understand his/her abhorrence for Pakistan. This deep seethed hate has a long history. It started the day Pakistan gained independence. These abhorrent people have never been able to digest and accept Pakistan as a neighbor. The author seems to ignore/overlook these facts.

Having said that, Pakistan shouldn't have supported the US Cold War on Afghan soil. This is Pakistan's cardinal sin. This has come to haunt us very badly. Dictators unfortunately made the wrong decision.

There is nothing to be gained in Afghanistan. Not for us nor for anyone else. This has been the case for centuries. The Indians are simply resorting to terror tactics by using the Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan. In the long run, this is going to hurt them very badly. Feeding terror breeds more terror and the Indians will eventually find that out the hard way.

Having said that, Pakistan needs to close the border and repatriate Afghans back to their homeland. This is in the best interest of Pakistan.
some member once rightly pointed out afghan psyche----- they are a bunch of extortionists,when one maharaja(Pakistan) stops paying them they team up against him while plundering another maharaja(india and indian aid) in the name of friendship and defence against the former-------and that fool of a maharaja thinks they are his friends-------its a viscious circle
You expect me to react to that garbage, again? Think again, Joe. Joe, I'm not repeating myself again.

Ever tried walking out of Kabul, Joe? You do realize Afghanistan is much more than Kabul, right? LOL Tell them you're an Indian. They will greet you and you can fill in the blanks.

No, of course, it's divine ordure when you say something, garbage when I do. That's how I got 24 kicks in the arse, right? It's only by repeating ourselves constantly that we get sustained applause and attention of that sort, correct?

Yes, Indians have tried walking out of Kabul. I met one day before yesterday. He has business interests in Kandahar and in Kabul, and he goes out and in like anybody else, with the same precautions that anyone with money and a profile that can be monetised takes. And he confirms, like everybody else does, that Indians have no problems in Afghanistan, outside Taliban controlled belts. That leaves a bit of territory. And after last week's killing, aimed at their president, I don't think Indians are unpopular; it's some other bit of south Asia that takes their fancy.

Not advisable, they might actually emulate the " you know I can't say it cause its offensive and particularly so on this forum"

Well, one of them is already on his hind legs, hopping earnestly from one to the other, and intoning "Four legs good, two legs better"!

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