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9/11 : Then and now ( Photos )

I'm sure they will recover once the fighting is done. Since the U.S. has shown how resilient it is in rebuilding after a terrorist attack.
Yea sure they will recover not everyone has the resources at their finger tips like USA.....How much oil they stole to recover? :azn:

i think we should blame the ones who planted the seeds of fanaticism and terrorism in the hearts of the people in the region
guess who ALSO did that :azn:
Yea sure they will recover not everyone has the resources at their finger tips like USA.....How much oil they stole to recover? :azn:

guess who ALSO did that :azn:

why does USA have to steal any oil? we have more oil untapped than most other countries put together except perhaps KSA and Russia?

America seems to have become the scape goat for those who do not want to admit the systematic problems in their countries especially in the middle east.
why does USA have to steal any oil? we have more oil untapped than most other countries put together except perhaps KSA and Russia?

America seems to have become the scape goat for those who do not want to admit the systematic problems in their countries especially in the middle east.

Because it is always easier to blame someone else for your own problems, rather than fixing them? :D
America seems to have become the scape goat for those who do not want to admit the systematic problems in their countries especially in the middle east.
Ok genius tell me who gave free weapons and training to some people during COLD WAR? How can we be sure such mess was not created when they set foot in Africa?

Because it is always easier to blame someone else for your own problems, rather than fixing them? :D

Cold war, Korean war, Vietnam war and many such cases all over Africa ring a bell? Weapons - that too American weapons didnt exactly go there by themselves! :tup:
Nobody forces countries to buy weapons, even from USA. They want to buy them. Big difference!
Ok genius tell me who gave free weapons and training to some people during COLD WAR? How can we be sure such mess was not created when they set foot in Africa?

Cold war, Korean war, Vietnam war and many such cases all over Africa ring a bell? Weapons - that too American weapons didnt exactly go there by themselves! :tup:

I agree that USA should not be supplying dangerous weapons and know-how to others, especially to countries and groups who cannot control their respective ideologies and splinter factions. And there is noway to exactly pinpoint the extent to which such proliferation makes the latent factional, ideological and religious hatred in lesser developed countries such as in Africa and middle east. Sometimes it is done with good intentions, some times to compete (if we don't do it, they will buy it from Russia anyway)...

But don't you agree whatever America does can only be a secondary or tertiary reason? The primary responsibility for any country has to be their own right? America is not going to thurst its weapon on you if you don't ask for it !!!

I will add that finding nutty theories such as America stole oil ....just doesn't help dissuade the conspiracy theorists and provides a sort of escape clause
noway to exactly pinpoint the extent to which such proliferation makes the latent factional, ideological and religious hatred in lesser developed
Less to do with religion no religion tells people to rape! None tells people to kill blindly like a killing machine! So kindly say it as it is .....GREED, mentality a brothel!
(if we don't do it, they will buy it from Russia anyway)...
At least THEN you can claim this level of BS:

America seems to have become the scape goat
Because it is always easier to blame someone else for your own problems, rather than fixing them? :D

Nobody forces countries to buy weapons, even from USA. They want to buy them. Big difference!
Then why not put sanctions on such countries...Oh wait soo much research put in has to be reclaimed so sell people kill then use UN to send your forces *** peacekeeper to utilize! Lovely business! And the EDUCATED sheep in denial is really sad :tsk:
Less to do with religion no religion tells people to rape! None tells people to kill blindly like a killing machine! So kindly say it as it is .....GREED, mentality a brothel!

At least THEN you can claim this level of BS:

Then why not put sanctions on such countries...Oh wait soo much research put in has to be reclaimed so sell people kill then use UN to send your forces *** peacekeeper to utilize! Lovely business! And the EDUCATED sheep in denial is really sad :tsk:

I don't understand what your point is. You said America stole oil and I simply pointed out that there is no need for that. Then you said America shouldn't have sole weapons and I agreed to that but pointed out that America couldn't have sold if someone didn't buy them, so don't blame America for latent ills of the countries in Africa and ME.

For example why do India and Pakistan buy so much weaponry from America, even though both of them are poor countries? If they so no, will America be able to thrust their weapons anyway?

As to religious violence - even if a religion doesn't flaunt violence, it is what people take out of it that matters. Any religion is just a concept and perhaps a book unless and until it is practiced. It is in the practice of religions do we find such conflict leading to violence - whether it be sunni/shia or wahabi/infidel or Xian/muslim or hindu/muslim or bhuddhist/muslim or Xian/muslim or xian/jew or muslim/jew.....
2 separate statements

I don't understand what your point is. You said America stole oil and I simply pointed out that there is no need for that.

Did they not corner oil fields?

Then you said America shouldn't have sole weapons and I agreed to that but pointed out that America couldn't have sold if someone didn't buy them, so don't blame America for latent ills of the countries in Africa and ME.
no you didnt you picked this from syedali's post!

You think america researches in weapons so they wont use them? :woot:

For example why do India and Pakistan buy so much weaponry from America, even though both of them are poor countries? If they so no, will America be able to thrust their weapons anyway?
Both countries wouldnt buy if no one is supplying them!

As to religious violence - even if a religion doesn't flaunt violence, it is what people take out of it that matters.
Then blame the people why try to drag in religion? bad habit?
2 separate statements

Did they not corner oil fields?

no you didnt you picked this from syedali's post!

You think america researches in weapons so they wont use them? :woot:

Both countries wouldnt buy if no one is supplying them!

Then blame the people why try to drag in religion? bad habit?

what do you mean they cornered oil fields? where?

You continue to miss the point that if America doesn't sell weapons and if the demand for weapons continues, Russia will sell them...or someone else. From the buyer's view then, there is no point blaming the supplier. You as the buyer is the one that is being violent.

I make no distinction between a religion and those who follow it. The blame is always on the people, not on the religion. Religion like gun is just a thing - your fault if you pick it up and use it to kill someone instead of for winning an olympic gold.
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