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7 Soldiers including 2 officers killed in attack on army base in India

RIP to the innocent lives lost! I don't know if they (terrorists) could not go any lower than rock bottom, and talk about timing, just at the turn over power. one must wonder...
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RIP to the innocent lives lost! I don't know if they (terrorists) could not fo any lower than rock bottom, and talk about timing, just at the turn over power. one must wonder...

Rock bottom is blinding children out of desperation. This is called justice.
India thought itself as a karma for Pakistan forgetting that it keeps going/coming around. It was only a matter of time.

This is what happens when policies are made by extremists. They just never know when it is enough and when is the time for carrot. They keep going too far holding the stick and eventually find the stick wearing off and finding themselves stranded in the open with lot to handle

RIP to any innocents and civilians
Bloody coward terrorists, They would rott in hell ....


You should not have targeted our civilian bus.

Two majors, five soldiers killed in our retaliation.

Next time, be less cowards and we might not butcher your officers and soldiers so mercilessly..

In entire ongoing LoC confrontation, we haven't lost a single high ranking officer such as major..indians have lost two just today lol
I am finding it quite Alarming that security of our military batches has been breached again & again by militants inflicting heavy casuality to army personals. An army base should be one of the most secured facilities. There are serious laps in defensive structure of our bases it seems. I myself live near major army encampment, well I can myself see major flaws in the whole defensive plan of these bases. Army must review its traditional defensive layout of bases so that such infiltration can be avoided in future.

We (our military) is largely to blame. Things are going to change. They have to.

You should not have targeted our civilian bus.

Two majors, five soldiers killed.

Next time, be less cowards and we might not butcher your officers and soldiers so mercilessly

Killing of innocent is always not appreciated or to be proud off, Feeling proud or happy of butchering somebody (i.e. let it be soldiers or civilians) is a terrorist mentality.

It would have been the same case on our border aswell but our forces were good enough to evacuate most of civilians near the border.
Killing of innocent is always not appreciated or to be proud off, Feeling proud or happy of butchering somebody (i.e. let it be soldiers or civilians) is a terrorist mentality.

It would have been the same case on our border aswell but our forces were good enough to evacuate most of civilians near the border.

Indians target civilians on purpose, we don't. We target indian forces and inflict heavy damage on them as usual.

We inflict much more pain on indian forces than they have done to us. First, they purposefully targeted children and killed four of our kids.

We conducted surgical strikes and BEHEADED indian soldiers in response. Brilliant payback.

Then, out of their humiliation, indians targeted our civilian bids on PURPOSE...and guess what?

Two MAJORS, and five soldiers were killed in a retaliatory strike by us in LoC region. Again, humiliation for indian forces.

Now, understand, next time you do something stupid...we will humiliated you again, as always
  • Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said: "Statistics have shown the attack is on military installations. Civilians are not being targeted."
So the attackers are guerillas not terrorists.
Their logic can get really really weird...
  • Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said: "Statistics have shown the attack is on military installations. Civilians are not being targeted."
So the attackers are guerillas not terrorists.

Comes from a country which calls Dalai Lama a terrorist and preach about difference between guerillas and terrorist to others .
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