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61st National Day for China – Today

Nepal China Society marks PRC's 61st Anniversary

Marking the 61st Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Nepal China Society organized a gathering in the capital Kathmandu on Tuesday evening.

Diplomats, Constituent Assembly (CA) members, Chair of CA Subash Nemwang, former prime ministers, senior leaders from various political parties, high level government officials, senior journalists and media persons were present on the occasion.

CA Chair Nemwang told Xinhua that the Nepal-China relation is an ancient and time tested one.

"China has developed in every field and thus, we should learn from her. I would wish China more progress and prosperity," he said.

Chairperson of Nepal-China Society and also a journalist, Prem Kumari Panta said that China has always been a very good friend of Nepal and that the two countries should work more towards strengthening their relations at the government, parliament and people's level.

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Qui Guohong was also present at the function.

Nepal China Society marks PRC's 61st Anniversary - People's Daily Online
Former U.S. president Carter sends letter of congratulation on China's National Day

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has sent a letter of congratulation to the Chinese Consulate General in Houston to honor the upcoming China's National Day.

In a letter to China's Consulate General in Houston Gao Yanping, Carter, a key person in the establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations decades ago, extended his best wishes on the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

"We congratulate you as you celebrate your many achievements over the past 61 years," the former president said.

"When Deng Xiaoping and I announced the establishment of diplomatic relationship between our two countries 31 years ago, neither of us anticipated the great economic and social transformation that has changed the lives of the Chinese people," Carter said.

"As we mark the birthday of the People's Republic of China, I hope that our bilateral relationship will continue to thrive through mutual respect, understanding, and the close relationships formed between Chinese and American citizens," he said.

Former U.S. president Carter sends letter of congratulation on China's National Day - People's Daily Online


The looser over there, what did you say? Ex- US president licks commie's boots? You bet! :lol:
Vietnam’s leaders salute China’s Independence Day

Vietnam’s Communist Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, and NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong on September 29 sent congratulations to their Chinese counterparts on the occasion of China’s Independence Day (October 1).

Vietnam’s Party and State leaders praised China’s achievements and expressed their delight at the development of Vietnam-China comprehensive cooperation based on the "16-word" motto (friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive co-operation, durable stability and future-oriented vision) and the "four-good" spirit (good neighbours, good friends, good comrades and good partners).

They affirmed Vietnam’s consistent determination to strengthen ties with the Chinese people, adding that Vietnam will spare no effort to boost mutual understanding, and bring the strategic partnership to new heights.

**On September 30, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association (VCFA) held a ceremony to mark the 61st anniversary of China’s Independence Day.

Addressing the gathering, which included Vuong Thua Phong, Vice Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations; Ho Xuan Son, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; VUFO’s Permanent Vice Chairman Tran Dac Loi; and Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Sun Guoxiang, VCFA chairman Doan Manh Giao sent his best regards to Chinese Party and State leaders and the Chinese people. He said VUFO and VCFA will work closely with China to promote friendship between the two countries.

The Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam reviewed China’s recent achievements and expressed his thanks to VUFO and VCFA for their contributions to the development of the relationship.

VOVNEWS.VN | Vietnam?s leaders salute China?s Independence Day - Vietnam?s leaders salute China?s Independence Day
Vietnam’s leaders salute China’s Independence Day

Vietnam’s Communist Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, and NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong on September 29 sent congratulations to their Chinese counterparts on the occasion of China’s Independence Day (October 1).

Vietnam’s Party and State leaders praised China’s achievements and expressed their delight at the development of Vietnam-China comprehensive cooperation based on the "16-word" motto (friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive co-operation, durable stability and future-oriented vision) and the "four-good" spirit (good neighbours, good friends, good comrades and good partners).

They affirmed Vietnam’s consistent determination to strengthen ties with the Chinese people, adding that Vietnam will spare no effort to boost mutual understanding, and bring the strategic partnership to new heights.

**On September 30, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association (VCFA) held a ceremony to mark the 61st anniversary of China’s Independence Day.

Addressing the gathering, which included Vuong Thua Phong, Vice Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations; Ho Xuan Son, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; VUFO’s Permanent Vice Chairman Tran Dac Loi; and Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Sun Guoxiang, VCFA chairman Doan Manh Giao sent his best regards to Chinese Party and State leaders and the Chinese people. He said VUFO and VCFA will work closely with China to promote friendship between the two countries.

The Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam reviewed China’s recent achievements and expressed his thanks to VUFO and VCFA for their contributions to the development of the relationship.

VOVNEWS.VN | Vietnam?s leaders salute China?s Independence Day - Vietnam?s leaders salute China?s Independence Day

Hey, what does "independence day" mean? Do we have one?
Happy National Day China...These are Old pic but still worth seeing :)






Long Live China:china:
China launches second lunar probe


BEIJING, Oct 1: China on Friday celebrated 61 years of communist rule with the launch of its second lunar probe — the next step in its ambitious programme to become the second country to put a man on the moon. :tup:

A Long March 3C rocket carrying the Chang’e-2, which is due to go into orbit within 15kms of the moon, blasted off from the launch centre in Xichang in the southwestern province of Sichuan, state media said.

China Central Television briefly showed images of the rocket blasting off into the night sky — a few seconds after lift-off — before shifting to scenes inside the launch centre and computerised models of the rocket’s flight.

The lunar probe will conduct various tests over a six-month period in preparation for the expected launch in 2013 of the Chang’e-3, which China hopes will be its first unmanned landing on the moon
, state media has reported.
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