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57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

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Forcefully converted are not NOT converted. Islam is name of belief and faith in one God and faith in God doesn't turn your skin green that converted ones would be recognized as Muslims. So either they are Not-Covered and are only acting to be Muslims or news of they being forcefully converted is untrue.
Very unfortunate indeed. Any laws in pakistan against persecution in the name of religion and forceful conversion?
Iam agianst anyone being forced beyond there own free will... wether for safety reasons or whatever its a shame...
Very unfortunate news,but the positive is pakistan media is reporting such incidents and bringing attention towards it.
We as a race are being shown the mirror since yesterday. The problem is some people are disgusted, the rest are admiring with what they see.

The thread in question is about forceful conversion of hindus by muslims not about muslim conversion or riots in India. IF u wanna discuss those open a new thread for the same.:no:
just a clarification ahmedis arent muslims, they are a separate religion!!! but yeah there have been occurrences of other attacks but the recent one wasnt such a case!!

That killing happened at mosque they where pray same god which other muslim pray. method may be deference .In pakistani people can't tolerate ahmedis then question is arise what about other religion. be open minded friend.
Don't close you mind..
Very unfortunate incident. I don't think that they have accepted Islam. Most likely they have disguised themselves as Muslims. Incidents like these show our intolerant attitude towards Non Muslims. I wonder why they are not comfortable with their Hindu identity. Routinely Hindus in Pak disguise themselves as Muslims. Why? This is the question that we need to ask ourselves.Consider this example:

Pakistani Hindus to miss Holi celebrations
February 23, 2010,

Islamabad: The few Pakistani Hindus, who have made the federal capital their home, will miss splashing colours at each other as they brace up for a quiet Holi.

Many of the Hindus, most of whom are businessmen from Sindh province, have taken on Muslim names and lead rather discreet lives here.

“We have two Eids, too. One is Diwali, the other is Holi. We celebrate both the festivals in Karachi,” Kumar, who runs the popular Maharani Handicraft shop in Super Market, told PTI.

It is not that Kumar or any of his brethren are harassed by the majority Muslim community, yet they like to lie low.

“No one has ever threatened us. But we don’t let people know that we are not Muslims,” said Kumar, who greeted this reporter in his shop with ‘As-salam-alaikum’.

“The Holi colours are available at Aabpara. If somebody wants, they can play at home or they can go to a temple in Rawalpindi where they play Holi each year”.

The best handicraft shops in Super and Jinnah Super Islamabad’s two most popular markets are owned by Kumar’s relatives or fellow Sindhis from Karachi.

Girish, owner of another famous handicraft shop in Super market, has two names — one, a Muslim name which he gives out to customers and the other, his real name which he reveals to those whom he can trust.

Girish broke the rules last Holi by organising a get- together for his friends in Super. They splashed ‘gulal’ outside his shop, but this year no celebrations have been planned.

Unfortunately, the other ‘Eid’ that Kumar spoke about Diwali too is not celebrated in Islamabad.

“We usually go home (to Sindh) for Diwali. But for the past couple of years, we haven’t been able to do that because Ramzan and Diwali come around at the same time. That is peak business time for us and we cannot shut shop,” Kumar said.

Crackers are not sold in Islamabad for security reasons, and in a one-off incident, Kumar’s friend who burst a cracker in a market a year ago was arrested.

“He was released after we convinced the policemen that the cracker was burst to celebrate Diwali,” he said.

Another handicrafts shop is owned by a medical doctor. “We are seven brothers, we are all doctors. As there is not much money in practising medicine, we are all doing business,” he said while handing out his visiting card.

Since most Westerners have either left or do not visit market places anymore, business has been unusually down for them.

Most Hindus are dressed in pant-shirt as opposed to the traditional shalwar-kurtas that most Pakistanis wear.

At Indus, a shop at Jinnah Super famous for its carpets, the shop helper gives out his real name rather reluctantly.

“A lot of Indians come to our shop, and sometimes we get harassed,” he said.


That killing happened at mosque they where pray same god which other muslim pray. method may be deference .In pakistani people can't tolerate ahmedis then question is arise what about other religion. be open minded friend.
Don't close you mind..

i am having a hitch you dont know the difference between Ahmedi's and Muslims, the reason they are called non-muslims. Do you know that?
The solution is very simple indeed.

If the Hindus in Pakistan are being forced to convert against their will to Islam then they should pack their bags and get out of Pakistan.

Why live in a country that forces you to abandon your Religion and convert to the Religion of the State?
The solution is very simple indeed.

If the Hindus in Pakistan are being forced to convert against their will to Islam then they should pack their bags and get out of Pakistan.

Why live in a country that forces you to abandon your Religion and convert to the Religion of the State?
That is not a solution. The problem lies with the people forcing them to convert and THEY have to change themselves to produce the solution.

Such tyranny should not be tolerated in Pakistan.
Can you explain what is India doing in Khasmir? What Russian doing in Cheychinia? What Israel doing in Plastine? What America doing in Afganistan and Iraq?
Now stop blamimg Muslim and Islam..
i am having a hitch you dont know the difference between Ahmedi's and Muslims, the reason they are called non-muslims. Do you know that?

This you attitude say How safe HINDUISM in you country. because you are not going to tolerate slight difference of ahmedis and muslim then surely Hinduism suffer lot in
pakistan with force conversion. don't show poor mentality my friend

Following is link differnce between ahmedis and muslim
What is the difference between an Ahmadi Muslim and other Muslims? @ aaiil.org
The solution is very simple indeed.

If the Hindus in Pakistan are being forced to convert against their will to Islam then they should pack their bags and get out of Pakistan.

Why live in a country that forces you to abandon your Religion and convert to the Religion of the State?

Look what is happening on your own backyard


NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir | World news | guardian.co.uk

NYC Bus Ads Asking 'Leaving Islam?' Cause a Stir - News

Bus Ads Encourage Muslims to Lose Their Religion - Gothamist

The point is its happening every where in the world..
Not a Big Deal
The solution is very simple indeed.

If the Hindus in Pakistan are being forced to convert against their will to Islam then they should pack their bags and get out of Pakistan.

Why live in a country that forces you to abandon your Religion and convert to the Religion of the State?

Pakistan is their country. How can they leave their country to which they are tied for centuries? Will you leave your country if you are not allowed to practice your faith freely. It's the attitude of people that needs to be changed. Our Govt needs to be more active in this case and it's the media responsibility to highlight such issues. I fear that what happened yesterday to Ahmedis can happen to other minority communities if this trend is not checked. Not everyone is intolerant towards other communities in Pakistan however there are certainly some extremists in our country that are involved in such incidents.
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