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57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

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please complete your sentence........ typical what? typical emo type or what?

i dont know in which context he said that but in general i say emo types cannot think rationaly.. they are confused types of ppl dats why they are called emo types.. lol

:pdf: rules...

seems people have got some serious problems with me :lol:

This is pure Bull ****!!!!!!!!!!! We had our Hindu Chief Justic of Supreme Court (RANA BHAGWAN DAS), we have many hindu officers in my own Company. and I also know many working in WAPDA etc etc.
As far a temple demolishing is concerned, this was a pure response by our extremists to hindu extremists in India on demolishing Mosques Although i condem this strongly. They shouldn't have done that.

As far as descrimination is concerned, this also exist for all living in slums regardless of their religion. If you are educated and civilised you are not discriminated...

My own teacher is a Christian and he is earning almost 3 lac per month only because he is a CA.

it isn't a bull sh!t its a Pakistani Newspaper reporting it

no one's denying that we had a Hindu Chief Justice but this is no justification of what happened in Sialkot :agree: & nor is it related to what happens in India
Look what is happening on your own backyard


NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir | World news | guardian.co.uk

NYC Bus Ads Asking 'Leaving Islam?' Cause a Stir - News

Bus Ads Encourage Muslims to Lose Their Religion - Gothamist

The point is its happening every where in the world..
Not a Big Deal

we hav already discussed that topic of ad on other thread and I have post a article from their site which showed that their ad is against another ad which was somehow not rite.:cheers:


well as you can see in this ad.............this trys to show that Jesus, Abrahim etc ( full respect) were part of Islam............which is surely hurting feelings of Christians , jews etc..
Has anyone actually read the article.Nobody on the gunpoint forced the Hindus to become Muslims.They themselves converted in order to move in the society.

What's new it every other day you hear about reports that Muslims changing names and hiding their identities in order to avoid discrimination.There was a thread here PDF sometime ago about Muslims changing their names in India in order to get more customers.

This level of discrimination is present in every society what's the fuss about it.Just because you get a cheap shot on Islam.Ya i understand blaming Islam for everything Bad is the new trend.

And one cannot even verify the truth of the article because it has been narrated by their relatives who would obviously be furious on changing the religion.

Well you are right. This happens in every society. Minorities face persecution in every country including India. Muslims are targeted in west for their faith. However this is a disturbing trend in our country and we should be concerned about it. We better not try to justify it. These Hindus are Pakistanis that's why i am concerned about them irrespective of their faith. It's the intolerant attitude of our people that Pak Hindus are not comfortable with their identities. Islam has nothing to do with it. Like someone said,

"Islam is the best religion with worst followers."
The reason is i come here to read news about Pakistani defence.. and some people dont have any thing else to post so they only post topic related to religion and the irony is they always get away with it.
Very unfortunate incident. I don't think that they have accepted Islam. Most likely they have disguised themselves as Muslims. Incidents like these show our intolerant attitude towards Non Muslims. I wonder why they are not comfortable with their Hindu identity. Routinely Hindus in Pak disguise themselves as Muslims. Why?

Very true>>>>>>> They cannot be called Muslims by any mean.
So thread should be renamed as Hindu disguising as Muslims.
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we hav already discussed that topic of ad on other thread and I have post a article from their site which showed that their ad is against another ad which was somehow not rite.:cheers:

Yeah i was thinking the same but was not able to find the link of the forum. :cheers:
P.S there is always another angle of a story.. same implies here, init

conversions are always hard n they are not accepted easily by family..not only to islam but also to other religions...n this reportz showing relatives view

i know about a girl who converted to islam in sialkot n married her boy friend..his bros were out there n wanted to kill her..so what about this intolerance??
again a few months back, a man who had converted to christianity from islam killed his parents in lahore in the most barbaric way..we dint say it was christianity which led him do this!n can we conclude from this that majority muslims are not save from minority christians??ofcourse NO..
no one here from pakistan is endorsing forced conversion..so whats the point of putting childish arguments?
"Islam is the best religion with worst followers."
n this is the worst statemnt in this thread!!
if u r not a good or contented follower, plz dont drag others!
Yeah i was thinking the same but was not able to find the link of the forum. :cheers:
P.S there is always another angle of a story.. same implies here, init


oh yaar just read the news article.............link is given in it.

or should i provide it:cheers:
forced conversion is going on from centuries.

Sikh History is full of it.

weather it was Guru Arjun Dev or Guru Teg Bahadur...............many killed for resisting Islam.

Younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh aged 9 and 11 were buried alive in wall after they refused islam.

but on the other side............a sufi muslim saint Pir Budhu Shah sacrified his own son to Guru Gobind Singh alone with his all followers.....

Good and bad go side by side.....................we need to accept both sides
seems people have got some serious problems with me :lol:

it isn't a bull sh!t its a Pakistani Newspaper reporting it

no one's denying that we had a Hindu Chief Justice but this is no justification of what happened in Sialkot :agree: & nor is it related to what happens in India

No one is saying that this should happen more and more....

This happens everywhere, America, Britain, India, Israel etc etc >> There are people who don't like Muslims thus don't recruit them for jobs. You cannot blame them.
This doesn't mean that they are wrong, they only don't like them...peroid
So if a person is disguising as Muslim only for job, then this cannot be blamed on whole society. It was the right of employer so exercised.

In that blasphemous content related thread you was saying that it was their right and freedom of speech..>>>
Apply that logic here. It is the right of employer to employ people according to his own liking (although i am against this discrimination but fact is fact).

Problem arise when few super liberals start maligning their own country and religion.
oh yaar just read the news article.............link is given in it.

or should i provide it:cheers:

i ment PDF discussion forum link, i wanted to post the discussed thread.

ny way lets drink till the peace last b/w us.. lol

An oxymoron is a Pakistani Hindu..living the impure life in the land of the pure. Pity the Hindus there that they didnt have the wherewithal or the foresight to migrate in 1947, no wonder a large number of Pakistani Hindus are now in Rajasthan, asking for refuge. If anyone is interested in the state of Hindus in Pakistan google Maloy K Dhar and read the article he wrote on his blog a few weeks back about their status.
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