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415,000 Syrian babies born in Turkey since 2011

The Illegal Syrians as well as Pakistanis, Afghans, Mullahs etc. in Turkey have shifted the perception of regular Turks about them despite the common value the Islam.

The cultures, faiths etc.; in other words, what makes them Arab, Pakistani etc. are extremely different than Turk ones, therefore many cases/confrontation of those vs. Turks in streets have factually slapped everybody in Turkey even the AKP voters despite the Islam bond. Also, the conditions for Turks get harder; so speeds that perception change up.

That is why Turks with controversial Arab connection have strated to end the controversion by rejecting it, which is another sign of the change in society.

In the long term, those will only visit Turkey as tourists and be only treated so by Turks... btw, All of them regardless of nationalities will be deported either way in the end.
Only if you have a slight bit idea of people in Turkey. Turks are THE MOST diverse group of people on the planet, a true melting pot!
The turks(as in ethnic group) are a minority group with disparate caucasian people, Arabs, Iranians, Armenians, North Africans, former Yugoslavs make up the country that is Turkey.
Only if you have a slight bit idea of people in Turkey. Turks are THE MOST diverse group of people on the planet, a true melting pot!
The turks(as in ethnic group) are a minority group with disparate caucasian people, Arabs, Iranians, Armenians, North Africans, former Yugoslavs make up the country that is Turkey.
It's not about our genetic make up. Historically, only those who fully embrace the Turkish identity will be able to prosper in our society. There is almost zero racism against any one regardless of his or her ethnic background as long as the person chooses to be one of us.

Accept our rules, become Turkish, celebrate our republic, respect Atatürk or simply piss off. All of the refugees in Turkey will be made leaving if they don't change their attitude. I don't believe this, I know it.
It's not about our genetic make up. Historically, only those who fully embrace the Turkish identity will be able to prosper in our society. There is almost zero racism against any one regardless of his or her ethnic background as long as the person chooses to be one of us.

Accept our rules, become Turkish, celebrate our republic, respect Atatürk or simply piss off. All of the refugees in Turkey will be made leaving if they don't change their attitude. I don't believe this, I know it.
I'd use the word "historically" rather sparingly, since that "history" starts from Ataturk's "Turkey". Isn't it grand already that "Turk" as an ethnicity is applied as the name of a country where they themselves are a minority(10 percent at most). Yet Kurds, Arabs and Bosniaks wear the title Turkish? Or in case of Kurds shoved down their throats. Either way I'm not pro or against Turkey or your deduction/opinion of it. I just don't like narratives such as these being shoved down because in the grand scheme of things overtime they'll become virtually irrelevant and people will laugh at why they were so adamant about them in the first place.
Is turkey nationality is given to them as per international laws????
Only if you have a slight bit idea of people in Turkey. Turks are THE MOST diverse group of people on the planet, a true melting pot!
The turks(as in ethnic group) are a minority group with disparate caucasian people, Arabs, Iranians, Armenians, North Africans, former Yugoslavs make up the country that is Turkey.

I do not care trolls and their baitings, but for the sake of the thread...

The map shows if there is any asimmilation policies that took place under Turk ruling when you compare it with today's countries on those lands.


If it was not us the Turks, those countries and nations would today speak English, French, Russian etc. along with the daily life in their hegemonic cultures.

That is also why Mullahs, Arabs, Jews and others in ME do increasingly visit Turkey and enjoy the life without any oppression or fear of being stoned to the death; just like those illegal immigrants prefer living in Turkey to living in your ''Islamic'' paradises. However, those illegals will be deported back regardless of their behaviours asap Erdoğan gone in the election or even he will kick them back due to the public pressure.

Feel free to fight with the reality on the ground and history.
I do not care trolls and their baitings, but for the sake of the thread...

The map shows if there is any asimmilation policies that took place under Turk ruling when you compare it with today's countries on those lands.


If it was not us the Turks, those countries and nations would today speak English, French, Russian etc. along with the daily life in their hegemonic cultures.

That is also why Mullahs, Arabs, Jews and others in ME do increasingly visit Turkey and enjoy the life without any oppression or fear of being stoned to the death; just like those illegal immigrants prefer living in Turkey to living in your ''Islamic'' paradises. However, those illegals will be deported back regardless of their behaviours asap Erdoğan gone or even he will kick them back due to the public pressure.

Feel free to fight with the reality on the ground and history.
I totally agree! In fact I have tried to enlighten people of the fact that it was the Turks that have ruled much of Muslim lands for past 700 years and in case of South Asia even longer. The only reason it is not as clear cut as it should be is because Turks used Persian as the court language which mixed things up in many peoples minds. The very origin of Urdu, Ordu or horde language is testament to that history...

In fact, if I might add... it wasn't only that Turks ruled all the way from Anatolia to Delhi the greatest centers of Islamic learning were also Bukhara and Samarkand not Cairo, Baghdad or Damascus. That is why the hammer always fell from Central Asia on all Arab deviations. Today Muslims have lost all of these places that enforced Islamic Moral Compass.
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They breed exactly because of war. The lost generation must be replaced
they breed cuz they know the more babies they have in turkey the more chance they have to get to stay in turkey and not return to their shithole they have came from
Turkey official: ‘415,000 Syrian babies born in Turkey since 2011’

June 19, 2019

More than 400,000 Syrian babies have been born in Turkey since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, said an official from Turkey’s Interior Ministry, Anadolu Agency reported.

“The population of Syrians in Turkey is a young one, as [only] around 100,000 among 3.6 million Syrians in Turkey are older than 60,” said Abdullah Ayaz, who heads the ministry’s migration management department.

“Since the start of the crisis, more than 415,000 Syrian babies have been born in Turkey,” Ayaz told a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) in Turkey’s capital Ankara.

The two-day meeting will last through Thursday at the Turkish parliament.

Turkey hosts more Syrians than any other country in the world.

Ayaz said that Turkish officials are continuing work to make sure all Syrian children get an education.

He added that since 2011, Turkey has barred more than 74,000 foreigners from entering the country.

Turkey has been a main route for irregular migrants trying to cross to Europe, especially since 2011, the start of the Syrian civil war.

Over 265,000 irregular migrants were held in Turkey in 2018, according to the Turkish Interior Ministry.

Syria has only just begun to emerge from a devastating conflict that began in early 2011 when the Assad regime cracked down on demonstrators with unexpected ferocity.

According to UN figures, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed or displaced in the conflict, mainly by regime airstrikes in opposition-held areas

thats what these refugee do all day ........
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