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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

One of the reasons that U.S will never dare to attack Iran:

Iraqi Sunni cleric issues historical pro-Iran fatwa | Taghribnews (TNA)
Sheikh Abdul-Latif al-Hamim, head of the Sunni Endowment of Iraq, has issued a fatwa (religious statement) mandating all Sunni communities in the Arab country to defend Iran against US hostile policies, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

This is while Iraqi media have called the fatwa as unparalleled and the first of its kind since topple of former dictator Saddam Hussein.

A renowned figure among Iraqi intellectuals and author of several books on Islamic teaching, Al-Hamim stressed,” Not only Iraq, but also all members of the Islamic nation are expected to confront US hostile policies against Iran and all Islamic and Arab states.”
One of the reasons that U.S will never dare to attack Iran:

Iraqi Sunni cleric issues historical pro-Iran fatwa | Taghribnews (TNA)
Sheikh Abdul-Latif al-Hamim, head of the Sunni Endowment of Iraq, has issued a fatwa (religious statement) mandating all Sunni communities in the Arab country to defend Iran against US hostile policies, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

This is while Iraqi media have called the fatwa as unparalleled and the first of its kind since topple of former dictator Saddam Hussein.

A renowned figure among Iraqi intellectuals and author of several books on Islamic teaching, Al-Hamim stressed,” Not only Iraq, but also all members of the Islamic nation are expected to confront US hostile policies against Iran and all Islamic and Arab states.”
Shia clerics should wait.. as soon as the attack starts.. they most give fatwa.. and call for massive mobilization.
Think about what you just said. The US poked its nose into other people's business, no? And other than Viet Nam, China have done nothing. Even in Viet Nam, China risked very little. Korea was the last time China got into a real fight. So what make you think China will stand with Iran?
China can stand by Iran for these reasons:
1) Oil- US cant just get another large "oilfield" so easily
2)Persian Gulf balance- US and GCC are already allied against Iran, so supporting Iran brings balance back to the ME and allows biz continue
3)Shared Anti-US ideology- China is open to draining the US in any way necessary. Look at fentanyl- China produces 90% of fentanyl consumed in the US, they use drugs to reduce US's economic competitiveness. China doesnt care cuz fentanyl isnt an issue in China. China can "invest cheaply" by helping Iran..a small amt of help can bog down the US further. Potentially cheap but effective support from China to Iran during a conflict would also distract US from the South China Sea, which China is interested in. China at this stage is very likely interested in a war involving the US (and not itself), and away from its coasts....but oil prices from PG instability.
4)Sympathy- China and Iran have generally good and long relations. If after a US attack on Iran China's govt feels sympathy for Iranians and their govt, that might make Chinese help the Iranians.
good news,

a practical men is in with many international link

labaik ya The Pivot


I think you are seeing this a bit too negativly
Putin talks publicly in a "diplomatic" way, what really will happen behind the curtains if war breaks out can be totally different to this speech.
You have to understand that if the US should attack Iran it will create a huge chaos in the region which will be a threat to russian national security, and this is the point where Putin cant be "neutral"
Thats why russia joined Syria, because russian geopolitical interests was in danger

On the other side its good Iran doesnt rely on Russia/China because it was several times betrayed by them
And because Iran dont rely/trust them fully, Iran developed an potent, indigenous and self reliant defence industry.
Without S-300 fiasco, Iran wouldnt have today such potent AD systems, so thank you Putin/Medvedev.
But I cant believe for a second Putin would give Pompeo a "go" to attack Iran
And by the way, I think Iran with its shia proxys is fully capable by itself to give USA a massive headache in the region

sorry brother the way i put to you
you wrong
with regard to S300 as i said at the time when brock technology barrier they transferred which was point less.

same there history repeat itself.

at hight Bush and Isreal threat to attack Iran or its nuclear facility after they just attack Syria reactor whtat Russia did ??
susspened delivery S300 delevery

russia iran the sale S300 AD 2007 contract
watch from 2:40 on RT the official russian government TV

so what is happening today, at high tension and possibility of war between Iran and U.S what does Russia do ?? guess what
so brother stop fooling yourself about that Joker Putin
Notice to all the non iranian armchair generals:
My dear generals Iran has been preparing for a fight with US for the past 40 years (they know this fight will eventually come) ..So as you express your own insecurities the real battle hardened Iranian generals are quietly preparing to launch their long awaited plans. They know just like the 8 year war with Iraq they will have to fight this one alone also. So relax...have a sip of your coffee and watch how a Persian teaches a Yank to fight.:cheers:

lol 40years preparing destroyed by first round knock out... seriously who is here the armchair general lifing a wet hot fantasy..
as long as you know where the enemy is hiding, it means you can target it. when Iran is telling you that we have intelligence that tell us where they are at any moment, it has a message to it for it self.

It would be an electoral disaster for Trump if there are American body bags in significant numbers without a clear and decisive 'victory' over Iran. Plus, there is so widespread opposition to any war against Iran in America--there are frequent references to The Gulf of Tonkin incidence--that any aggression by Americans will backfire unless there is consensus built.

As to the question of 'Intelligence', I wouldn't be surprised Russians or even the Chinese are actively helping Iran; it's in their deepest interests to bog down America. Heck, there are reports that Chinese are monitoring every Indian move against Pakistan since the Feb. 2019 dog-fight between India and Pakistan.
It would be an electoral disaster for Trump if there are American body bags in significant numbers without a clear and decisive 'victory' over Iran. Plus, there is so widespread opposition to any war against Iran in America--there are frequent references to The Gulf of Tonkin incidence--that any aggression by Americans will backfire unless there is consensus built.

As to the question of 'Intelligence', I wouldn't be surprised Russians or even the Chinese are actively helping Iran; it's in their deepest interests to bog down America. Heck, there are reports that Chinese are monitoring every Indian move against Pakistan since the Feb. 2019 dog-fight between India and Pakistan.

agreed and needless to say, that US economy will be severely damaged by such a great war.

It is not flimsy. Can indeed does not equal to will. The US can invade Canada, but will we? :enjoy:

noooooo not Canada if you attack them they will fight you and every time they kill one soldier they will say Sorry it would be boring :lol::tup:.

noooooo not Canada if you attack them they will fight you and every time they kill one soldier they will say Sorry it would be boring :lol::tup:.
When I was active duty, I went to a Maple Flag exercise. I joked to the Canadians that Canada is our 52nd state with Puerto Rico as our 51st state. They laughed. The majority of Canadians lives within 6 hrs drive of the US border. We can invade and takeover Canada, but why would we? :lol:
When I was active duty, I went to a Maple Flag exercise. I joked to the Canadians that Canada is our 52nd state with Puerto Rico as our 51st state. They laughed. The majority of Canadians lives within 6 hrs drive of the US border. We can invade and takeover Canada, but why would we? :lol:

What was their reaction? I mean everyone loves their motherland regardless of the fact if it is as powerful or prosperous as USA, but no one in their right mind would want to merge with another country.
Iraq and Libya complied. Libya disbanded it's Nuclear programme, and Iraq let in the weapons inspectors. Iraq was actually destroying it's own missiles as the Americans massed for invasion. Fight it out.

I think most of your missiles will get through to Tel Aviv.

If they have decided to invade, nothing you can say or do will change that.
It is not flimsy. Can indeed does not equal to will. The US can invade Canada, but will we? :enjoy:
Its flimsy because things can happen that change the context or China's perceptions or behaviors. We are still talking hypothetically so you cant discount something that is assumed to be occuring in a hypothetical context, like what we are discussing here. If you "know" nothiong will happen that makes China actually help Iran in a case of conflict then please have another serving of GTFOH!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BREAKING?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#BREAKING</a><br>Huge blast heard the center of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Baghdad?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Baghdad</a>.</p>&mdash; Barzan Sadiq (@BarzanSadiq) <a href=" ">May 19, 2019</a></blockquote>
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