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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

LOL that's because China was an ally of the US in the latter years of the Cold War, as was Pakistan.
Naaahhh...China sided with Iraq in the UN Security Council. I call your China chickenshit.

You are nothing but a troll in the service of China. No Iranian with a sane mind should listen to you about China-Iran relationship. You know nothing about it. You are here only to suck up to the Iranian members, not that you can contribute anything. Your 'love' for Persia is made up. Most likely, you know nothing about Iran other than what you can search on the Internet.

Just as with Iraq, China will do NOTHING to help Iran. I will go out on a limb to say that just like Iraq, NO ONE will help Iran. Militarily speaking, we do not need help in defeating the Iranian military, in the air AND on the water. I say this not because I want war but because I speak from actual time in service, which you cannot say. I know what we can do better than you know what the PLA can do. You are nothing more than a coward.
Naaahhh...China sided with Iraq in the UN Security Council. I call your China chickenshit.

You are nothing but a troll in the service of China. No Iranian with a sane mind should listen to you about China-Iran relationship. You know nothing about it. You are here only to suck up to the Iranian members, not that you can contribute anything. Your 'love' for Persia is made up. Most likely, you know nothing about Iran other than what you can search on the Internet.

Just as with Iraq, China will do NOTHING to help Iran. I will go out on a limb to say that just like Iraq, NO ONE will help Iran. Militarily speaking, we do not need help in defeating the Iranian military, in the air AND on the water. I say this not because I want war but because I speak from actual time in service, which you cannot say. I know what we can do better than you know what the PLA can do. You are nothing more than a coward.
LOL you're just a Vietnamese American former enlisted man pretending to be a USAF officer. A joker not a gambit.
John Bolton is masturbating to his war scenarios all over the world. Vietnam; Iran recently. Their ships navigate all around the world; what's new. USA wouldn't have any issue hammering Iran; it's their next door neighbors that they'll have to protect (GCC). The arab's won't let the immediate neighborhood drown in civil war.
LOL you're just a Vietnamese American former enlisted man pretending to be a USAF officer. A joker not a gambit.
There is no face saving for you. You 'love' Persia? I bet you never even left whatever female scarce village you came from. You are a fraud as well as a coward. Too bad a few Iranians actually fell for your garbage.
My observation: Iran began to dig its own grave by getting involved in Syria and Yemen respectively. Syria most notably.

Millions of people have lost their homes and means of livelihood in Syria alone. When you burn homes of others, expect your own to burn at some point.

Pakistan refused to partake in Yemen and other theaters, thankfully.
so u want to left Syria into the hand of Israel, and u sure u can feel safe after Israel taking position in Syria...look at the Golan height....

and if Iran surrender every inch of its conventional weapon, USA and its allies still have 100 of reasons to invade Iran....
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The Yanks are not going to do a land invasion at first. They are going to launch air and missiles strikes. Did you manage to handle Israeli strikes in Syria?

You need the most advanced integrated air defense. Nukes are for counterstrike against Tel Aviv.

I don't know why you're asking me that question, what exactly are you even asking? Did I personally manage to handle the Israeli strikes in Syria?

unlike what you guys think, my opinion is we should start the war and make the bomb and after we did our damage test one of them in desert. we should start with PGCC oil fields and refineries and if the situation escalated so be it. we should burn every aggressor in lebanon,gaza, yemen, syria, iraq, afghanistan and pakistan. the US movements shows weakness not otherwise, for the first time we are in good position and we should take the advantage of it.
how ever we should not show a crazy face of ourself to the world so they justify escalation, arabs probably gonna attack us in next month that's the opportunity, we should reply them swiftly and accurately and make it clear for the west that if they intervene we gonna shower israel and EU (if they attack) with active uranium.
unlike what you guys think, my opinion is we should start the war and make the bomb and after we did our damage test one of them in desert. we should start with PGCC oil fields and refineries and if the situation escalated so be it. we should burn every aggressor in lebanon,gaza, yemen, syria, iraq, afghanistan and pakistan. the US movements shows weakness not otherwise, for the first time we are in good position and we should take the advantage of it.
how ever we should not show a crazy face of ourself to the world so they justify escalation, arabs probably gonna attack us in next month that's the opportunity, we should reply them swiftly and accurately and make it clear for the west that if they intervene we gonna shower israel and EU (if they attack) with active uranium.

Iran NEEDS the bomb now, it's no longer even a question of if or maybe Iran should have one, it NEEDs one for self-preservation.
Trump is just taking a page out of Modis play book and planning to do a surgical strike in Iran. We all know how well that went for indians. May be Yankee Orange pig needs some distraction from all the things he fucked up during his tenure.
unlike what you guys think, my opinion is we should start the war and make the bomb and after we did our damage test one of them in desert. we should start with PGCC oil fields and refineries and if the situation escalated so be it. we should burn every aggressor in lebanon,gaza, yemen, syria, iraq, afghanistan and PAKISTAN. the US movements shows weakness not otherwise, for the first time we are in good position and we should take the advantage of it.
if wishes were horses ..........:)
if wishes were horses ..........:)
i mean these:

Notice to all the non iranian armchair generals:
My dear generals Iran has been preparing for a fight with US for the past 40 years (they know this fight will eventually come) ..So as you express your own insecurities the real battle hardened Iranian generals are quietly preparing to launch their long awaited plans. They know just like the 8 year war with Iraq they will have to fight this one alone also. So relax...have a sip of your coffee and watch how a Persian teaches a Yank to fight.:cheers:
Naaahhh...China sided with Iraq in the UN Security Council. I call your China chickenshit.

You are nothing but a troll in the service of China. No Iranian with a sane mind should listen to you about China-Iran relationship. You know nothing about it. You are here only to suck up to the Iranian members, not that you can contribute anything. Your 'love' for Persia is made up. Most likely, you know nothing about Iran other than what you can search on the Internet.

Just as with Iraq, China will do NOTHING to help Iran. I will go out on a limb to say that just like Iraq, NO ONE will help Iran. Militarily speaking, we do not need help in defeating the Iranian military, in the air AND on the water. I say this not because I want war but because I speak from actual time in service, which you cannot say. I know what we can do better than you know what the PLA can do. You are nothing more than a coward.
You are wrong during Iran-Iraq war china was in opportunistic side of war, and that mean earning $$ by selling weapon to Iran or Iraq. For them Iran and Iraq just was $ basket. I can see same view from west toward countries in Persian gulf region and Turkey as well this days.

fight b/w European and American countries to sell weapons.

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