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2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

If Iran is defeated and controlled by US either through occupation or a regime favorable to the US, then Pakistan's hope of gaining Kashmir and resistance against India will be finished forever, you will be encircled by India. It's in Pakistan's interest the Iranian Mullah regime stays in power and strong. Be careful what you wish for.
As if Pakistan is about to take the control of Kashmir
As if Pakistan is about to take the control of Kashmir

But it's your long struggle and want to achieve it in the future. And that is not all, Pakistan will be encircled by it's nemesis and it's allies.
But it's your long struggle and want to achieve it in the future. And that is not all, Pakistan will be encircled by it's nemesis and it's allies.
Only losers will be extremist Iranian regime no one else
You don’t move so much gear for fun. The Yanks are genuinely in war mood before the upcoming elections.

Trump is facing heat at home. He wants to become a war time president. There is no better way to garner sympathy of the masses by initiating a war.

Something is going to happen and all we need now is a little mishap.
American carrier get sold before it reach Persian Gulf.
I really want to know what China would be "risking" that US wont be risking also. I dont believe US can do crap to China if China helps Iran. Some of you Americans get this country into trouble by consistently 1) underestimating adversaries and 2) thinking things will always go good for you.
Think about what you just said. The US poked its nose into other people's business, no? And other than Viet Nam, China have done nothing. Even in Viet Nam, China risked very little. Korea was the last time China got into a real fight. So what make you think China will stand with Iran?
Lmao, I don't know whats funnier, your tiny brain thinking a country like Iran cares about collateral damage, specially in a designated hideout in a middle of nowhere, or you thinking there is any consideration of collateral damage when using a ballistic missile.
you are confused about how big is that fort:


compare the size of a car and the fort. also the second image clarifies that it was not a drone attack.:D:D
If Iran is defeated and controlled by US either through occupation or a regime favorable to the US, then Pakistan's hope of gaining Kashmir and resistance against India will be finished forever, you will be encircled by India. It's in Pakistan's interest the Iranian Mullah regime stays in power and strong. Be careful what you wish for.

You can see afghanistan.two attacks in Afghanistan.one from Soviet and one from Americans.only terrorism increased in the region.current Irani government is already hostile towards Pakistan,even irgc is cooperating with India.any puppet government in Iran will be useful for pakistan.this will end sectarian war in Pakistan also.pakistan isa country which receives refugees.we are a country but behave like we are some kind of leader.we must look at our interest first.we should forget about iran.iran will pay for it's mistakes.
That must`ve been a hell of a lot of armed drones then to do that level of damage,considering that each of the sadid glide bombs probably only carries 10-15kgs max of explosive payload.
When an structure become too complex , it becomes venerable to any small damage ....
we shouldn't fight here we should fight there in usa
we should make our military base in american region
short reminder if someone seriously thinks that US is ready to open panderos box regarding Iran.
My opinion is that this is all projection of force to pressure Iran to the negotiation table, everything else is suicide

PressTV- Massive explosions reported at UAE port

Powerful explosions have been reported in the Emirati port of al-Fujairah, where seven oil tankers are said to have caught fire

The blasts took place early on Sunday morning, according to the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen television channel, which reported the development hours later.

It said the seven oil tankers were completely burnt and that firefighters were still trying to extinguish the blaze.

Some social media activists said that American and French aircraft of unspecified type were flying over the port.

Al Mayadeen did not say what had caused the explosions or the fire.

Later, the media office of the government of Fujairah denied the report of the explosions altogether, saying that transit and other activities at the port were underway as usual. Additionally, Brigadier Ali Obaid al-Taniji, the director of the department of civil defense in Fujairah, told the Emarat al-Youm daily that there had been no fire or explosion at the port.

Despite the UAE government’s denial, witnesses have emphasized that the blasts have taken place and some media sources have even went further, identifying a number of oil tankers hit by the explosions by their hull numbers as follows:

AMJAD tanker
No.: 9779800

Marzouqah tanker
No.: 9165762

Miraj oil tanker
No.: 9394741

A.MICHEL oil tanker
No.: 9177674

FNSA10 oil tanker
No.: 9432074

UAE: Four commercial vessels targeted by "sabotage"

Later on Sunday, the Foreign Ministry of the United Arab Emirates issued a statement, saying that four commercial vessels have been targeted by "sabotage operations" near its territorial waters.

The statement added that there were no victims, but fell short of giving any details on possible damage to commercial vessels, their nationally and possible casualties.

The ministry statement was tweeted by the official news agency WAM.

#عاجل_وام |
الخارجية : تعرض أربع سفن تجارية لعمليات تخريبية قرب المياه الإقليمية للدولة ولا أضرار بشرية pic.twitter.com/YOALCsIpDM

— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 12, 2019
Earlier this week, a number of powerful explosions rocked Saudi Arabia’s port city of Yanbu’, an important petroleum shipping terminal for the kingdom. Reports, however, fell short of giving any reason for the blasts or possible casualties.

No further details have been made available up to this moment and no group or individual has assumed responsibility for the blasts.

PressTV-Powerful explosions heard in Saudi Arabia's Yanbu': Report
Multiple explosions heard in the kingdom’s northwestern petroleum shipping hub.

Yanbu' is an important petroleum shipping terminal for Saudi Arabia and home to three oil refineries, a plastics facility and several other petrochemical plants.

Either Iran will export the oil, or no one will.
PressTV- Massive explosions reported at UAE port

Powerful explosions have been reported in the Emirati port of al-Fujairah, where seven oil tankers are said to have caught fire

The blasts took place early on Sunday morning, according to the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen television channel, which reported the development hours later.

It said the seven oil tankers were completely burnt and that firefighters were still trying to extinguish the blaze.

Some social media activists said that American and French aircraft of unspecified type were flying over the port.

Al Mayadeen did not say what had caused the explosions or the fire.

Later, the media office of the government of Fujairah denied the report of the explosions altogether, saying that transit and other activities at the port were underway as usual. Additionally, Brigadier Ali Obaid al-Taniji, the director of the department of civil defense in Fujairah, told the Emarat al-Youm daily that there had been no fire or explosion at the port.

Despite the UAE government’s denial, witnesses have emphasized that the blasts have taken place and some media sources have even went further, identifying a number of oil tankers hit by the explosions by their hull numbers as follows:

AMJAD tanker
No.: 9779800

Marzouqah tanker
No.: 9165762

Miraj oil tanker
No.: 9394741

A.MICHEL oil tanker
No.: 9177674

FNSA10 oil tanker
No.: 9432074

UAE: Four commercial vessels targeted by "sabotage"

Later on Sunday, the Foreign Ministry of the United Arab Emirates issued a statement, saying that four commercial vessels have been targeted by "sabotage operations" near its territorial waters.

The statement added that there were no victims, but fell short of giving any details on possible damage to commercial vessels, their nationally and possible casualties.

The ministry statement was tweeted by the official news agency WAM.

#عاجل_وام |
الخارجية : تعرض أربع سفن تجارية لعمليات تخريبية قرب المياه الإقليمية للدولة ولا أضرار بشرية pic.twitter.com/YOALCsIpDM

— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 12, 2019
Earlier this week, a number of powerful explosions rocked Saudi Arabia’s port city of Yanbu’, an important petroleum shipping terminal for the kingdom. Reports, however, fell short of giving any reason for the blasts or possible casualties.

No further details have been made available up to this moment and no group or individual has assumed responsibility for the blasts.

PressTV-Powerful explosions heard in Saudi Arabia's Yanbu': Report
Multiple explosions heard in the kingdom’s northwestern petroleum shipping hub.

Yanbu' is an important petroleum shipping terminal for Saudi Arabia and home to three oil refineries, a plastics facility and several other petrochemical plants.

Either Iran will export the oil, or no one will.
lol seems like the alliance is more vulnerable than it seems. this is why i say US is bluffing, we should provoke them to attack us and finish it once and for ever.
short reminder if someone seriously thinks that US is ready to open panderos box regarding Iran.
My opinion is that this is all projection of force to pressure Iran to the negotiation table, everything else is suicide

they want to get Iran to the negotiation table. that my guess.

PressTV- Massive explosions reported at UAE port

Powerful explosions have been reported in the Emirati port of al-Fujairah, where seven oil tankers are said to have caught fire

The blasts took place early on Sunday morning, according to the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen television channel, which reported the development hours later.

It said the seven oil tankers were completely burnt and that firefighters were still trying to extinguish the blaze.

Some social media activists said that American and French aircraft of unspecified type were flying over the port.

Al Mayadeen did not say what had caused the explosions or the fire.

Later, the media office of the government of Fujairah denied the report of the explosions altogether, saying that transit and other activities at the port were underway as usual. Additionally, Brigadier Ali Obaid al-Taniji, the director of the department of civil defense in Fujairah, told the Emarat al-Youm daily that there had been no fire or explosion at the port.

Despite the UAE government’s denial, witnesses have emphasized that the blasts have taken place and some media sources have even went further, identifying a number of oil tankers hit by the explosions by their hull numbers as follows:

AMJAD tanker
No.: 9779800

Marzouqah tanker
No.: 9165762

Miraj oil tanker
No.: 9394741

A.MICHEL oil tanker
No.: 9177674

FNSA10 oil tanker
No.: 9432074

UAE: Four commercial vessels targeted by "sabotage"

Later on Sunday, the Foreign Ministry of the United Arab Emirates issued a statement, saying that four commercial vessels have been targeted by "sabotage operations" near its territorial waters.

The statement added that there were no victims, but fell short of giving any details on possible damage to commercial vessels, their nationally and possible casualties.

The ministry statement was tweeted by the official news agency WAM.

#عاجل_وام |
الخارجية : تعرض أربع سفن تجارية لعمليات تخريبية قرب المياه الإقليمية للدولة ولا أضرار بشرية pic.twitter.com/YOALCsIpDM

— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 12, 2019
Earlier this week, a number of powerful explosions rocked Saudi Arabia’s port city of Yanbu’, an important petroleum shipping terminal for the kingdom. Reports, however, fell short of giving any reason for the blasts or possible casualties.

No further details have been made available up to this moment and no group or individual has assumed responsibility for the blasts.

PressTV-Powerful explosions heard in Saudi Arabia's Yanbu': Report
Multiple explosions heard in the kingdom’s northwestern petroleum shipping hub.

Yanbu' is an important petroleum shipping terminal for Saudi Arabia and home to three oil refineries, a plastics facility and several other petrochemical plants.

Either Iran will export the oil, or no one will.

UAE says 4 ships targeted by ‘sabotage’ off its coast

4 commercial ships subjected to 'sabotage operations' near UAE waters

4 commercial ships subjected to sabotage operations off Fujairah

The United Arab Emirates said Sunday that four commercial ships off its eastern coast "were subjected to sabotage operations," just hours after Iranian and Lebanese media outlets aired false reports of explosions at a nearby Emirati port.

Emirati officials declined to elaborate on the nature of the sabotage or say who might have been responsible. However, the reported incident comes as the U.S. has warned ships that "Iran or its proxies" could be targeting maritime traffic in the region, and as America is deploying an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf to counter alleged threats from Tehran.

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