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2011 Corruption Perceptions Index published; India drops 8 places to #95

corruption is a critical issue, and there is tremendous pressure from public groups on pushing through the ombudsman bill soon.

thanks for the reminder CS :tup:
The corruption index is subjective, since it surveys how each country's respondents feel about their country's corruption. Chinese are so used to corruption that they don't think a government official taking a $10K bribe is corrupt, it is just part of the fringe benefits that comes with the job like pension.

The overall level of corruption in China is simply mind-boggling.

Report: Corrupt Chinese Officials Take $123 Billion Overseas - Corruption Currents - WSJ

Report: Corrupt Chinese Officials Take $123 Billion Overseas

Instead, it is broken into two main sections, the first starting with estimates that up to 18,000 corrupt officials and employees of state-owned enterprises have fled abroad or gone into hiding since the mid-1990s. They are suspected of pilfering coffers to the tune of 800 billion yuan, or $123 billion — a sum that works out to 2% of last year’s gross domestic product.

Note that $123 billion is the money taken out of China, not the total sums of bribes and embezzlement that Chinese officials took, which could be anywhere from 0.5~1 trillion dollars.

Indian corruption is a joke compared to the level of epic Chinese corruption.
woho, Norway went up 4 places to #6 :victory:

it makes me wonder... how can Democratic countries have more corruption than monarchies like Saudi or Jordan?

Turkey went up from #54 to #61 (saudi has less corruption) :undecided: :frown: :angry:

even Cuba has less corruption WTF? how can a non-democratic country that has been sanctioned for 50 years have less corruption than Turkey...
The corruption index is subjective, since it surveys how each country's respondents feel about their country's corruption. Chinese are so used to corruption that they don't think a government official taking a $10K bribe is corrupt, it is just part of the fringe benefits that comes with the job like pension.

The overall level of corruption in China is simply mind-boggling.

Report: Corrupt Chinese Officials Take $123 Billion Overseas - Corruption Currents - WSJ

Note that $123 billion is the money taken out of China, not the total sums of bribes and embezzlement that Chinese officials took, which could be anywhere from 0.5~1 trillion dollars.

Indian corruption is a joke compared to the level of epic Chinese corruption.


Corruption in South Korea: Rotten shot | The Economist

Corruption scandal snowballs at South Korea's Samsung Group - The New York Times

Legacy of corruption still exists in South Korea - Washington Times

Corruption Allegations Batter South Korea’s New President - New York Times

---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 AM ----------

woho, Norway went up 4 places to #6 :victory:

it makes me wonder... how can Democratic countries have more corruption than monarchies like Saudi or Jordan?

Turkey went up from #54 to #61 (saudi has less corruption) :undecided: :frown: :angry:

even Cuba has less corruption WTF? how can a non-democratic country that has been sanctioned for 50 years have less corruption than Turkey...

There is little correlation between democracy and corruption.

China and Singapore have much lower corruption rates than democratic Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Philippines and India.

Corruption in South Korea: Rotten shot | The Economist

Corruption scandal snowballs at South Korea's Samsung Group - The New York Times

Legacy of corruption still exists in South Korea - Washington Times

Corruption Allegations Batter South Korea’s New President - New York Times

---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 AM ----------

There is little correlation between democracy and corruption.

China and Singapore have much lower corruption rates than democratic Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Philippines and India.

Guess he can feel better because the absolutely numbers are lower but then again America's total payout to corporation through TARP and Obama-care is going into the trillions.
Wow , Pakistan does Corruption so well. We are the Master's of Corruption. We beat India in Corruption. Ha Ha we won , India lost. They can't keep up with us when it comes to corruption.
What difference does "perceptions" of corruption make? There are media exposes of scams every few years in India- Bofors, hawala, fodder, tehelka, telgi, 2G. Perceptions vary accordingly. If we are lucky next year there will be no exposes. That ranking would go up.
What difference does "perceptions" of corruption make?
In the US, a cop tearing up the traffic ticket of a friend or a family relative is a corruption.
In China, the same thing is not considered a corruption. Heck, drivers routinely pay off cops to avoid traffic tickets, so one Chinese city actually came up with a $1,000 pre-paid traffic violation permit, where a driver is allowed to violate every traffic rule in the city for one year in exchange for a pre-paid permit. This way, the city gets to collect the money instead of the money going into traffic cop's pocket.
Is this ranking based on perception of corruption or any statistic ?

The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries/territories based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be

what about political corruption?
What difference does "perceptions" of corruption make?
just to show much optimist or a pessimist you are about situation of your country
In the US, a cop tearing up the traffic ticket of a friend or a family relative is a corruption.
In China, the same thing is not considered a corruption. Heck, drivers routinely pay off cops to avoid traffic tickets, so one Chinese city actually came up with a $1,000 pre-paid traffic violation permit, where a driver is allowed to violate every traffic rule in the city for one year in exchange for a pre-paid permit. This way, the city gets to collect the money instead of the money going into traffic cop's pocket.

In China, donating to a politician right before an election or appointment, and then the politician giving you a big fat government contract, is corruption.
In the US, donating to a politician right before an election or appointment, and then the politician giving you a big fat government contract, is lobbying.

In South Korea, donating to a politician right before an election or appointment, and then the politician giving you a big fat government contract, is so normal it doesn't have a different name. The chaebols are the government.

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