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20,000 Muslims killed in Burma by police

All these are Western institutions you are talking about? There is nothing surprising about Western hypocrisy, idiocy, shameless murderous criminality. Western history and western current actions only show that hypocrisy, murder, unspeakable acts against defenseless people is the norm for the West. Only when all of their own cities are nuked would they cease their madness.

That is why the world needs to denuclearize the West and 'gas' them till their murderous tendencies are brought to a 'screeching' halt. United Nations has been a worthless organization. One fine example of that is the lack of action against USA, UK and their partners in crime for their immoral, mindless, murderous, criminal, atrocious invasion of Iraq.

It is a quandary as to why China, Russia and similar nations have not ditched the so called 'United Nations' and sent it to the dustbins of history in much the same way as the "League of Nations" were. Muslims should have (but are way too fragmented, and in many cases, way too ignorant to) deployed many millions of 'volunteers' to contain the 'drug trade' in Mexico and USA, and used this as a facade to carve out a niche in certain regions of the USA to inflict massive 'pain' on those criminal terrorists and turn the tables on them. One important factor that must not be ignored is that Muslims must ditch all links with US dollar, whether it be in the form of foreign exchange reserves held in US $ or be it in the form of Gulf Arab countries pricing and selling their valuable hydrocarbons in exchange for paper bills printed by American criminals. At the same time, important chokepoints like the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormuz, Straits of Malacca, Straits of Gibraltar should be provided enough 'attention' (including, in the form of deployment of attack submarines, frigates and destroyers loaded with Anti ship missiles and air defense systems) by the same Muslims to attain their goals.

It is the fault of the Muslims alone that Muslims have no unity to speak of in military, political, social or economic terms. Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.
American is now on the killer's side, you didn't know US-Burma relations revived? Hilary Clinton was in Burma and even that women Suu ki is running Burma Congress and honored Nobel prize speech recently? didn't you notice India is establishing their close "relationship" with Burma.

All these things are connected.
Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.
I am already chilled with your message...

On topic : The UN is still a monitary organization with no enough power. If we want a strong UN which can act against any nation based on Human rights violation then the P5 nations should stop thinking about each others strategic interest when there is human rights violation in any nation based on ethinic difference.
But that is not going to happen

"Mighty Bangladesh Army" is under the command of BAL (an agent of Hindutva radical terrorists).

dai kana punda, we do not dictate what your government should do, its your government your people, the last time i heared that people are the king in a democracy and BD is a democratic country. If your views are not in sync with that of your government policy, kindly change the government instead of accusing HINDUS for your ordeal
More than 20,000 Muslims are killed this month in Burma (Mayanmar) by police, army and Buddhist extremists.Now whr is f***** UN????

Whr is America????
Whr is media????

Bigger Quesition... Where is UMMAH????

These are Muslims being killed. The world least cares and I won't be surprised if most of West has no idea a massacre is outbreak.
If it were Buddhists or anyone else being killed by Muslims, then there would have been NATO and UN forces in a week. Look at israeli terrorism; a Palestinian kills a Israeli for making his life hell and breaking into his home and in result 50 Palestinians are killed in artillery and air strikes. And then others avenge for the strikes, resulting in more attacks.

If it were vice versa, the place of Muslims would've been nuked.


These are Muslims being killed. The world least cares and I won't be surprised if most of West has no idea a massacre is outbreak.
If it were Buddhists or anyone else being killed by Muslims, then there would have been NATO and UN forces in a week. Look at israeli terrorism; a Palestinian kills a Israeli for making his life hell and breaking into his home and in result 50 Palestinians are killed in artillery and air strikes. And then others avenge for the strikes, resulting in more attacks.

If it were vice versa, the place of Muslims would've been nuked.
iol News​
June 21 2012​

Myanmar unrest leaves 80 dead

More than 80 people have been killed in a wave of communal violence in western Myanmar this month, a government official said Thursday, as local people said they still feared for their lives.

About 71 people have died in more than a week of clashes, the official said, in addition to 10 Muslims killed on June 3 by a Buddhist mob seeking revenge for the rape and murder of a local woman - the apparent spark for the unrest.

Both sides have accused each other of violent attacks.

Two men were on Monday sentenced to death for the rape-murder, although no death row prisoner in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is known to have been executed since 1988.

Rakhine state has been rocked by rioting, arson and a cycle of revenge attacks involving Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya, prompting growing international concern.

Myanmar officials and many Burmese, including the mostly Buddhist ethnic Rakhine, consider the Rohingya to be illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh, and refer to them as “Bengalis”.

The dead bodies of eight more ethnic Rakhine were found in the village of Yathedaung, about 65 kilometres from the state capital Sittwe, the official said.

“These people were killed during clashes with Bengalis,” he told AFP by telephone from Sittwe.

Rohingya leaders say the real number of dead in their own communities could be much higher than the figures given by authorities.

About 800 000 Rohingya live in Myanmar, according to the United Nations, which describes them as one of the world's most persecuted minorities.

They face discrimination including restrictions on their movements, and lack land rights, education and public services, the UN says.

Bangladesh, where an estimated 300 000 Rohingya live, has been turning back Rohingya boats arriving on its shores since the outbreak of the unrest.

Officials had said on Wednesday that the situation was under control in most parts of Rakhine, where emergency rule has been in place for more than a week.

But a resident in Sittwe said the mood was still tense and at least one house was set on fire overnight.

“We need more security,” he said by telephone. “People cannot sleep at night because they are afraid. Residents have asked for permission to guard their areas in groups at night but the authorities haven't responded yet.”

Myanmar's President Thein Sein has warned the violence could threaten the nation's democratic reforms as it emerges from decades of army rule.

The US embassy in Yangon on Wednesday praised the former general for responding “in a timely and public manner” to tackle the violence and help victims.

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced and many homes have been set on fire.

Soldiers and police have been patrolling unrest-hit areas and a curfew has been imposed in Sittwe and several other towns.

“The security forces are very tired. We are very concerned for both sides,” a security official told AFP.

The World Food Programme said Tuesday it had provided food to more than 65 000 people, estimating a further 25 000 were in need of help. - Sapa-AFP

So, why doesn't al Jeezera make it a big deal?? And the IOC? Don't belly ache about the USA intervening here and not there.
The USA can't solve all of the Muslim world's problems. The Muslims of the world create so much violence that no one can police it all. Why doesn't Pakistan stand up for Myanmar's Muslims? Pakistan is a regional power, after all. Pakistan is perfectly capable of intervening if it cared about the plight of it's fellow Muslims.

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