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2 Indian journalists beaten up in Lahore.

Wow, you're defending the criminals, who beat up two innocent journalists, rather than defending the rights of journalists to record whatever they want with complete freedom.

To make the issue more colorful ppl can bring the journalist community! Like HINDU journalists beaten up in Lahore...if they are muslim news can go still crazy....!

These two journalists might have acted like anything in pak and got the treatment...why the hell they went ?? to investigate and report colourful news in the media?
Whats the proof that any of this happened. Unidentified people... Nobody official has any information of this incident. Supposedly they found evidence but now its lost. Indian media people are renowned to resort to cheap publicity stunts.
Incident did take place Asim Bhai,

SAMC, SAFMA slam attack on Indian journalists

LAHORE: The South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) and the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) on Thursday condemned an attack on two Indian journalists in Lahore. Jujhar Singh, senior executive producer in NewsX - a 24-hour Indian news channel – told SAMC that he and his cameraman, Tilak Raj, had stopped near a newspaper store in Anarkali bazaar for shooting, when around six to nine people surrounded them. The men searched their pockets, bags and car for a couple of minutes, Singh said, adding they “later, took away our camera, mikes, four chips and mobile phones, not sparing our driver even”, Singh said. SAMC Chairman N Ram and Secretary General Najam Sethi, and SAFMA Secretary General Imtiaz Alam expressed their shock over the incident, calling it “unfortunate and sad at a time when the situation is quite tense”. They called upon the government to investigate the incident and ensure the return of the journalists’ equipment. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
why does the indian government and people keep threatening to break of cultural ties and and trade links. i mean does anybody in pakistan really care about ties with india. do people in india actually think we care if the indian government would do that. as far as indian members being self righteous right now that their countries journalists were beaten up which was wrong in every way shape and form. if pakistani journalists were doing the same thing then they would be labeled as ISI agents trying to create unrest in bharat. so please give us a break stop threatening to break of cultural ties and break them of already.

No doubt, Pakistanis care. Just go and ask to those countless Pakistani comedians, singers, VCD vendors and Bollywood fans that "whether you care about cultural ties with India or not?"
No doubt, Pakistanis care. Just go and ask to those countless Pakistani comedians, singers, VCD vendors and Bollywood fans that "whether you care about cultural ties with India or not?"

not at the cost of our self respect and dignity.....simple.
Shameful act here, i think most educated and thinking people will condemn this act, journalism is one thing which show the real face of Mulla , Sanghi's , politicians , extremist religious group. I think its a shameful act But this does not justify the claim of put all Pakistani in same category. Freedom of media is one fact i think people of both country should respect. It can happen any where i think - be it India or Pakistan or Tajikistan or srilanka.
And i don't think government or any intelligent and thinking body in pakistan supported this act.
Absolutely despicable act.
Journalists must be accorded full freedom and security.
The fourth estate is the most important of all.
pakistan is not safe for indians. we can cut off all cultural ties for now.

this also shows that claims by pakistan of going after terrorists is just a farce.

India is not safe for Pakistanis too. Remember what you did with Shakeel Siddiqui; it’s a tit for tat.
We don't even know if they got beaten at the first place, creating cheap stunts and getting media attention and playing Mr. Innocent is something Indians are very famous in. So lets not get carried away, moreover Indians should indeed be more careful and so shall Pakistanis, there is much Hate for both sides on both sides, so better watch yourself before becoming Mr 007.
well i dont really think indians have got any right to complain about this incident. pakistanis were beaten up in india. u guys didnt even spare a girl. now y would u expect pakistanis to treat u like kings???????? if u think we should then carry on complainin...
if they were threatened or beaten it is not right.
two wrongs don't make right.
there r idiots as well as sane people on both sides of border.
I wonder how much leeway Bharat would give to Pakistani journalists, reporting on Bharati terorrism links to the Baluchistan insurgency, or the mariott bombing.

These two journalists were obviously upto mischief, and deserved everything they got.
Maligning Pakistan with false stories, and drowning our voices out by the shouting of their media.
If they start behaving media like this - INDIA/PAKISTAN either one of them- the time will coem when they will be named terrorist country. How can you support this act. i see somany mindless nonthinking people supporting this act.
Pakistani media come to India as well to know how their situation. there is nothing wrogn in it. that way people of these country can realize - that other are not as evil as they have been projected.
I just can't believe it when some members of THIS FORUM supported this act. Even the language of "tit for tat" is immature. :tsk:

There were long discussions about such things happened in India and I can't recall a single post supporting it. Beating up innocent people is ABSOLUTELY WRONG no matter where and when it happens.

Two wrongs cannot make one right.

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