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18-year-old British Indian hailed as brainiest student in Britain

When the following news started flowing:
Haris Suleman aiming to be the youngest pilot to fly the globe in 30 days dies in crash over the Pacific with father Babar | Mail Online

Please check the PDF thread on this....

"Oh Suleman we are proud of you" type...
What was Pakistani in him?
They don't need to do such a thing since they are not nuclear armed nations so the circumstances do not apply, besides we all know the prop India against China factor played a huge part in the passing of the waiver as well. As for Saudis their lobby is the only reason they can pretty much get any weapon they want despite Israeli pressure, have their princes openly threaten other countries with terrorists attacks and not face any repercussions, most of the hijackers on 9/11 be Saudi and no repercussions on ties, and even do whatever the hell they want in Syria openly without a peep from Washington. As for Turkey I already mentioned their lobby efforts despite many Americans both on the hill and even the man in the white house considering the events in the 20th century a genocide.

Which one? The Indian jihadis in Syria? Or piggy backing NRI? Both can easily be found on pdf itself.

We too can get any weapon that we desire, there is a valid reason to why a Indian poster that you replied to considers the Indian lobby pretty strong - but then, I don't consider it too much of an achievement to be bothered about because we can hold on our own.

As for the jihadi's, I think you were talking about an NRI jihadi - I would like you to give an example of that, find it on PDF.
Ask him why the illegal behaviour of NRI's be rewarded by GOI..

His perception that we should take the good with the bad - good example of Devyani Kobragade whom we stood for even if it went to the extent of severely hampering Indo Us relations. As for the Jihadi's - who gives a cr@p? whatever their nationality - they deserve a painful death.
haters gonna hate,but the kid wants to be a doc,not a scientist
btw surgery is quite a very demanding branch,adn by god it may be the most interesting job out there,,,though it may not require a brilliant brain
,,but a clever guy like him should opt for medicine,,,who knows,he may be a dr. House in making.
I am the one who is becoming Dr House. no one else. retract that statement you puny human.:p::p:. @halupridol can attest my geniusness. j/k. BTW he prefers Surgery . Dr house was diagnostician.
Why would someone aspire to be a surgeon if they have such great scientific capability.

One of my colleagues older brother went down the same path and regrets it to the day.
I'm not convinced by this statement.
He can contribute greatly to the medical fraternity!

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