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18-year-old British Indian hailed as brainiest student in Britain

interesting rhetoric- but who are you fooling?- when ever the conflict of interest arise we all know where the british born indians loyalties will lie- even that indian origin amrikan nuclear trigger man will not hesitate to nuke india-lol- here goes the indianism down the drain- and keep showing the indianism- it will only help to identify and eliminate the loose ends during a conflict of interest- no matter how bright or intellectual the indian born whateva is it will not matter-
The proof of the pudding lies in eating it buddy.
I have given you tangible examples how Indians and those of Indian descent keep prioritizing and in the words of @kbd-raaf show 'cronyism'. That ranges from Indians in US, 'Lords' in Britain to Indian business community in Africa. How they help swing things/deals where they can.

Where they can is the operative phrase here. They are not Indian 'agents'.
They are free citizens who simply do this out of love for India and their hard work and determination puts them in a position where they can help India.

All you have done is give rhetoric. Either way your rhetoric will neither change this reality nor affect it.

Things will go on as they have...and you bet your bottom dollar or riyal that if and when this kid rises and amounts to something, he will be doing his bit to favour India just like the hundreds of thousands of PIOs in every major country of the world ;)

Oh...and the graph in the last page about academic achivements of students of Indian origin and Pakistani shows exactly why the Indic stock is in position to help and affect changes and why people of your country are generally not.
@Contrarian : Although he puts it in a way that sounds unpleasant to us, I have to agree with some points that @JonAsad is making. From what I can understand (correct me if I'm wrong), this boy in question was born and raised in Britain. He is not an NRI. I'm not quite sure how a PIO is defined (enlighten me if you know), but as far as I'm concerned, a person born and brought up in Britain is a Brit, no matter what the color of his skin is.

I find it disappointing that we Indians try to take pride in the accomplishments of foreigners just because their ancestors were Indians. I suspect that this comes from a desire to validate ourselves. Most Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. But we don't see Britishers or Germans or Pollacks or Hungarians announce with pride that a person of that specific origin won a Nobel prize. But we do see Indians tom-tomming every little achievement of a person born and raised there, just because his ancestors were Indians.

And it's not just Indians, a few other nationalities do the same too. Obama's presidential victory was celebrated in Kenya, although I doubt if Obama had set foot in Kenya before that.

It is a form of racism to pretend that a brown skinned Britisher is Indian, just because his parents or grandparents were Indian. Let us learn to think in terms of nation states, not skin color. As jonasad pointed out, the Brits consider him as a Brit, and so they should.

(In the interest of disclosure, I have to mention that I am myself an NRI.)

Oh and by the way, about the topic itself, I have to say that it is silly to call somebody the "brainiest" for having gotten high marks in an examination. That's really not indicative of true greatness. We have to stop quantifying such things as intelligence. A person who scores 100% in his or her 12th standard exams or college tests doesn't necessarily go on to achieve great things in life. A person who discovers a cure for a hitherto incurable cancer or discovers an unknown physical law may not have scored a perfect ten in school or college. Let's stop prioritizing exam results, and instead celebrate real accomplishments that benefit humankind.
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@Contrarian : Although he puts it in a way that sounds unpleasant to us, I have to agree with some points that @JonAsad is making. From what I can understand (correct me if I'm wrong), this boy in question was born and raised in Britain. He is not an NRI. I'm not quite sure how a PIO is defined (enlighten me if you know), but as far as I'm concerned, a person born and brought up in Britain is a Brit, no matter what the color of his skin is.

I find it disappointing that we Indians try to take pride in the accomplishments of foreigners just because their ancestors were Indians. I suspect that this comes from a desire to validate ourselves. Most Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. But we don't see Britishers or Germans or Pollacks or Hungarians announce with pride that a person of that specific origin won a Nobel prize. But we do see Indians tom-tomming every little achievement of a person born and raised there, just because his ancestors were Indians.

And it's not just Indians, a few other nationalities do the same too. Obama's presidential victory was celebrated in Kenya, although I doubt if Obama had set foot in Kenya before that.

It is a form of racism to pretend that a brown skinned Britisher is Indian, just because his parents or grandparents were Indian. Let us learn to think in terms of nation states, not skin color. As jonasad pointed out, the Brits consider him as a Brit, and so they should.

(In the interest of disclosure, I have to mention that I am myself an NRI.)


My brother was quite poor in academics in India, one of his worst in his class infact.

After he came to New Zealand, well right now he has a scholarship to study Chemistry at the PhD level in Australia.

one thing the western system of education does well is they allow critical thinking, individuality in their students.

also the success of Indians in the West is a self selected sample. The well to do middle class shift to the West. So it's the creme de la creme who move there.

Nigerians also do well in academics in U.S. Yet their country is in Shambles.

the kid had the talent, but Britain provided the environment, the tools to succeed.
Was about to say the same thing but you beat me to it :D, also a very annoying lot :confused:

Amen to that brother.

Eh? No. The "ha, ha" was aimed at the further solidifying of the stereotype, i.e. of South Indian kids being nerdy and hardworking. Oh, and myself and @Ravi Nair also have a running joke that you are not in on. :p:

not a good day for you I think. so many people misunderstand you.
I keep repeating, I understand why you dont get these things. But dont worry, I am sure Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia top in the quran recitation contests and do you proud(or not). The graph above of Indian students and Pakistani students in UK schools is poignant enough.

Once you are done with your putrid hate. I shall only ask my fellow countrymen to recognize pathetic ideals for what they are, and not reply to them. A simple search on google will reveal this country's contribution as well. But instead of trying upmanship with this rather pathetic and bigoted individual whose only focus was to take religion and use it as an insult..I would suggest you all put him in your ignore list.
I dont see chinese origin arab origin latin origin russian origin amrikan or british or vice versa threads poping up every other day- there is something wrong with you guys- its like kids drooling when they think they hv done something amazing- somehow its a big deal for you guys- dont know if its lack of self esteem or acceptance you are looking for- maybe it helps you sleep at night knowing that or its just the mentality you have to please the goras or your desperation trying to show something ti the world- :lol:-
Proud thing will be some indian origin indian who has plans to serve india un future in his mind- the guys you praise all the time as indian origin bla bla bla probably doesn't even think Indian- :lol- dont know whats there to be proud of-

Damn thats deep

Well done young man whoever or whatever you may be or feel like :D
I dont see chinese origin arab origin latin origin russian origin amrikan or british or vice versa threads poping up every other day- there is something wrong with you guys- its like kids drooling when they think they hv done something amazing- somehow its a big deal for you guys- dont know if its lack of self esteem or acceptance you are looking for- maybe it helps you sleep at night knowing that or its just the mentality you have to please the goras or your desperation trying to show something ti the world- :lol:-
Proud thing will be some indian origin indian who has plans to serve india un future in his mind- the guys you praise all the time as indian origin bla bla bla probably doesn't even think Indian- :lol- dont know whats there to be proud of-

If we are sooooo wrong then why don't you let us wallow in our damaged egos, why correct us halfwitted bhartiis?

You know, everyone and every country wants attention from everyone else and the ones who condescend are usually the ones not getting any.
Eh? No. The "ha, ha" was aimed at the further solidifying of the stereotype, i.e. of South Indian kids being nerdy and hardworking. Oh, and myself and @Ravi Nair also have a running joke that you are not in on. :p:

OK, that may be.

But you need to be careful in such things, in circumstances where a lot of people who are not privy to your inside joke are likely to read your words. To me (and I'm sure to anybody else who are unaware of the running joke) it sounded like you were implying that a muslim or a girl or a South Indian could not be expected to do that.

I know you weren't implying that, but such words tend to reinforce certain prejudices that people have.

Apologies for being hypercritical.
@Contrarian : Although he puts it in a way that sounds unpleasant to us, I have to agree with some points that @JonAsad is making. From what I can understand (correct me if I'm wrong), this boy in question was born and raised in Britain. He is not an NRI. I'm not quite sure how a PIO is defined (enlighten me if you know), but as far as I'm concerned, a person born and brought up in Britain is a Brit, no matter what the color of his skin is.

I find it disappointing that we Indians try to take pride in the accomplishments of foreigners just because their ancestors were Indians. I suspect that this comes from a desire to validate ourselves. Most Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. But we don't see Britishers or Germans or Pollacks or Hungarians announce with pride that a person of that specific origin won a Nobel prize. But we do see Indians tom-tomming every little achievement of a person born and raised there, just because his ancestors were Indians.

And it's not just Indians, a few other nationalities do the same too. Obama's presidential victory was celebrated in Kenya, although I doubt if Obama had set foot in Kenya before that.

It is a form of racism to pretend that a brown skinned Britisher is Indian, just because his parents or grandparents were Indian. Let us learn to think in terms of nation states, not skin color. As jonasad pointed out, the Brits consider him as a Brit, and so they should.

(In the interest of disclosure, I have to mention that I am myself an NRI.)

Oh and by the way, about the topic itself, I have to say that it is silly to call somebody the "brainiest" for having gotten high marks in an examination. That's really not indicative of true greatness. We have to stop quantifying such things as intelligence. A person who scores 100% in his or her 12th standard exams or college tests doesn't necessarily go on to achieve great things in life. A person who discovers a cure for a hitherto incurable cancer or discovers an unknown physical law may not have scored a perfect ten in school or college. Let's stop prioritizing exam results, and instead celebrate real accomplishments that benefit humankind.

Well said, but I would point out that most ethnic PIO's maintains an undefined connection with even his or her's parents or grand parents birth place - and I have met enough second or third generation PIO's to know how they think (except the one's from interracial marriages) - may it be from Europe or North America.

It would be wrong to assume again that we rejoice materialistically or in the hope of expecting any benefits from them or their achievements - or else we would have opened our doors and spread out the red carpet for returnees, when the fact is that most returnees are put through grueling procedures and formalities if they desire to come back and get back Indian citizenship. A simple Indian visit visa -forget about citizenship, is one of the most toughest in the world to achieve.

Now, to the point to why we highlight achievements - please note that most PIO's or NRI's will feel alienated if they aren't appreciated both in the parent country and their present country, we do make an endeavour that they are important (if not to their adopted or present country than they do have a backup to fall back on). Most countries are volatile and no one knows when any country goes kaput and everyone deserves a root to fall back on, and we provide that spiritual and psychological support. Can anyone guarantee that every Indian PIO or NRI will be safe in Britain or anywhere else? I doubt that it is possible. They may be hounded out from any country on any day.

This goes a long way in raising confidence for the PIO's and the NRI's in achieving their fullest potential and be a proud citizen to which ever place that they have adopted - we are always there to give them moral support and to even accept them if they desire or when circumstances become difficult, and, don't estimate too much out of jonasad, i wouldn't take his arguments seriously. He has no argument other than a severe@ssburn, which is understandable because no country assume Pakistani's as ideal migrant citizens - except possibly the Saudi's.
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Once you are done with your putrid hate. I shall only ask my fellow countrymen to recognize pathetic ideals for what they are, and not reply to them. A simple search on google will reveal this country's contribution as well. But instead of trying upmanship with this rather pathetic and bigoted individual whose only focus was to take religion and use it as an insult..I would suggest you all put him in your ignore list.

why don't you try to correct their behavior? You have the power to that at-least on pdf. You are only encouraging them by ignoring them.
John Asad,

Indian's NSG waiver and Nuclear deal happened due to lobbying of US based Indian NRI's. PIO's and NRI's have benefited India and their influence has lead to improvement in Indo-US relations and de-hypenation of India and Pakistan by west.

US recently offered EMALS tech to India and joint development of Javelin missile, something they have offered only to UK in past; and if Republican party wins, there would be even bigger offer on table.

Only Jewish lobby in US is stronger than Indian lobby in US which is commensurate with the fact that Indians are second richest community in US ( Jews are first ).

That is incorrect the Saudi lobby is considered second strongest foreign lobby and even the Turkish lobby is quite powerful and is probably the only reason America has backed out of recognizing the Armenian genocide, they even got Obama to back track from his earlier statements where he literally said it was a genocide and that he would sign any genocide resolution.
That is incorrect the Saudi lobby is considered second strongest foreign lobby and even the Turkish lobby is quite powerful and is probably the only reason America has backed out of recognizing the Armenian genocide, they even got Obama to back track from his earlier statements where he literally said it was a genocide and that he would sign any genocide resolution.

Nothing to boast about, but can the Saudi or the Turkish lobby get a NSG waiver or pass a 123 agreement for nuclear tech and supplies without them signing the NPT from the US?

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