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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

If Iran can support Hezbollah & others in Syria miles away from Iran then what makes you think 150km is too much?

Because Iran cares about Lebanon, but it doesnt care about Pakistan or Pakistani Baluch.

Lets look at the brief history. Iran helped to establish Hezbollah in 1982 so that the Lebanese could resist Israeli aggression and expell the Israeli occupation forces from their country, which they achieved only after 18 years of struggle. The I.R and Hezbollah are both allied and are ideologically linked and today, Hezbollah is a part of the Lebanese government and security apparatus.

Now, lets look at your country. The Baluch people have rebelled and taken up arms against the Pakistani state. But so what? Iran doesnt care about Pakistani Baluch, it isnt going to help them. There are no ideological or practical reasons why Iran would entertain any type of contact or relations with Baluch groups that have rebelled against Pakistan.

Thats why your previous hypothetical question is absurd, because you are not basing your point on anything to do with facts or reality and are trying to compare apples and oranges.

And 150 km away from the border is pretty far. By foot, thats more than a day or 2 days travel. Given the terrain of mountain and desert, id say its probably more. By car, 150 km would be about a couple of hours drive on a modern highway in most developed countries. In your Balochistan that would probably be a lot longer drive.

OTHO, the attack on Iranian border forces a couple of months ago didnt happen 150 km inside Iranian territory. It happend in the mountains along the border with Pakistan, from which the terrorists had come from and then fled to after the ambush.

Whereas your news article says that: "Turbat is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas of Balochistan. Militants in the area have been targeting security forces and pro-government figures for over past six years."

Thats the difference. Your news report is about a local attack. Iran's issue with Pakistan is about cross-border attacks.

As for client state atleast Pakistan is client state of First world US whereas you choose third world India. Also for Pakistan, Iran inviting India next to Pakistan border is like Pakistan inviting Israel next to Iran border. Your former president said that your issues with US are because of Israel. And if you say Pakistan has rent it's land to anyone then first focus on yourself as you have rented your land to India.

Good that you admit that Pakistan is a client-state of the US. But that you then go on and try to suggest that Iran-India bilateral relations is also one of a client-state nature is laughable.

Neither Iran nor India are subordinate to the other. Their relations are normal, state relations based on common interests.

And Iran has not rented any of its land to any foreigners. So stop making up such stupid things. Its annoying and makes you look like a fool that hasnt a clue about anything.

Are you dumb? I never said these people are Afghans only. In fact many of them are from Afghanistan & countries like Bangladesh, SriLanka, etc. Yes i know many of them are Pakistanis but their destination is not Iran but Europe. Even Irani people illegally goes to Europe.

You tried to claim that the majority of illegals crossing the border from Pakistan into Iran were Afghans, which you know is wrong, so just stop lying.

Prove it. Don't f@rt off topics prove if you got anything.

Yes, Pakistanis are indeed one of the biggest illegal immigrant people trying to get into Europe. In fact, in 2012 there were more Pakistanis trying to illegally get into Greece than even Syrians, who actually have a legit reason to leave their country and seek refuge outside of it.

"Uniformed police officers from 25 countries are already helping Greece guard the Evros River as part of the European Union's border protection agency, Frontex. Greek police figures show more than 21,000 illegal migrants were arrested in the first six months of 2012 after crossing over from Turkey, with nearly all — 20,841 — caught along the northeastern land border rather than on one of the many Aegean islands near the Turkish coast. The figures show a nearly 29 percent increase from the same period last year.

Afghans currently make up the highest number of people crossing illegally, followed by Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and an increasing number of people from war-ravaged Syria, according to the agency."

In crisis, Greece rounds up immigrants | World news | The Guardian

Pakistani forces are not in human that they will shoot at someone without verifying if he is really a criminal or just innocent person who is forced to to take this step out of some issue.
Yes you are right about this one thing, it is a terrible situation that people should be shot dead at borders anywhere in the World without first being apprehended and questioned. But such is the situation because there is no trust left on the Iranian side because too many times now there have been cross-border attacks by terrorists coming from Pakistan and then fleeing back there.
Because Iran cares about Lebanon, but it doesnt care about Pakistan or Pakistani Baluch.

Did any Pakistani or Baloch asked you to care for us & do you have a face & capability to do so? First learn to care your self.

Lets look at the brief history. Iran helped to establish Hezbollah in 1982 so that the Lebanese could resist Israeli aggression and expell the Israeli occupation forces from their country, which they achieved only after 18 years of struggle. The I.R and Hezbollah are both allied and are ideologically linked and today, Hezbollah is a part of the Lebanese government and security apparatus.

I think you got comprehension problems. My point was if Iran can support Hezbolla far away from it's borders then it can do that easily in Makran region of Pakistan's Balochistan.

Now, lets look at your country. The Baluch people have rebelled and taken up arms against the Pakistani state. But so what? Iran doesnt care about Pakistani Baluch, it isnt going to help them. There are no ideological or practical reasons why Iran would entertain any type of contact or relations with Baluch groups that have rebelled against Pakistan.

Talk like a true ignorant & dumb. Pakistani Balochs have not rebelled against Pakistan but BLA terrorists from the camps in Kandahar have. There are many Pakistani Balochs even on this site & are patriot Pakistanis. As for why Iran haven't support these groups because Iran's own house is of glass & if you throw stones on a house made of glass expect the same for yourself. You got tiny neighbors where you can show them your bravado but not with Pakistan. Pakistan is the nation that remembers it's enemies forever. Had Pakistan not considered Iran as brotherly nation, Iran fate would be similar to Soviet Union. But even after being a close ally to US, British, Gulf countries, Pakistan never allowed them to perform any ill activity towards Iran from 2001 to date.

Thats why your previous hypothetical question is absurd, because you are not basing your point on anything to do with facts or reality and are trying to compare apples and oranges.

And 150 km away from the border is pretty far. By foot, thats more than a day or 2 days travel. Given the terrain of mountain and desert, id say its probably more. By car, 150 km would be about a couple of hours drive on a modern highway in most developed countries. In your Balochistan that would probably be a lot longer drive.

OTHO, the attack on Iranian border forces a couple of months ago didnt happen 150 km inside Iranian territory. It happend in the mountains along the border with Pakistan, from which the terrorists had come from and then fled to after the ambush.

It was not hypothetical question but fact. My point is if Iran can support groups far from it's border in Lebanon & when Iran(just like Saudi Arab) supports it's ideology spreading groups in Sind, Punjab & Indus regions of Pakistan then it is a possibility that Iran can support these terrorists who martyred one Pakistani Frontier Core Paramilitary Personal. All 5 terrorists were killed.

Whereas your news article says that: "Turbat is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas of Balochistan. Militants in the area have been targeting security forces and pro-government figures for over past six years."

Thats the difference. Your news report is about a local attack. Iran's issue with Pakistan is about cross-border attacks.

"Turbat is considered one of the most sensitive area" because it is close to Iran border?

Good that you admit that Pakistan is a client-state of the US. But that you then go on and try to suggest that Iran-India bilateral relations is also one of a client-state nature is laughable.

Neither Iran nor India are subordinate to the other. Their relations are normal, state relations based on common interests.

lol...who am i to admit or deny? You made dumb & stupid point that Pakistan is client state of US & i replied you in same manner. If you are calling Pakistan client state of US because Pakistan is US ally then Iran can be called client state of third world India. And who cares what your relations are with India, you sell them your land or your port or allow them to setup in chahbahar from where they will launch terrorist activity against Pakistan, its all your land & you are free to do so as long as it remains within your borders...but be ready for reply, if Pakistan found India from Irani soil is doing something against Pakistan then Pakistan will reply back in Irani soil just like in the past it had replied in Afghan soil.

Building a wall on Pak-Iran border will solve everything for both countries & so Iran should build one.

And Iran has not rented any of its land to any foreigners. So stop making up such stupid things. Its annoying and makes you look like a fool that hasnt a clue about anything.

Well if it is annoying you then you should've think of it before. You needlessly accusing Pakistan in this thread from your very first post. You blaming Pakistani ISI & Army of renting lands to US & Saudis. You brainwashed troll accusing Pakistan of involvement in the attack that martyred 14 Irani guards & you think it is all halal. You should know when you post $h1t against Pakistan, our blood also get boiled & we also get annoyed. People like you create enemies out of brothers.

You tried to claim that the majority of illegals crossing the border from Pakistan into Iran were Afghans, which you know is wrong, so just stop lying.

Ok let me clear it for you. Many of those who cross the border are Afghans, Bangladeshis, SriLankans, other South Asians, etc. And i don't deny that there are no Pakistanis. I know many many of them are Pakistanis but their destination is Europe not Iran. Even Irani people illegally enter Turkeye to reach Europe.

In Istanbul Murat Celikkan, a civil-rights activist who has worked with refugees, says that Turkey, itself overwhelmed with migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and now Syria, wants to get rid of them. However, given the poor state of their relations with the EU, the Turks also see this flow as leverage in talks with Brussels. And they do not see why Turkey should take on the burden of hosting immigrants just to help out the EU.


Another source

Immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Syria and Africa have been crossing over the Evros by the thousands. Greece is the gateway to the West, and roughly nine out of every 10 people illegally entering Europe follow this route. On peak days, the figure can reach 500 people.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enter Europe Through Greece - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cross border movements

According to Vujanovic, the news that Greece is a country without any prospects has filtered back home to prospective migrants either en-route north or in their countries of origin, deflecting them elsewhere.

Land-based migrants and asylum-seekers travelling from the East to Europe tend to follow two main routes. The first involves travel from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq or Syria, through Turkey to Bulgaria or Greece, then the Balkans, Italy and finally Western Europe. The second goes through Romania onto Hungary, Austria or Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and finally, Germany.

IRIN Global | MIGRATION: Migrants, asylum seekers re-route to avoid Greece | Global | Migration | Refugees/IDPs

Yes, Pakistanis are indeed one of the biggest illegal immigrant people trying to get into Europe. In fact, in 2012 there were more Pakistanis trying to illegally get into Greece than even Syrians, who actually have a legit reason to leave their country and seek refuge outside of it.

Your source never said Pakistanis are biggest or even one of the biggest illegal immigrants in the world. Kindly post the source that back you claim & shows that Pakistanis are largest illegal immigrants in the world. I doubt Pakistan is even in top 15.

Yes you are right about this one thing, it is a terrible situation that people should be shot dead at borders anywhere in the World without first being apprehended and questioned. But such is the situation because there is no trust left on the Iranian side because too many times now there have been cross-border attacks by terrorists coming from Pakistan and then fleeing back there.

Can't you understand simple words? Pakistan don't care what you do in your side of border. Shoot, kill, mine or whatever but Pakistanis are not inhuman who will shoot anyone without knowing who he really is. Many people from Bangladesh, Srilanka, other South Asian countries, African countries illegally lands in Gawadar to cross the border for Europe & they are forced to do so out of poverty or any other issue. Many illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Armenia, Somalia, African countries live in Pakistan & Pakistan never touched them.

As of 2005, 2.1% of the population of Pakistan had foreign origins, however the number of immigrants population in Pakistan recently grew sharply. Immigrants from South Asia make up a growing proportion of immigrants in Pakistan. The five largest immigrant groups in Pakistan are in turn Afghans,[114] Bangladeshi,[115] Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Iranians, Indians, Sri Lankan, Burmese[116][117] and Britons[118] including a sizeable number of those of Pakistani origin. Other significant expatriate communities in the country are Armenians, Australians, Turks, Chinese,[119] Americans,[120] Filipinos,[121] Bosnians[122] and many others. Migrants from different countries of Arab world specially Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen are in thousands. Nearly all illegal migrants in Pakistan are Muslim refugees and they are accepted by the local population. There is no political support or legislation to deport these refugees from Pakistan.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^Show me any country who keep illegal immigrants.
Guys, @American Pakistani @ای ایران
Are not you tired of continuing your discussion?!!!

Sir, I never get tired defending my country against false accusations of brainwashed trolls. He was continuously accusing my country for no reason & posting nonsense propaganda.

I still say that terrorists are threat to both countries Pakistan & Iran & they both need to act jointly. Accusing each other will benefit outsiders like India, BLA, jundlla, etc & create tensions.
So I heard from a reliable source that you're going to be starting in the Shahs of Sunset's upcoming season as Reza's Love Interest ? :unsure:

Congratulations, I suppose ! :undecided:
Have you seen Shahs of Sunset?!!!
Hey buddy, I am not interested in homo-$exual stuff. I am a conservative person and want to be with some beautiful girl, like Hazal.
But if I got interested in this stuff, I would choose you over Reza, and message you about it. :azn:
Have you seen Shahs of Sunset?!!!
Hey buddy, I am not interested in homo-$exual stuff. I am a conservative person and want to be with some beautiful girl, like Hazal.
But if I got interested in this stuff, I would choose you over Reza, and message you about it. :azn:

I'm homophobic ! :bad:

I like Asa though ! :ashamed:
Sir, I never get tired defending my country against false accusations of brainwashed trolls. He was continuously accusing my country for no reason & posting nonsense propaganda.

I still say that terrorists are threat to both countries Pakistan & Iran & they both need to act jointly. Accusing each other will benefit outsiders like India, BLA, jundlla, etc & create tensions.

Guys, both of you need to settle down and let it go. As far as I know, both of you are very good guys, just resolve your minor misunderstandings about each other. That's it. believe me that it is not a big deal at all. ;)

I'm homophobic ! :bad:

I like Asa though ! :ashamed:

Really? GG is more beautiful in my opinion. But, Anyway, I don't like too much make up, ... :bad:
BTW, Iranian girls are more beautiful than these two girls in average. ;)
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Guys, both of you need to settle down and let it go. As far as I know, both of you are very good guys, just resolve your minor misunderstandings about each other. That's it. believe me that it is not a big deal at all. ;)

I hope that guy will stop trolling & continuing with his propaganda posts.

Meanwhile i have a little gift for you, as you are a good poster & friend of Pakistan.

[media]Laila O Laila, Coke Studio Pakistan, Season 6, Episode 4 | Tune.pk[media]

Enjoy beautiful Balochi song from Pakistan.:pakistan:
I'm homophobic ! :bad:

I like Asa though ! :ashamed:


No more hugsies?


Have you seen Shahs of Sunset?!!!
Hey buddy, I am not interested in homo-$exual stuff. I am a conservative person and want to be with some beautiful girl, like Hazal.
But if I got interested in this stuff, I would choose you over Reza, and message you about it. :azn:

@rmi5 not you too,

Not you too!

Thanks man. That was awesome :agree:
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My point was if Iran can support Hezbolla far away from it's borders then it can do that easily in Makran region of Pakistan's Balochistan.

Well Iran doesnt so theres no point you even trying to talk to me about that. Im only interested in discussing the real World, not what happens in your imagination.

Talk like a true ignorant & dumb. Pakistani Balochs have not rebelled against Pakistan but BLA terrorists from the camps in Kandahar have. There are many Pakistani Balochs even on this site & are patriot Pakistanis.

Whether you like it or not, there IS a rebellion in Pakistan's Balochistan that has been going on since at least 2005. It has already been widely reported in the media for many years now. You can deny it all you want and put any kind of spin on it all you want, i dont care. Your own media admits to it and has written about it extensively. So what you think is not important.

As for why Iran haven't support these groups because Iran's own house is of glass & if you throw stones on a house made of glass expect the same for yourself. You got tiny neighbors where you can show them your bravado but not with Pakistan.

Iran doesnt support Pakistani Baluch because Iran doesnt care about Pakistan or its Baluch problem.

Pakistan is the nation that remembers it's enemies forever. Had Pakistan not considered Iran as brotherly nation, Iran fate would be similar to Soviet Union


It was not hypothetical question but fact. My point is if Iran can support groups far from it's border in Lebanon & when Iran(just like Saudi Arab) supports it's ideology spreading groups in Sind, Punjab & Indus regions of Pakistan then it is a possibility that Iran can support these terrorists who martyred one Pakistani Frontier Core Paramilitary Personal. All 5 terrorists were killed.

For like the third time now, the I.R doesnt care about Pakistan and does not try 'spread its ideology' to some Sind or Punjab that nobody in Iran gives a damn about. So your point in trying to discuss this hypothetical situation is a waste of time.

"Turbat is considered one of the most sensitive area" because it is close to Iran border?

Its 150 km away from the Iranian border, and there is no cross-border terrorism from Iranian territory into Pakistan. There is only cross-border terrorism from Pakistan into Iran. This is why Iranian officials have a problem with Pakistan.

lYou made dumb & stupid point that Pakistan is client state of US & i replied you in same manner. If you are calling Pakistan client state of US because Pakistan is US ally then Iran can be called client state of third world India.

You're actually thick, arent you? Some 'alliance' where there is no trust at all between the two sides and where US Navy SEALS invaded Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden there without taking even your top military and political leadership into confidence? What a joke!

Your own former President Gen. Musharraf has admitted himself many times that Richard Armitage called up the head of Pakistan's ISI in 2001 and told him that if Pakistan did not support the US war in Afghanistan and co-operate with the US against Al-Qaeda then the Americans would "bomb Pakistan back to the stone age".

Other Pakitsani officials have admitted this aswell. This is what you call duress, and a client-state relationship, not an alliance. Pakistan was forced to backstab its real allies, the Taliban, under US pressure. in 2001.

As for Iran-India relations, the relationship is a normal, diplomatic relationship between two states. Whether you can accept this or not is irrelevant. There is no subordinate partner, unlike Pakistan's subordinate relationship with its US patron.

And who cares what your relations are with India, you sell them your land or your port or allow them to setup in chahbahar from where they will launch terrorist activity against Pakistan, its all your land & you are free to do so as long as it remains within your borders...but be ready for reply, if Pakistan found India from Irani soil is doing something against Pakistan then Pakistan will reply back in Irani soil just like in the past it had replied in Afghan soil.

^ This made me LOL. You sound like a mentally deranged arm-chair general. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to act like you're some kind of decision maker for Pakistani foreign policy, lol.. Your rhetoric is a joke. Just talk like a normal, regular human being and leave the puffery aside. Nobody can take you seriously otherwise.

Building a wall on Pak-Iran border will solve everything for both countries & so Iran should build one.

You've been told already that Iran has built one.

Well if it is annoying you then you should've think of it before. You needlessly accusing Pakistan in this thread from your very first post. You blaming Pakistani ISI & Army of renting lands to US & Saudis. You brainwashed troll accusing Pakistan of involvement in the attack that martyred 14 Irani guards & you think it is all halal. You should know when you post $h1t against Pakistan, our blood also get boiled & we also get annoyed. People like you create enemies out of brothers.

I did not accuse Pakistan of anything that Iranian officials and armed forces personnel have not accused Pakistan of themselves. If you look back over this topic, you will find the names of these Iranian military officials and members of the Iranian government. I am disucussing what THEY have accused Pakistan of. You OTHO are trying to distract my attention away from what gets reported in the news, but i am not falling for it so now you're upset.

Your source never said Pakistanis are biggest or even one of the biggest illegal immigrants in the world. Kindly post the source that back you claim & shows that Pakistanis are largest illegal immigrants in the world. I doubt Pakistan is even in top 15.

Yes it did. According to Frontex (the EU's border patrol agency) Pakistanis were the second largest nationality of illegal immigrants to have illegally entered Greece in 2012: In crisis, Greece rounds up immigrants | World news | The Guardian

Guys, @American Pakistani @ای ایران
Are not you tired of continuing your discussion?!!!
No, why should i be? The point of this forum is to discuss security issues right? So thats what i am doing. I am discussing what is reported in the news and i am very interested in the security situation of our neglected parts of Iran. I am also a strong supporter of Iranian militarization of the eastern borders for as long as it is needed to secure the country from cross-border criminals, terrorists and illegal migrants.
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No, why should i be? The point of this forum is to discuss security issues right? So thats what i am doing. I am discussing what is reported in the news and i am very interested in the security situation of our neglected parts of Iran. I am also a strong supporter of Iranian militarization of the eastern borders for as long as it is needed to secure the country from cross-border criminals, terrorists and illegal migrants.

Salaah e mamlekat e khish, khosrovaan daanand. har jour ke khodet salaah midouni.


No more hugsies?

@rmi5 not you too,

Not you too!

Thanks man. That was awesome :agree:

Are you Gay? :what:
Anyway, buddy, I am a conservative person. I am not homophobic though.
Salaah e mamlekat e khish, khosrovaan daanand. har jour ke khodet salaah midouni.

Are you Gay? :what:
Anyway, buddy, I am a conservative person. I am not homophobic though.

Nope. I just don't care if the person is gay. You are not a homophobe so that's cool :)
Well Iran doesnt so theres no point you even trying to talk to me about that. Im only interested in discussing the real World, not what happens in your imagination.

Forget about Pakistan, many countries blame Iran for supporting terrorism. So whole world is liar & only you are correct? I don't say Iran support terrorists that killed Frontier Core paramilitary personal but may be some one in Iran's secret agency took money from someone involved in Chahbahar. Just like you are putting your imaginations on Pakistan's ISI/Military.

Whether you like it or not, there IS a rebellion in Pakistan's Balochistan that has been going on since at least 2005. It has already been widely reported in the media for many years now. You can deny it all you want and put any kind of spin on it all you want, i dont care. Your own media admits to it and has written about it extensively. So what you think is not important.

There was a short rebellion with few tribes which remained between 2005 upto mid 2008. It is no more after that. Please read the facts before f@rting. The 3 tribes start fighting because Musharraf was in power & they believe he killed one of their tribal elder, many other tribes stood with Pakistan even in that period. After that time period democratic govt had deal with much of it & in this year it has come to a dead except BLA terrorism in few areas. I' am sure you are mature enough & will not mix the terrorism of BLA with rebellion. Today there is even no P.A in the Balochistan province.

Iran doesnt support Pakistani Baluch because Iran doesnt care about Pakistan or its Baluch problem.

First of all stop talking as if you are some (Nauzubillah) Godly creature. Second build capability to take care of yourself then dream of taking care of others. Neither Pakistan asked you nor you got capability to take care of Pakistan.

does not try 'spread its ideology' to some Sind or Punjab that nobody in Iran gives a damn about. So your point in trying to discuss this hypothetical situation is a waste of time.

Reports say Iran is supporting some militant wings in Pakistan. Tehreek Nifaz-e-Fiqah-e-Jafriya. (TNFJ) & Sipah-e-Muhammad. (SMP) are some most known violent groups supported by Iran. Both Iran & Saudis are trying to spread their ideologies in Pakistan. It is better for you to do some research before opening your mouth.

Its 150 km away from the Iranian border, and there is no cross-border terrorism from Iranian territory into Pakistan. There is only cross-border terrorism from Pakistan into Iran. This is why Iranian officials have a problem with Pakistan.

There is open terrorism from Irani side. Few days ago a teenage girl was killed in Pakistani border town with Iran when someone fired rockets & now this FC personal got martyred. As i said you need to do some research.

You're actually thick, arent you? Some 'alliance' where there is no trust at all between the two sides and where US Navy SEALS invaded Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden there without taking even your top military and political leadership into confidence? What a joke!

Your own former President Gen. Musharraf has admitted himself many times that Richard Armitage called up the head of Pakistan's ISI in 2001 and told him that if Pakistan did not support the US war in Afghanistan and co-operate with the US against Al-Qaeda then the Americans would "bomb Pakistan back to the stone age".

Other Pakitsani officials have admitted this aswell. This is what you call duress, and a client-state relationship, not an alliance. Pakistan was forced to backstab its real allies, the Taliban, under US pressure. in 2001.

There used to be a trust deficit between US & UK too during WW2 so does that mean they were not ally? What a logic. Yes there is a trust deficit between Pakistan & US but they officially mention each other as ally.

In 2001 Afghanistan govt was doing some stupid activities & also spreading their stupidity in Pakistan. Pakistan had to acted against it. It was in Pakistan's interest at that time. You calling it client state is like if someone start calling you beggar for selling your oil.

As for Iran-India relations, the relationship is a normal, diplomatic relationship between two states. Whether you can accept this or not is irrelevant. There is no subordinate partner, unlike Pakistan's subordinate relationship with its US patron.

We can call it client state relation ship as Irani govt attitude changed after India was involved in Chahbahar project. India even voted against Iran recently on several occasions.

^ This made me LOL. You sound like a mentally deranged arm-chair general. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to act like you're some kind of decision maker for Pakistani foreign policy, lol.. Your rhetoric is a joke. Just talk like a normal, regular human being and leave the puffery aside. Nobody can take you seriously otherwise.

Just like your rhetoric is like a dumb ignorant arrogant troll. History shows that any country that had try to harm Pakistan has been given the taste back. Alot of examples are in front of you. Take Afghanistan for example it acted as launchpad for Indian sponsored BLA/TTP against Pakistan & Pakistan hit India back in Afghanistan. So as i said as long as the donkey dance remains inside your borders it is Ok but any ill activity against Pakistan won't be taken lightly. That is common sense nothing to do with foreign policy making.

You've been told already that Iran has built one.

Lol...built one? What does that mean? More than 99% of border have no wall/fence.

I did not accuse Pakistan of anything that Iranian officials and armed forces personnel have not accused Pakistan of themselves. If you look back over this topic, you will find the names of these Iranian military officials and members of the Iranian government. I am disucussing what THEY have accused Pakistan of. You OTHO are trying to distract my attention away from what gets reported in the news, but i am not falling for it so now you're upset.

We don't care what those officials lie. They first need to stop their activities in Pakistan's Sind, Punjab, the Indus region.

Yes it did. According to Frontex (the EU's border patrol agency) Pakistanis were the second largest nationality of illegal immigrants to have illegally entered Greece in 2012: In crisis, Greece rounds up immigrants | World news | The Guardian

Is your brain covered with fats? Post a source saying Pakistan is the largest source of illegal immigrants around the world as you had said earlier.
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