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10 Best Special Forces in the world

I think this is not about rank. This is about how successfully they protect their own country internal security. I think MARCOS is doing their best job with 100% successful results.
from my (experience) and from what i know the army which is in a current state of war and that the SF of that nation which is battle seasoned and ready has a edge over many countries SF Like select NATO countries and non allied NATO countries so don't be so butt hurt . on a side note..plus from what i know Pakistan has a QRF (quick reaction force) for its nuclear war heads security? @Zarvan any pictures of them?
Nobody uses a trophy to identify oneself, those are cherished possessions of our graceful past and we don't need to lift something that's just right there. Let me remind you, we Indians dont hate Bangladeshi's , hell I dint even know we shared a border with China till I came here(Who at least qualify to be termed enemies). So why this eye to eye ?
just to mess :D
This goes to prove that you know nothing about MARCOS. Let me tell u a fact on your much hyped SSG. They when tried intruding into India were caught by our Local Police. This happened during the Kargil war. Our local police was by far enough to take it on your special forces at that time and you are wasting your time trolling about the elite MARCOS.

b*tch plz :D

Who told you that? SSG is far more experinced, well trained and superior equipped than your Somalian Special Forces.
Who told you that? SSG is far more experinced, well trained and superior equipped than your Somalian Special Forces.

Hahah Kid its not us who are in the list in which Somalia is listed. You cannot expect anything from the special forces of that country anyways. If you know what I mean.

which police station is located in Tiger hills kid.

My bad it was not in the Kargil war. The Pakistan Army launched a number of covert operations to infiltrate and sabotage Indian airbases. On September 7, 1965, the Special Services Group (SSG) commandos were parachuted into enemy territory. According to Chief of Army Staff General Musa Khan, about 135 commandos were airdropped at three Indian airfields Halwara, Pathankot and Adampur. The daring attempt proved to be an "unmitigated disaster". Only 22 commandos returned to Pakistan as planned, 93 were taken prisoner including one of the Commanders of the operations, Major Khalid Butt and 20 were killed in encounters with the army, police or civilians.

just to mess :D

Hahah Kid its not us who are in the list in which Somalia is listed. You cannot expect anything from the special forces of that country anyways. If you know what I mean.

My bad it was not in the Kargil war. The Pakistan Army launched a number of covert operations to infiltrate and sabotage Indian airbases. On September 7, 1965, the Special Services Group (SSG) commandos were parachuted into enemy territory. According to Chief of Army Staff General Musa Khan, about 135 commandos were airdropped at three Indian airfields Halwara, Pathankot and Adampur. The daring attempt proved to be an "unmitigated disaster". Only 22 commandos returned to Pakistan as planned, 93 were taken prisoner including one of the Commanders of the operations, Major Khalid Butt and 20 were killed in encounters with the army, police or civilians.

That was 50 years ago man that time they admitted that Operation was not fairly planned but still they did a lot India Army Deployed a whole Division to hunt them.
That was 50 years ago man that time they admitted that Operation was not fairly planned but still they did a lot India Army Deployed a whole Division to hunt them.

The point to note is, we dint require special forces to counter the Pakistani deployment. In 1999 again when the SSG was deployed our Army detected the intrusion and cleared the area.

Indian army was not deployed to hunt them , your commandos landed right in the middle of a civilian area and the rest was history.
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yeah ur rite, these fan boys....lets have a look @ another more neutral source.....

Top Ten Special Operations Forces in the World

Countries throughout the world train special operation forces within their military, so coming up with a list of top special operations forces in the world is difficult at best. All special ops forces train their military men to be the best of the best, to take the impossible task and make it possible. In that respect, all Special Operations units are top. While the list below may not be everyone’s top ten, some of those listed would certainly be a part of any top ten lists.

10. Russian Spetsnaz – What sets the Russian Spetsnaz apart from other specially trained special ops units around the world is their dailyexposure to physical punishment. The purpose for this portion of their training is to teach them to endure physical pain and to work the mind to “enjoy” it since it is impossible to ignore it. They are permitted to leave the training anytime they desire. Their missions generally involve reconnaissance and close quarter combat. Many of the bodyguards chosen for the high-tanking political figures of Russia are chosen from the Spetsnaz.

9. Pakistan Special Service Group – This Pakistan Special Service Group (SSG) is also known as “Black Storks” a name derived from their unique headgear the “Maroon Beret”. The SSG has ten specific missions for which they are trained:

  • Asymmetric Warfarepecial Operations
  • Counter-Proliferation
  • Unconventional Warfare
  • Foreign Internal Defense
  • Special Reconnaissance
  • Direct Action
  • Hostage Rescue
  • Counter-Terrorist
  • Personnel Recovery

This elite group from Pakistan is somewhat similar to the US Army’s Green Berets and the British Army’s SAS. They often conduct exercise missions with Special Forces from other countries such as China and the UK.

8. Austria Eko Cobra – This special ops tactical unit is involved mainly in counter-terrorism. The group retains a low profile, despite their high-speed involvement in the war on terror. In Europe, they are known for their competitive edge over other countries at S.W.A.T. and other competitions throughout Europe. Though their covert missions are carried without with little or no media, they are still considered by many as one of the best trained counter-terrorist units in the world.

7. French Army Special Forces Brigade – This French Special Ops group has one of the most rigorous qualification training programs in the world. This group is subdivided into three specially trained areas:

  • 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d’Infanterie de Marin which is based in Bayonne.
  • 13e Régiment de Dragons Parachutistes based in Martignas-sur-Jalle.
  • 4e Régiment d’Hélicoptères des Forces Spéciales, the unit based in Pau.

6. Polish GROM – Activated in July of 1980 in response to terrorist threats, GROM is one of five Special Ops units in Poland. They are trained to respond to a variety of threats and unconventional warfare roles. Their existence was not even acknowledged by the Poland until 1994. Within five years, the group converted to a special military formation in compliance with NATO standards. They are revered among the newest members of NATO as the best commando unit.

5. German GSG9 – The GSG9 is a special operations unit of the German Federal Police,specializing in counter-terrorism. The group was formed after the failed attempt of the German Police to successfully free 11 Israeli athletes who were kidnapped in Munich in 1972 during the Summer Olympic Games. They recognized, as a result, that their forces were not properly trained or equipped to handle such situations. They have since been trained in deployed in situations when hostages are taken, kidnapping is involved or in cases of terrorism or extortion.

4. Israeli Shayetet 13 – This Special Ops group shares the Israeli Army motto: “Never Again”, referring to the Holocaust. Though theyare one of three special units, the Shayetet 13 bears the closest resemblance to the US Army’s Delta Force. They are specially trained for rescuing hostages and in counter-terrorism. Though they remain an extremely secretive group, the most public noted mission was Operation Spring of Youth. During this operation, the Shayetet 13 went into Beirut Lebanon where they hunted down and killed all the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich massacre of 11 Israeli athletes.

3. US Army Delta Force – The US Army’s Delta Force is the only official US counter-terrorism unit focused on hostage rescues, counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism. To be selected for this specialty force team, an individual must undergo a rigid physical test that begins with sit ups and push-ups and a 3 mile run – all to be completed within an undisclosed time frame. Next, the each prospective member must complete an 18-mile hike over rugged, mountainous terrain carrying a 35 lb backpack and compass, but no a map. This physically grueling entrance test does not end there. Another 45-mile hike is then required, this time with a 45 lb backpack and an even shorter time limit. Afterwards, each individual must further undergo a number of mental exams where examiners attempt to confuse and thus break the individual. Once the above requirements are successfully completed, the recruit is then permitted to enter into the actual 6 month training program for the Delta Force.

2. US Navy SEAL Team 6 – DEVGRU – The first commanding officer of SEAL Team 6 was Dick Marcinko – a US Navy representative for the Joint Chiefs of Staff task force Terrorist Action Team. The team was created in October of 1980 after a failed attempt in 1979 to rescue American hostages being held in Iran. As a result, the US Navy recognized the imminent need for a specially trained counter terrorist team. SEAL Team 6 (or currently DEVGRU – Naval Special Warfare Development Group) consists of four line squadrons – Red, Blue, Gold and Silver. The men within these units are the elite of the elite of special op forces and are trained on Sea, air and land, making them a well-rounded, highly trained group of individuals.

1. British SAS – The British SAS follow the sea, air and land training of the SEALs; however their training in counter-espionage is more in-depth and complex than the SEALs. Both the SAS and SEALs receive comparable training as they sometimes work closely. They are trained in numerous fighting techniques and remain the primary model in which most national commando units are based.

The above Special Ops Forces list may not be a conclusive top list for everyone. Given the number of excellently trained units around the world, they all maintain the highest integrity and require their team members to constantly challenge themselves under some of the most extreme grueling circumstances experienced by man. They must always be ready for the worst of the worst, but who better to be ready than the best of the best. The ten Special Ops units above have certainly proved themselves time and again and therefore have earned them a spot on this particular list of the top ten Special Operations Forces in the world.


or this ??
The 10 Best Special Forces Units In The World. | Lousy CV

there are already hundreds of threads on the same topic ...... :coffee:
Neutral Source :lol:

Let me give you some sources lol
Top 10 Special Forces in the world - China.org.cn

Top Ten Special Operations Forces - TheTopTens.com
Those guys are recruited from the Tier 1 SF units and then trained to become full fledged spies
People always assume that the CIA only recruits from tier 1 SOF. People from conventional units such as the 82nd airborne or even the Marine corps ends up there.
The sources devil soul used were neutral sources too. All these special forces are excellent and have proven them.selves. It really depends on you.
The point I was making was even my sources are neutral and this article's don't prove anything

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