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    Israel, India look to hi-tech as trade ties expand

    Israeli and Indian industry associations signed a memorandum of understating on Wednesday aimed at spurring cross-border innovation and entrepreneurship, as the two countries add high technology to their growing network of trade and economic cooperation. While bilateral trade has grown...
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    Magic Wand defense system slated for test run (David`s Sling)

    Defense establishment sources said Tuesday that Magic Wand – the IDF's mid-range anti-missile system – is likely to become operational sooner than expected. "Over the next few months we will be conducting full-system test runs and we may declare Magic Wand fully operational in the...
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    Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK

    Evil words in Islamic Republic: A senior Iranian cleric, who is known as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor, urged followers to continue suicide attacks against Israelis, including children. Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah, considered one of the Islamic Republic's most radical...
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    Turkey Israel's 3rd largest export market in Q1

    Notwithstanding political tensions between Israel and Turkey, Turkey rose to Israel's third largest export market in the first quarter from ninth place in the corresponding quarter of 2010, the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute reports today. Exports of goods (excluding...
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    MK Kara: Syrian opposition asked for Israel's help

    Deputy Minister for Galilee and Negev Development Ayoub Kara (Likud) on Saturday said that members of the Syrian opposition had turned to him to ask for Israel's help in stopping the violence of Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime against them. Kara made the statements at a cultural event in...
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    Elbit and Defense Ministry plan giant cargo UAV

    "Defense News" reports that Elbit Systems Ltd. (Nasdaq: ESLT; TASE: ESLT) is working with the Ministry of Defense to develop unmanned cargo plane, dubbed the "Flying Elephant". Sources say that cargo an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a "huge, slow, self takeoff and landing pallet carrier that...
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    Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles in China

    US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is the second high-ranking American official to visit Riyadh in less than a week. He landed Tuesday, April 12, just six days after US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Saudi King Abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap...
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    Iran says targeted by second computer virus

    Iran has been targeted by a second computer virus in a "cyber war" waged by its enemies, its commander of civil defence said on Monday. Gholamreza Jalali told the semi-official Mehr news agency that the new virus, called "Stars", was being investigated by experts. "Fortunately, our young...
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    Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

    After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration to place itself at the forefront of an independent Gulf campaign for cutting down the Islamic Republic's drive for a nuclear bomb and its expansionist meddling in Arab...
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    Senior Syria officer assassinated over unwillingness to open fire

    A senior Syrian military officer was assassinated over his unwillingness to open fire at anti-government protesters, websites linked to Syrian opposition groups said on Monday. According to the report, a Syria colonel was killed along with two of his sons as part of what the opposition...
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    Teen hit by anti-tank missile dies of wounds

    Daniel Viflic, who was hit by an anti-tank missile fired at a school bus in the Negev 10 days ago has died of his wounds. The 16-year-old has been fighting for his life in the Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba since the terror attack. His condition deteriorated last week. Daniel's...
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    Itamar massacre solved; 2 arrested

    Cleared for Publication: Shin Bet, IDF and police have arrested two Palestinians, both residents of the village of Awarta, in connection to the Fogel family massacre in Itamar in March. The first suspect is Hakim Mazen Awad, 18, a high school student whose father was active in the...
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    'Day I arrived in Gaza was happiest of my life'

    The body of an Italian pro-Palestinian activist abducted Thursday by Islamic extremists has been found hanged in a Gaza City house, after a clash between Hamas police and the abductors, Hamas officials said in the early hours of Friday morning. The officials said Hamas police stormed an...
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    Syria: 'Don't kill more than 20 protesters in one day'

    A document allegedly drafted by top Syrian intelligence officers, which details strict guidelines for carrying out rebel assassinations, infiltrating anti-regime organizations and distributing propaganda sound bites and images, has been published on Facebook. Among the instructions handed...
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    Condition of teen injured in rocket attack on bus worsens

    Sixteen year old Daniel Wipliech, who was seriously injured in last week's rocket attack on an Israeli school bus in southern Israel, has taken a turn for the worse. The Soroka Medical Center said he is now in critical condition. The teen is hospitalized at Soroka's Pediatric Intensive...
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    South under fire; IDF hits terrorists

    The Iron Dome anti-rocket system intercepted a Grad missile fired at Beersheba, southern Israel’s largest city, early Saturday. Meanwhile, the IDF continued to target terrorists, reportedly killing three Hamas members after firing at their vehicle in the city of Rafah. Palestinian...
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    Gaza militants launch projectile at Israeli bus; 2 wounded

    Two people were wounded Thursday after a projectile exploded into a bus travelling in one of the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip. Preliminary reports failed to discern whether the projectile was a mortar bomb or an anti-tank missile. A teenager was reported to have been seriously...
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    Israel assassinates Hamas weapons smuggler in Sudan

    'Israel assassinates Hamas weapons smuggler in Sudan' Israel assassinated a senior Hamas weapons smuggler late Tuesday night when it bombed a rental car in Sudan, the Al Arabiya news station reported on Wednesday shedding some light on the mysterious late night air strike a day earlier...
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    Poll on the Itamar attack in Occupied Palestinian Territory

    One-third of Palestinians support the attack in Itamar in March, in which an Israeli family of five was murdered while 63 percent opposed it, according to a Hebrew University poll released on Wednesday. The survey was conducted by Prof. Yaacov Shamir of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute...
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