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  1. AR

    please guide me for MBA..

    I am pursuing B.tech (final year) from IT branch... and now aspiring for MBA ... I am totally confused regarding selecting branches, colleges and Universities I have heard that value of B.tech+MBA is greater than simply doing b.tech or MBA alone Is that really matters if I do not opt for IT in...
  2. AR

    China appears to be changing its policy on stapled visa issue

    China appears to be changing its policy on stapled visa issue New Delhi, December 12, 2010 - Ahead of Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to New Delhi this week, China appears to be finally changing its policy over issuance of stapled visas to residents of Jammu and Kashmir after strong protests by...
  3. AR

    India may allow Pak to interview 26/11 witnesses

    India may allow Pak to interview 26/11 witnesses New Delhi, Dec 5: India may allow Pakistan panel to interview the key witnesses and other officials in connection with 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack. Sources reported that after getting Bombay High Court's view in next week, India may inform...
  4. AR

    India-China affairs

  5. AR

    India-China affairs

    This thread is created to discuss all news and affairs related to India and china rather than opening independent thread for for every new article/affair India nudges China on stapled visa issue New Delhi, Dec 3 (IBNS) India once again urged China to show sensitivity towards the former's...
  6. AR

    India-China affairs

  7. AR

    India-China affairs

    This thread is created to discuss all news and affairs related to India and china rather than opening independent thread for for every new article/affair India nudges China on stapled visa issue New Delhi, Dec 3 (IBNS) India once again urged China to show sensitivity towards the former's...
  8. AR

    Turkey did not invite India to appease Pak

    Turkey did not invite India for meet on Afghanistan to appease Pak: WikiLeaks India was deliberately kept out of the Turkey-sponsored meeting on Afghanistan earlier this year to address the “sensitivities” of Pakistan, according to the documents released by WikiLeaks. Reflecting...
  9. AR

    Pak govt. not fulfilling its promise to minorities

    Sikhs ask Pak to fulfil promise of setting up Guru Nanak Varsity Sikh pilgrims from India and other parts of the world, who are in Pakistan to take part in events marking the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak, have asked the government here to deliver on a 4-year-old promise of setting up a...
  10. AR

    Tibetans in India..... did china forgot them?

    I wanted to discuss this with Chinese members on this forum there are many questions in my mind for tibetans which are in exile in India... common man in India think tibetans are very tolerant and peace loving human beings and they are in India because china do not want them to live in their...
  11. AR

    Kashmir is India's 'internal' issue: US envoy

    Kashmir is India's 'internal' issue: US envoy NEW DELHI: With Kashmir reportedly being excluded from the UN list of unresolved disputes, the US today said it was an "internal issue" of India and should be resolved bilaterally through negotiations with Pakistan. "This is an internal issue...
  12. AR

    US in 'fight for future' with India, China: Obama Read more: US in 'fight for future

    US in 'fight for future' with India, China: Obama WASHINGTON: Slamming Republicans for their two-point economic plan which would cut spending on education, President Barack Obama has said the US is in "a fight for future" with countries like India and China which are not slashing their...
  13. AR

    US-India agree ''keep in close touch'' on Afghanistan

    US-India agree ''keep in close touch'' on Afghanistan Betwa Sharma New York, Sep 28 (PTI) Amid concerns over surge in terrorism and instability in Afghanistan, the US and India have agreed to "keep in close touch" about developments in the war-torn nation as Washington appreciated New...
  14. AR

    Israeli forces take over Gaza-bound aid ship

    Israeli forces take over Gaza-bound aid ship Israel on Tuesday prevented an aid ship carrying Jewish anti-blockade activists bound for the Gaza Strip from reaching its destination, the Israeli military said. There was no violence or incidents as naval forces boarded the ship, the ‘Irene’...
  15. AR

    US doesn't want to arm Pak against India: Obama to Zardari

    US doesn't want to arm Pak against India: Obama to Zardari The US does not want to arm Pakistan against India, President Barack Obama had categorically told his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari during a meeting at the Oval Office months after assuming the top American office. "We do not...
  16. AR

    India, Pakistan try to thaw chill

    India, Pakistan try to thaw chill Shubhajit Roy Posted: Sep 15, 2010 at 0412 hrs IST New Delhi Two months after a bitter public spat collapsed the bilateral talks, India and Pakistan are picking up the straws to re-engage each other, once again. Conversation has begun between New...
  17. AR

    Gilani defends accepting aid from India

    Gilani defends accepting aid from India Email print Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday defended the Pakistan government's decision to accept aid for flood victims from India, saying those opposed to the move should give reasons for their stance. "I would like to ask...
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