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  1. J

    Will Nawaz sharif be assassinated on his return to Pakistan? Would army be blamed ?and will PMLN get sympathy vote ..Maryam Nawaz becames the chosen1

    Will Nawaz sharif be assassinated on his return to Pakistan? Would army be blamed ?and will PMLN get sympathy vote ..Maryam Nawaz becames the chosen1
  2. J

    Burning Question

    Who were the resident of Jinnah house? What right did they have to occupy it? By looking at the pictures this house had massive tv and other luxuries ,why? Should it not been given historical status and opened for the public to visit just like Jinnah residence in Quetta. Winston Churchill...
  3. J

    Is Pakistan Army the target?

    Is Pakistan Army the target ? Hi Everyone I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot.. Points to note: 1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for...
  4. J

    Shahbaz Gill’s statement unacceptable, crossed every line: Khawaja Asif

    Besharam and Behaya Pak minister..
  5. J

    Bajwa is honoured a medallion by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia

    What do you guys think?? The Saudi were threatened by his popularity in Muslim world as he spoke of the truth. They feared that he may cause a split in OIC as they have total influence over it.
  6. J

    Double standard of western media.

    Very recently there was a news about this guy who threatened to kill the Queen.. No mention of his identity or his ethnicity and the whole thing was downplayed, the only thing that was mentioned that he was mentally unstable. Ofcourse the way he dressed up was if he was going to a fancy dress...
  7. J

    Hi guys ...

    I am new here,, very happy to read comments from intelligent guys on this forum... May Allah Pak keep you safe and well.
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