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Double standard of western media.


Apr 21, 2013
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Very recently there was a news about this guy who threatened to kill the Queen..

No mention of his identity or his ethnicity and the whole thing was downplayed, the only thing that was mentioned that he was mentally unstable. Ofcourse the way he dressed up was if he was going to a fancy dress along with a crossbow to kill the queen ….what if it was a Muslim ?…

Several tv media downplayed the whole thing less than. 3 min coverage and no mention of terrorism.
Very recently there was a news about this guy who threatened to kill the Queen..

No mention of his identity or his ethnicity and the whole thing was downplayed, the only thing that was mentioned that he was mentally unstable. Ofcourse the way he dressed up was if he was going to a fancy dress along with a crossbow to kill the queen ….what if it was a Muslim ?…

Several tv media downplayed the whole thing less than. 3 min coverage and no mention of terrorism.

Western mainstream media are paid liars. It's a waste of time to watch them. Fortunatelly there are alternatives.
From what I heard on radio it turned out to be an Indian Sikh, not too sure about the circumstances.
the guy waz Sikh of Indian origin, wanted to avenge Jallianwala Bagh incident
Since when was the West honest about anything.?
Yeah, that damned lying 'West'. All of the people only speak lies in North America, Western Europe, Australasia and arguably (because there is no definitive place called 'West') Japan, South Korea, even Taiwan. Unlike the honest and virtuous people that are 'East', who only speak truthfully.
Yes it is hypocrisy, but this happens everywhere, more so in tribal societies.

You see the same in Pakistan; compare the out roar when an Indian or American attack vs an attack by a Muslim

Or when a terror attack occurs, many in Pakistan start slagging off afghans many of whom are just poor economic immigrants just like every Pakistani in the west
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