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Is Pakistan Army the target?


Apr 21, 2013
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Is Pakistan Army the target ?
Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .
West is so busy in their own daily life rather then they set target of a kangal country's army :lol:

If west just stopped aid and trade loans pakistan will be fall apart in weeks . Stop thinking useless thoughts .pakistani forces are no one to west . In fact west keeping this military alive by supplying used weapons .
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Is Pakistan Army the target ?
Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .

The only people doing a conspiracy against the Pakistan Army - is the Pakistan Army.
Is Pakistan Army the target ?
Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .

In 1500s They made a plan on how to control the supreme master race of Pakistani.

Yes uncle sam has been playing with Pakistani leadership but the simplest and most efficient way was controlling Pakistani military.
Generals sold everyones souls for the dollars and green card for them and families.

In countries you have institutions which control everything .
E.g Judiciary, Parliament, Military, Industrial states with money, Media.
In Pakistans case you get Pakistani Military you get everything in a package.

Military systematically destroyed and weakened Judiciary, Police, kept Media in check , so no can ask any questions and they stay above accountability
They buy out your leaders and your cultural affinity to corruptness and selling out makes it very easy for them.

The famous saying of "Pakistanis would sell their own mother for some dollars" didn't come out of nowhere.

There will be a time - perhaps we are living in it - where they will simply buy your own leaders to destruct your own country for some dollars.

They will willingly dismantle everything for some dollars and no one will stop them, you will become the slaves of Hindus again because you physically became free, but mentally you are still chained down by your moral bankruptcy
just go and check wepons of paksitani military remove then western weapons and come back here with what left in inventory .

pata nhi kis dunya main ji rahy hain .

bulgharia is poorest country of west with GDP per capita 12221$

and here west is doing sazish against these mujahids jinko aata tak nhi mil raha
Use to have similar thoughts, but by now the Army must have course corrected and knew the ploy, but they didn't.

Why would a mercenary, rentier Army would be targeted by the Masters when they sell to the highest bidders(or lowest if it is US and threatened), why would US try to target the lapdogs ready to put their men as cannon fodders for US and kill their own civilians for the CSF dollars.

Who would then fight their wars, Black Waters are not that big and atleast 10 times as expensive as the mercenary Army here.
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Is Pakistan Army the target ?
Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .

So u saying generals played but lost miserably and pak army is innocent but is being "targeted" unfairly by the so called enemies of pak army.

Is Pakistan Army the target ?
Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .
I completely agree with you: but the military-civilian establishment has always pandered to the very entities and states that have sought to undermine Pakistan through its army.
Army is doing an excellent job of destabilizing the nation by hindering reforms and true democracy from taking hold. Any perceived challenger to their absolute control over the nation is regarded as a traitor, and while true traitors sitting in the power corridors have been colluding with the very same powers they call enemies.
Is Pakistan Army the target ?

Hi Everyone

I having been thinking about the issues Pakistan is in now and I have come to conclusion that Pakistan army is main target of the foreign/Western plot..

Points to note:

1 Afghanistan-Imran Khan against western powers in Afghanistan asked for peaceful withdrawal/Taliban take over ISI chief in Kabul next day..
2 Bajwa sacrificed Imran Khan on western demand to save his skin-past examples Abdul Qadir Khan
3 Pakistan economy In shambles/Shabaz Begging loans-bringing Pakistan to bankruptcy
4 Attack on IK -
5 Terrorism increased
6 Recent remarks by Nawaz Shariff indicates Army is behind all the mess in Pakistan (Bajwa)
So towing the foreign plan.
7 Shabaz offers peace talk to India

What do you guys think..
Bajwa played double game with IK and Western/American played double game with Bajwa .

Written a similar post just days after IK was thrown out....

There is more to this than meets the eye.

Wherever a regime change ops. was done by the US, there was chaos and civil war after some time. The reason they go for popular leaders like Morsi in Egypt...here the wedge is already created betwen the Awam and the Pak Estab/Army.

This could be a CIA psy-ops and not just a US govt regime change operation to remove the person who was not a threat to US, that is PM Imran Khan.

In the farsight, the main gameplan of US was to create a divide between the people and the Fauj. KPK and FATA Pathans must be furious and the agression can be shifted towards the Estab by the enemy.

Here they achieved it. And this benefits India more...

Bajwa acted as a US CIA snitch, a US planted stooge or mole, who abetted with the conspirators or he was double crossed.
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Written a similar post just days after IK was thrown out....

There is more to this than meets the eye.

Wherever a regime change ops. was done by the US, there was chaos and civil war after some time. The reason they go for popular leaders like Morsi in Egypt...here the wedge is already created betwen the Awam and the Pak Estab/Army.

This could be a CIA psy-ops and not just a US govt regime change operation to remove the person who was not a threat to US, that is PM Imran Khan.

In the farsight, the main gameplan of US was to create a divide between the people and the Fauj. KPK and FATA Pathans must be furious and the agression can be shifted towards the Estab by the enemy.

Here they achieved it. And this benefits India more...

Bajwa acted as a US CIA snitch, a US planted stooge or mole, who abetted with the conspirators or he was double crossed.
there was no any damn goal but to get a soft gov for USA . nothing more . baki aagy apky apny khayal hain .
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